
After changing back into normal clothes, Maya sat at the bar and ordered a glass of gin and tonic. She wasn't a great drinker but she really needed a drink to suppress the guilt and shame that she felt.

Any moment now, her sister was about to discover that she had kissed her fiance. What would she think of her? Would she ever trust her again? Would she even consider her as her sister anymore? 

Ever since they were forced to split up as children, she had missed her sister and often tried to keep in contact. Were all her years of effort about to go down the drain?

She took a sip of the gin and tonic quietly and sighed. She had so many things bothering her but no one to talk to.

Lucas approached and sat down beside her. He knew what she was thinking, but she had no idea that he knew. Ryan had told him that she cared a lot about her sister; otherwise, she wouldn't have tried to find the person that almost ran her over, and she wouldn't have agreed to help her sister attend a blind date with a stranger.

However, he didn't care how Delilah Yeung felt; he had never even met her. Plus, even if they did meet, he wouldn't have given her even 30 minutes of his precious time. He was simply concerned about Maya Yeung; the beautiful and kind-hearted woman in front of him.

Maya glanced at Lucas awkwardly. She couldn't tell him the truth, but she didn't know how to explain Tiffany's reaction...nor her own. Trying to think on her feet, she cleared her throat and lied, "Tiffany thinks you're just playing around with me so she warned me not to move too fast with you. That's why she was a little disappointed. I think she's right. We should be a little more serious and not be blinded by our desires. We aren't teenagers; we are mature adults..." This was also a good excuse to keep the man at a distance until everything was over.

But to her surprise, the man suddenly grabbed her hand and leaned forward. "I'm not playing around with you," he said with seriousness. "If I was blinded by desire, I would do much more than kiss you."

Maya looked into the man's charming eyes and felt herself blush a little. Much more than kiss? What else was he thinking of doing?

She quickly pulled her hand away, grabbed her drink, and took another sip as she tried not to think about what else they could do.

"You don't know me enough to make a proper judgment about your feelings," she said with doubt, as she tried to keep a distance again. This man knew nothing about her. At most, he was just attracted to her appearance. Even if she swapped places with Delilah right now, he wouldn't be able to tell the difference. Maya had to remind herself of this so she could remain clear-headed. 

Lucas rested his chin on his hand and looked at the woman. She had no idea that Ryan had provided him with her background information and he knew much more about her than she thought he knew. 

"I know you're smart..." he suddenly said. "Mr. Toidi sends his regards..."

Maya thought about the lie she told on the first day they met and the trick she used to get rid of the two women that accompanied him that day. She took another sip of gin and held back an amused smile. 

Lucas saw her lips twitch a little and knew she was listening, so he continued. "I know you're brave and open-minded..." he added. "I don't think any other woman would have climbed up onto a rooftop with me..."

Maya tried to ignore the man by ordering another drink. But he continued, "I know you enjoy your food, I know you don't take sh*t from other people, I know you're independent, and I know you have a good heart..."

Everything he mentioned was clearly a trait of Maya's and not Delilah's. Maya felt her heart flutter again and she tried to suppress it with another drink. 

Seeing that the woman was still ignoring him, Lucas felt a little perplexed. What did he have to do to prove that he was being serious with her?

But just as he was stressing about this...the woman suddenly lay her head down on the bar and closed her eyes. What was she doing? He poked her on the shoulder curiously and she groaned cutely, "I'm sleeping..."

Lucas' eyes opened wide in surprise as he poked the woman again and she continued sleeping.

Was she...drunk?

He scanned his eyes across the bar in front of the woman and realized that while he was talking, she had emptied 5 glasses of alcohol! Was she an alcoholic?

He looked at the woman dotingly and brushed a loose strand of hair out of her face. "Why did you drink so much?" he frowned. Even though he was genuinely curious, he did not expect a response from the woman.

But to his surprise, the woman pouted her lips and replied, "Because I'm a bad person..."

Lucas looked at the woman and chuckled. Why was she so cute even when she was drunk. "Why are you a bad person?" he asked with amusement.

Suddenly sitting up, Maya pointed to herself and frowned, "I'm a liar and a betrayer..."

Lucas raised an eyebrow. "Really?"

Maya nodded her head, curled her finger, and gestured for the man to come closer.

Lucas played along and leaned forward. He couldn't reject the cute woman. Besides, he was genuinely curious.

The woman cupped her hands around her mouth and whispered into his ear, "Let me tell you a secret...

"...I'm a liar...because I lied to Lucas about being Delilah..."

Lucas smirked. "I already know that..." he said dotingly. It took her long enough to tell him the truth. But she was drunk, did it count?

Maya frowned. "In that case...let me tell you another secret..."

"Oh...another secret?" Lucas said with interest.

Maya nodded her head. "...I'm a betrayer...because I betrayed Delilah."

Lucas raised an eyebrow.

Leaning in so close that her lips almost touched his ear, Maya whispered, "I think...I'm attracted to my future brother-in-law..."

Lucas' heart raced as he heard this. Future brother-in-law? Was she referring to him? Was this a confession?

He looked into the woman's charming eyes as she moved away and she smiled at him. "Shhh...don't tell anyone," she giggled. As she looked at him, her eyelids slowly drooped and she gently lay her head on his shoulder.

Lucas wrapped his arm around her waist to support her from falling and looked down at her in a daze. He had never felt this happy to hear that a woman was attracted to him. Unable to resist, he gently placed a kiss on Maya's forehead and she smiled.

At that moment, Maya's phone, which was sitting on top of the bar, started ringing. Lucas snapped out of his daze, glanced down, and saw that the caller ID was 'D'. Without a doubt, he knew it had to be Delilah. 

Naturally, he planned to ignore it. It would be rude of him to pick up another person's phone.

But, out of nowhere, Maya subconsciously stretched her hand over and answered the call. She even put it on speaker mode. "Hello..." she mumbled.

Before Lucas could react, a loud voice screamed across the phone, "You little f*cking b*tch!!!!"

Everyone that was close enough to hear this immediately looked over in shock.

A little embarrassed, Lucas quickly switched off the speaker mode and held the phone up to his ear...