The sun blazed down on the earth with all its energy. It was a hot day.

'Man, couldn't just today be one of those days when the wind is blowing and the sun would be hiding behind the clouds and the dew would drizzle down like tips of droplets. But no, today God had decide to test me in all kinds of trials and find out the best in me. Well, he could do whatever he wants to, But please just a cloud above me, like Olaf, please'

I was thinking about stupid things my brain thinks as I walked down the streets of NYC.

'Well, it is so not my fault that my brain comes up with these bizarre things. Since, I had found out that I was not a normal human being, Scratch that, I was never normal. Ugh, this stupid muddled up brain I have got will surely be the death of me someday. So, where were we? Yeah, after finding out what basically I was and what that bitch Amy had done to me and what happened to Katie, I wanted to take a deep breath of serenity and for that I chose to walk. Me, and walking, Nah, never worked'

"What the.... are you blind" Lost in my thoughts I had bumped into someone, or rather what I thought was that I had butted my head in the wall, but no. I happened to have bumped into a drop-dead-gorgeous-probably-the-most-handsome-man-alive-on-earth. Yep, that did happen and my oh-so-interesting life had taken a new turn. This time I wasn't slowing down. I gaped at him and upon realizing I shut my mouth up and glared at him. Judging by the suit he surely was rich. Stepping on my frazzled thoughts I turned around and marched away, my chin in the air as the man in front of me was paying no heed to me.

'Let me be honest, he was quite tall and probably couldn't see me that is why. But I will never admit it'

I was walking away when upon hearing a familiar voice, I stopped and ducked inside a shop to listen. It was that bitch Amy and she was stopping the person I had bumped earlier into.

"I am your mother, just because you are old enough and powerful than me doesn't mean you can belittle me" She was seething in anger and I, on the other hand started liking the person more.

"Mother, stop creating a scene. You know I don't give a damn about your stupid scheme's so I would suggest that you keep you explanations to yourself. Be glad that I still call you mother, for what you have done to dad, you deserve nothing. Oh, and about the incident of the girl you told me about, who wrenched your hair, I surely would love to meet her and encourage her personally" And with that the man walked away. Amy stomped her foot and sat in the car that stood near the side walk and left. I, on the other hand went scavenger hunting that man, her son.

'Where is that drop-dead-gorgeous-probably-the-most-handsome-man-alive-on-earth gone?'

I walked looking here and there until I was pulled by someone into a dark passage way between two buildings. I wanted to scream but a hand clamped my mouth shut. It was the person I was looking for.

"Why were you following me?" He asked me. I was still in a daze, staring at his face until he flipped a finger at my forehead.

" were looking for me?" I managed out, hitting myself inwardly for stuttering.

"Why would I look for you?" He questioned me, making me look like a complete and utter idiot.

" told Amy that you wanted meet the girl that pulled her hair, well no worries cause you don't have to find me, I came to you" Looking at the expression on his face, I may have exaggerated, NOT. He bowed his head and chuckled. I was once again going in a trance but snapped out of it when he inched closer to me. I gulped nervously. Man, he knew how to get on my nerves, in a good way, I may add.

"Follow me" He instructed holding my hand and leading us out of the passageway towards a skyscraper with "DAUNTER'S INC." written in bold letters on top. Well, he must own this building since Amy called him her son and her sir name was Daunter as she told me when we first met. I looked around to see people in the building looking at me as if I was some alien with two antenna's.

"Why the heck are they looking at me like that?" I asked him.

"Well, they have never seen me with a women, that is why" He shrugged his shoulders.

"OH, so I am the first one?" I asked, excitement evident in my voice.

'Ugh, you are being so desperate Clare'

"Yup, Its a first. By the way, it is Hayden Daunter" He once again sighed.

"Stop sighing will you. Makes me feel that I am with an old man" I scolded him. He looked at me bewildered. "What? I, also am having some of my firsts with you" I glared back at him defensively.

"You really have piqued my interest, you know that?" He smiled playfully at me.

"What can I say, I am a woman of many talents" I smiled playfully at him as the door of the elevator slid open. We entered the top most floor, that was his office. We entered his office with his secretary following us.

"Mr. Robert, cancel my meetings for today" He ordered his timid looking secretary.

"Yes sir" He bowed and left us alone. I looked around the office. Everything was so clean and organized. It felt like no one lived there.

"Where were we?" He asked me coming to the point.

"I am Clare Jane James and I need your help" I said straight forwardly.

"Do you know about the are Clare Jane James" He looked at me as if I had landed in front of him from the sky.

"Yup" I answered him.

"Do you know where my father is?" He came forward, holding me by my shoulder asking me desperately.

"I don't even know where my mother is, how would I know your father's whereabouts?" I retorted back at him, sourly. He ran a hand in his Oh-so-luscious-black-hair. Pardon me, but in my defense, they were luscious.

"Do you know anything about them?" He asked me once again, looking distraught.

"Well, all I know is your mother jailed my parents and my mom is on the run. She escaped. But I don't know about my dad" I told him everything I knew, for I felt sorry for him.

"Your mom and my dad are siblings" he looked at me defeated.

'What the actual heck....wait a minute...nice timings'

"Look, I am endangered by your mother, so lets make a deal. You are going to protect me from your mother by marrying me, because I know she won't hurt your wife, while I am going to find our family, along with you" I held out my hand to seal an agreement. He looked at me in disbelief.

'Well, I am a little impatient and straightforward, hehe'

"Fine, a ten year old contract then because I have to find my dad and really take over my mother" He took my hand shaking it firmly, while I grinned like a cheshire cat.

'Somehow It didn't felt wrong'

"Fine, I will be leaving then. Make sure to send me a copy of it, for I will approve of it before signing it" I ordered him.

"You know I have never been ordered in my life" He looked at me in skepticism.

"Surprise, surprise, It just happened" I danced walking towards the door. He bowed his head, chuckling at my tactics. I am a kid at heart, offense taken. I stepped out and inhaled the fresh air of NYC. Chuckling, I skipped my way to S.A.C to tell everyone what I had done.

I entered S.A.C to meet everyone at the entrance.

"Where were you?" Dom asked me, questioningly.

"On a quest" I answered like a happy knight, ready to depart on a quest right away.

"What quest?" Ivy implored.

"Come on, it is a long story" I sighed out loud.

"Spit it out young miss, or else" Katie threatened me. I smiled and told everyone the whole story. I looked excitedly at everyone's reaction. All of them looked at me dumbfounded.

"What" I looked at them as if I was wronged, wrongly.

"ARE YOU DUMB?" Dom was the first one to shout. I shrinked back.

"Wow, Nice. Your life is now going to be like in those freaking novels. I like it" Ivy patted me.

"See, that's my friend" I hugged my arm around her.

"You are not doing this" Dom warned me.

"I see why not, she is a free agent to do whatever she pleases, I am with her." Katie also supported me.

"You don't know who you are going against and who you are teaming up with" He warned me again.

"Well, I don't care and I know him enough to trust him Dom and so should you" I cleared my point in front of him and he left seething in anger.