"You are just like your mother, weird but extraordinary. The similarity you share with Jane is unbelievable. Looking at you is like watching her." He went of in a daze as I gulped down my tears. It had been a while since she had meet me.

"You can go take a shower" He smiled at me and I laughed sheepishly. I closed the door of the study and went to my room to take a shower. After showering I stood in front of the mirror, gazing at my reflection. I truly was a carbon copy of my mother. Except my eyes, I had my dad's eyes. My thoughts were interrupted by the knock on my door. It was a servant telling that the lunch was ready. I gave my reflection one glance before walking out of the room. I walked inside the dining room to see that all the servants were huddled around Dad's chair.

"What happened?" I asked as I made my way towards his chair. His head was on the table and he was not responding.

"Dad, DAD" I called loudly as I shook him.

"What happened?" Hayden called as he entered the room. The servants backed off as he made his way towards me. Selena was with him. She stopped dead upon seeing Dad's state. She came forward and held his hand and closed her eyes. After a moment, she opened her eyes, shaking her head.

"Enchantments surround this house. Extremely complicated enchantments. Ones that were long forgotten by the Atlas due to the evil in them. But now they are reincarnated by them. I don't know who but they is someone that want's to destroy the peace that has been prevailing between the two royal families for years." I shuddered as she spoke in a stupefied manner.

"What will happen to him?" I asked Selena as I held onto him.

"He won't respond due to the excessive enchantments but as soon as they are broken he will be fine. I will try to find a spell that can help him out of this state. Inject him with necessary vitamins, so that he can survive with his maximum will power. I will take my leave and go on the search immediately." Selena stood up and patted my head in a consoling manner before nodding to Hayden. She left the room as I sat close to my dad, taking his hand in hand and placing my head in his lap.

"Clare, we need to take him up in his room" Hayden whispered, crouching beside me. I nodded and stood up as the servants carried him to his room. I sat on his chair, staring at the ceiling. Hayden placed a plate in front of me. I pushed it away, feeling hungry no more.

"You need to eat this" Hayden scolded me. I refused again, looking like a child, who hates broccoli but is forced to eat it. I sighed as he pushed the spoon inside my mouth. I took the spoon from him, eating half heartedly. Hayden watched me like hawk, knowing I will try to eat as less as I can. I finished my plate and stood up. Hayden stayed back knowing that I wanted to be alone. I walked upstairs, towards Dad's room. I closed the door behind me and moved towards his bed. A vitamin drip was inserted in his hand. I moved towards the bed and sat down beside him. I felt empty as tears streamed down my face. After almost fifteen years I had met my parents yet fate once again decided to keep us apart in one way or another. I rested my head on his hand as I sniffle down my sobs. After bawling my eyes out my heart felt a lot lighter. I stood up and made my way outside the room. I opened the door to see that Hayden and Katie were standing there. Upon seeing me, Katie hugged me, not saying anything because she knew that all the words right now would mean no thing to me.

"He will be okay, you don't have to worry at all." She consoled me and I had given up on myself at that moment. Everything in front of me disappeared into darkness as I fainted.

"Did you manage to do what I wanted?" The woman asked the cowering men.

"Yes, we have but" The man stopped talking upon seeing the change of expression on the woman's face.

"BUT WHAT?" She walked threateningly towards the man.

"They have managed to meet Selena, the Atlas who can help them" He spoke, fear evident in his voice.

"Then send her to the heaven above" The woman spoke evilly.

"We cannot do it. Mr. Daunter has his men surrounding her wherever she goes" The man informed the woman who shock her head in dismay.

"Hayden, Hayden, Hayden. You poor little thing. What am I going to do with you. Using all your resources to save the people that will eventually die by my wretched hands" She spoke as if feeling sorry for him.

"Try to steal your way inside like I did. NOW LEAVE" The woman screamed at the man, who ran away as if a wild dog was chasing him.

"These dumb people" The woman shook her head and removed the mask of her face, gazing at her self fondly in the mirror, then laughing wildly.

I woke up to see that everything was dark outside the window. I sat up to see the time. It was five o clock. I massaged my temples, stopping as I felt someone shift beside me. I stopped dead as I turned around to see that it was Hayden. I gave a huge sigh of relief. I moved to leave the bed, when Hayden pulled me back.

"You awake?" I asked him and he anticipated in keeping quiet.

"I need to go see my dad" I whispered to him as I got up from the bed and made my way towards Dad's room. I entered to see that he hadn't changed his position. My hopes fell as I made my way towards his bed. I sat down beside him and faced his study table, which was beside his bed. A paper was sticking out of a diary. I picked up the diary to see some weird words scrolled on it. I opened the front page to see Selena's name mentioned on it. I decided to take it with me. I left the room and made my way towards Hayden's room where I was sleeping.

"Hayden, get up" I jumped on the bed making him sit up.

"What?" He grumbled at me.

"Stop grumbling at me. I found a diary in Dad's room with some weird inscriptions with Selena's name on it. I bought it so I could give it to her and we can probably find the whatever she has to find in order to lift the enchantments of him." I enthusiastically told him. He smiled at me before pulling me in a hug.

"Ivy once told me that that you hated hugs when you were a kid" I told him.

"Hmmm, the things you have done to me." He tickled me and a laughter erupted from my mouth as I thrashed around.

"Can't breath" I managed out and he let me go. I was still giggling madly. It took me a while to calm down. I took deep breaths to re gain my composure.

"That was so not good" I commented once I could breath easily.

"NO" I screamed once more and laughter erupted from my mouth as he lunged at me again but he stopped mid-way at my scream.

"I didn't even do a thing" He looked at me astonished and I rolled my eyes at him. I stood up, stuck my tongue out at him and left the room, making way towards mine. I placed the book on my desk and went to change. I came back to see Katie sitting on my bed, humming happily to herself.

"What is it that my friend is so happy?" I asked her.

"Jeremy is here and so is everyone else" She answered, giddy with joy.

"Here, here" I asked her reassuringly.

"Yeah, come on" She pulled me seeing that my dressing is complete. We made our way towards the dining room. Dominic, Ivy and Jeremy were there. Ivy upon seeing me was so happy that she literally flew to meet me. I hugged her and met everyone else. We all sat down on the table for breakfast. Breakfast was a chatty event. After breakfast we decided to go in the backyard. We stepped in the backyard and were welcomed by the smell of fresh flowers. The gardener was watering the flowers. I took the hose from him and watered the flowers myself. They others sat down on the lawn chairs, talking among them. I felt someone looking at me. It made me uncomfortable. I was used to Hayden's stare so I knew the way he looked at me. This one was quite different. I turned around to see it was Dom. I looked at Hayden who also had noticed it. He stood up and came in front of me blocking Dom's view of me. I cocked my eyebrow at him and opened my mouth when we were interrupted by a maid.

"Mam, your Dad is calling you" She huffed due to the running she had to do in order to reach me.