A Third Guy

Sunset Hospital.

"What do you mean, you're not sure?" Sam questioned as he stared at the woman in front of him. They were clearly at the club together last night.

Tiffany blushed a little and asked, "Don't you remember that I left before you?"

Sam raised an eyebrow, "You left before me? I don't remember anything."

"Wow!" Tiffany exclaimed. "I didn't realize you were so drunk."

She then winked at Delilah. "I hooked up with a tall Italian guy that I met at the club last night and I told you I was leaving first. You even waved me off and said you'd stay a little longer with Dr. Brown and Sumi..."

"Oh, so he was Italian..." Delilah teased. However, she was slightly curious as to what happened to Sam after Tiffany left. Why did it seem like he was anxious about something?

Sam furrowed his brows and tried to think. His head was still ringing from the alcohol, but it was beginning to clear a little. Now that Tiffany mentioned this, he did have a slight impression of waving her farewell...

"You should speak to Dr. Brown and Sumi. They would probably know," Tiffany suggested.

Sam nodded his head. Dr. Brown was not on duty that day, but he knew that Sumi was likely at the cafeteria, so he headed off to look for her. "I could do with some hangover soup," he thought to himself as he walked down the hospital corridors. Perhaps, it would clear his mind and he would be able to remember the events of the previous night.

As soon as he reached the cafeteria, he spotted Sumi in the distance. As usual, she had her long hair up in a bun and she was dressed in her chef's uniform. Approaching her from behind, Sam tapped lightly on her shoulder and greeted, "Good morning."

Sumi turned around and her face lit up. "You're awake," she giggled.

Sam looked at the woman. She wasn't beautiful like Delilah, but she had a sultry sexiness to her that he couldn't explain. Even though she didn't have much makeup on and she was in her workwear, there was something oddly attractive about this woman. Was she the one that he spent the night with? [I wouldn't mind] he thought to himself.

"Ahem, yes..." Sam said awkwardly before he hesitated and added, "About last night..."

"What about last night?" Sumi asked with a slightly cheeky grin. It was like she knew he was going to ask her about it.

Sam looked around to make sure no one could overhear them; he didn't want to embarrass the woman. "Do you know who I left the club with?"

Sumi narrowed her eyes and looked the man up and down. Biting her lower lip, she asked teasingly, "You don't remember?"

Sam shook his head with embarrassment, "I can barely even remember Tiffany leaving..."

Sumi's eyes twinkled with amusement. Pulling the man into a quiet corridor, she asked, "So...you don't remember anything after Tiffany left?"

She then paused for a short moment and spoke again as though she had suddenly remembered something, "Does that mean, you don't remember what you and Dr. Brown did?"

Sam looked at the woman in confusion. "What...did we do?" he asked worriedly.

Sumi held back a laugh as she looked at the confused man. All of a sudden, she stepped forward, causing Sam to instinctively lean back against the wall of the corridor. "Does this bring back any memories?" she asked.

Sam shook his head. He didn't understand.

"I saw you and Dr. Brown in one of the corridors of the club. You were up against a wall like this," Sumi explained. She then grabbed Sam's hands, twirled her fingers through his, and held them above his head. "I saw Dr. Brown do this..."

Sam stared at the woman as he felt his body heat up. She was so close that their bodies were almost touching. Was she seriously reenacting what Dr. Brown did?

"Do you not remember?" Sumi double-checked innocently.

Sam shook his head. Even if he remembered, he wanted to see what the woman would do next.

With a slight grin, Sumi leaned forward and rubbed her nose against his. Sam could feel her warm breaths against his lips and they switched on every single bit of desire in his body. Did this woman not know that her actions were extremely seductive for a man?

But, the woman's next words immediately snapped him back to reality: "I saw you and Dr. Brown kiss passionately in the corridor. Both of you must have been holding back for a long time... You were all over each other."

Sam's eyes opened wide in shock. It wasn't the first time he had kissed someone of the same sex; there had been many misunderstandings over the years, including the first time that Delilah caught him at camp with her crush. But the thing that frightened him, was the scene he had woken up to that morning. Did he and Dr. Brown...take things further?

Just as he thought he couldn't be shocked any further, Sumi suddenly giggled and added, "I even saw a third guy come along and join you... I must admit...it was quite sexy..."

Sam almost fainted when he heard these words. "A third guy?!" Who was this third guy?

[Sam, you should never drink again!]

Suddenly, a terrifying thought arose in his mind: [Was this why...there were three used condoms?!!!!]

Sam subconsciously broke free from the woman and turned back towards the cafeteria door in a panic.

As she watched the man walk away, Sumi chuckled and asked, "Don't you want to have some hangover soup first?"

Sam ignored her and hurried out, pulling out his phone as he went. "Dr. Brown, where are you right now? I have something important to ask you," he said urgently over the phone...

Sumi watched the man and chuckled. [How adorable] she thought.