I was nearly halfway away from her house when I got Katie's call. Confused I picked it up.

"Katie?" I asked worriedly.

"Yeah, Clare this is quick but I have to tell you something. Last Saturday, mom and dad went of on a vacation to Italy and I was alone, so I started searching the house for some thing to do and I came across mother's diary. It is written in some weird language and I didn't get it so can you come and get it from me. I know you like these Sherlock Holmes type stuff. Mrs. William is babysitting me and she won't let me go out, so I am giving it to you to find out what the heck is written on it" She talked in one go.

"Ok, I will be there in five" I told her, shutting the call and telling Ivy and Dom as I changed my direction back towards Katie's house.

As I walked down the street, I realized that now I am in a new world with new creatures around me and new obstacles to go through. New things to learn and discover. Last night, I found out that there are some of us that are special and they are safe from Dosorllas, no matter how big of that demon is. Yes, Dosorllas are demons that invade a persons soul if the person isn't candor but if he is, they just simply kill him.

We reached Katie's house and she gave me the diary. Miss Williams hushed us out saying it was now Katie's nap time. Why the heck an eighteen year old person cannot decide his own sleep time?. Well, according to Miss Williams those type of kids are not a great influence on a good kid. By the bad influence, she means me and by good kid, she means Katie. I don't know but since I have known her, that women looked at me as if I had stolen her chicken.

We stopped to buy pizza and went back to S.A.C. Yup, that is the abbreviation of Straight Arrow Corner. We sat on the hall stairs eating pizza and sipping Coke. After we finished, we made our way back to the training room. "Clare?" somebody called me. I whipped around to see my mother. "Mom, you!" I exclaimed but she she shoved a box in my hand and kissed me on my cheeks.

"Sweetheart, you and Katie are special find her mom and you'll know. Both of you are gifted but she is the one who cannot see them neither can be touched by them. I am leaving for now. Don't worry about me. Keep Katie and yourself safe, Bye" and with that she vanished into thin air.

"By the authority of the head you are now caught " A man in mask said coming out of no where. "It's us" Dom said but he wasn't subdued and they caught us and entered the training room.

"Ah, you didn't listen to my advice. Now tell me where is your mother?" Amy pushed my head back, holding my hair.

"I don't know" I replied with all the courage and strength I could muster.

"You will be locked in the digger" She spitefully said in my face.

"I am not telling lie. This is the truth. I don't know. You tried killing my parents and I will get my revenge from you, Bitch" I lunged at Amy with all my might and this time I managed to reach her. I pulled her hair viciously as she thrashed out in help. Dom was the one who caught me and pulled me away. He made me walk out of the room while Amy cursed me.

"Well, that did felt good" I somehow managed to gain some power my anger and smiled contentedly at what I had done.

"You are very wild" Dom was still panting. I was about to retort back but Ivy called us, telling it was time for food.

The aroma and the smell made my stomach churn. We entered the kitchen and every body was already seated. Everybody, especially Jeremy stared at us both. I shrugged my shoulders and got seated. Mrs. Xander smiled at us both while Mr. Xander gave me a tight smile but it was pleasant. Dinner was again a quiet affair except for Ivy's endless chatter, Jeremy's cold stare, Mr. and Mrs. Xander polite gesture's and Dace warm smile. I enjoyed it. It was turkey, ham and roasted potatoes.

"Brrrr brrrr" My cellphone started vibrating. It was Katie.

"Hey, how are you" I asked her exuberantly.

"HELP!!" Katie's panicked voice shrieked through the phone.

"Katie?" I shouted more loudly than her and raced out of S.A.C towards her home with Dom, Ivy and Jeremy following me in distance. Luckily, she didn't live far away from S.A.C. I stopped at her house. It was all burned down except for a room. It was the living room. We stumbled through the wooden pieces of still burning wood. The sofa was upside down and the pendulum clock was still on fire. I heard someone sobbing behind the large upside down sofa. I cautiously approached it. "OH MY GOD" was all that came out of my mouth. I was terrified. Someone was sucking the blood out of Katie's hand. It tried to attack me at my sight but Dom came in front of me blocking me from the view and pierced the dagger inside the creature. I was shocked and startled at the sudden incident that happened.

"Katie" My voice shook as I kneeled beside her and Dom and Jeremy looked at each other in confusion. I couldn't keep Katie safe that was all that came in my mind right now. I couldn't move so Dom had to hold me while Jeremy picked Katie up and we made our way back to the corner. Ivy helped us change and she also got some antidote for Katie.

"Help" Katie's weak voice broke he silence of the room. I decided to go to the library in order to get some help about what had happened to her as I knew she was gifted. I went through skimming different sections and then I stopped, remembering the diary. I opened my back pack and got out the diary Katie gave me. I opened it to see if I knew the language but the diary was written in some absurd language. I searched the diary for some clue. I removed the cover of diary and a paper fell out. I picked it up reading it.

Dear Elizabeth,

This name may shook you but it's you . Your real name is Elizabeth Katie Warner . We have avoided the truth many times and as much as we avoid it, it just comes to us. You are not a normal child. You are gifted and is the one who cannot see them or either she cannot be touched by them. But when you are prepared time will come and get you like it did to us. You may go to Clare and her mother will tell you. For now, I can say no more. And sweets, we are not on vacation. We are gone. Go find Clare for she will tell you the truth.

Love, Mommy and Daddy

'So, By reading this I do know that her mother and mine were connected and knew everything, but what is written in this diary?, I couldn't find out'

"What are you doing here and is this the diary your friend gave you?" I was in deep thoughts when Dom came from behind me and asked me. Instead of replying I gave him the diary and asked him to read it. He gave me a confused glance. "You know that we cannot read this, It has to be decoded first. It is a long method". I sighed knowing I had to dig in more. Just as I opened my mouth to speak, Ivy entered looking irritated.

"What?" Dom asked her.

"Jeremy looks like a love sick puppy. Won't even let me do the dressing and shouted at me, when I told him that. Stupid Jerk" She spitted out looking angry.

"Looks like Jeremy is being a school girl" I commented, twirling pencil in my hand.

"Speak of the devil" Ivy murmured because just at that moment Jeremy barged in the library.

"She is asking for you" He told me, looking worried. I stood up and made my way to the infirmary where Katie was being treated. I entered to see that her whole left arm was wrapped in bandages. I felt terribly sorry for her. She smiled weakly at me as I held her hand, patting it.

"You are gonna be okay" I assured her.

"I know, we always go down and come up together. We will get through this too" She spoke to me, fragility visible in her voice and eyes.

"Elizabeth Katie Warner, for once just worry about yourself" I scolded, smiling at my oh-so-kind-hearted friend.