"My dad?" I asked her in disbelief and she nodded her head, frantically. I looked at Hayden for reassurance that I heard correctly and his expression confirmed me. I ran, Hayden behind me as we made our way towards his room.

"Dad" I breathed out. He was sitting on the bed, eating soup. I rushed and sat down beside him, hugging him from the side. He laughed and patted my head.

"Are you okay?" I asked him, my voice small.

"Yup, I am okay and now that I have seen my daughter, I am more than fine" He replied weakly. Hayden perched himself on the edge of the bed.

"I heard that you have guests?" Dad asked, taking a sip of the soup.

"Mhm, the Xander's are here" I informed him. There was a knock on the door.

"Come in" Hayden said and the door opened reviling all of them.

"You okay, uncle?" Katie asked and he smiled at her.

"Introduce them to me, will you?" Dad sipped on his soup.

"The person on the left is Dominic then Jeremy then Ivy their sister." I told him their names.

"You are not a Xander, right" He pointed at Dom, who shook his head.

"I know the Xander's. Black hair runs in their genes" He said, and everyone laughed. He finished his soup, pushing the bowl aside.

"You guys look tired, go and have some rest. Adam will show you the way" He looked at Jeremy, Ivy and Dom who left behind Adam.

"Do you know who he is?" Dad asked me once they had left.

"What do you mean by who?" I questioned him, confused.

"That boy, Dom" He pointed out.

"Yes, I mean in which way?" I questioned him.

"He has a strong resemblance to Aubrey Blaine and Blaine Tobias" He spoke in a strange voice and I sat up straight on the mention of their names.

"The Blaine's are the descendants of The Soliel. Their line is said to have ended but upon seeing this boy, I am having doubts of it. But I must say, Stay alert from him" He advised us but my mind was still stuck on the names he had mentioned. If he was to be the son of Blaine Tobias, I was surely going to ruin him for being one.

"Rest well, Dad." I patted his arm before getting up and leaving the room. I closed the door when Hayden held my hand. I looked up at him, questioningly.

"I know what you are thinking. Don't do anything stupid. I am leaving for office." He looked at me as if I was a child who was going to jump on the bed, once he leaves.

"Can I join you? I need to use the computer" I asked him and he nodded. I went to my room, to gather the things that I needed and my way outside. Hayden was already in the car. As soon as I say down, we zoomed towards his office. Within five minutes we were sitting in his office. He went to a meeting he had to attend while I worked on his computer. I was nearly done when the door opened. I looked up to see who it was. Damn my luck, it was non other than Annabel.

"What are you doing here?" She asked me darkly.

"What does it look like?" I questioned her back instead of answering.

"Stay away from him or else. He is mine" She threatened me.

"Or what are going to do, huh. Go find someone else. Your dress literally says 12 o'clock slut, ready to go to a club because she wants to get laid" I pointed at her dress, that was only a piece of cloth, covering the necessary parts of the body, well almost. She looked at me, her mouth hang opened as I typed on the keyboard. A laughter erupted from behind her. She turned around to see Blake, Vanessa and Hayden laughing at her. She turned back to me, her face red with humiliation and I smiled victoriously. She clenched her hands and stomped outside, her chin in the air.

"That was brilliant" Vanessa was the first one to speak. Blake was still laughing while Hayden smiled at me, giving me a pointed look. I shrugged at him.

"I don't share" I replied to him, getting back at my work that was finished. I ejected the USB and kept it in my safe pocket as Hayden looked at me in skepticism.

"Hey, you guys didn't came on the date" Vanessa complained.

"And seeing that Blake isn't shy anymore, I assume he asked you to be his girlfriend" I smiled at her and Blake looked at me pleadingly from behind Vanessa.

"You planned it intentionally" Vanessa's eyes widened as she spoke slowly.

"He was being such a scaredy cat. One had to make a move" I said obviously. Blake chocked on his saliva as Hayden tried to hide his laughter. Vanessa smiled at me, shaking his head.

"So that is why you acted all awkward in front of me" She turned towards Blake who looked like a deer caught in headlights.

"OH, come on. Don't act like you didn't know already" I pointed my fingers at Vanessa who laughed at me.

"Cupid" She commented at me. I rolled my eyes.

"Well, I will take my leave. I need to go see my mother." Vanessa stood up and Blake imitated her. The bid goodbye and left. Hayden turned towards me.

"So, where did your investigations led you, Miss Holmes" He asked me.

"Awww, I like it. The whole Holmes thing." I looked at him adoringly for my love for Sherlock was enough that I would faint in front of Benedict Cumberbatch if I ever met him.

"Actually, I found quite a lot of something. My main target was Dom and I managed to find at lot about him." I sighed before continuing.

"He is the son of Aubrey Blaine and Blaine Tobias" I dropped the bomb on his head.

"I found his birth certificate. Some times human resources help you far than you think they can." I pointed out. The office phone rang. Hayden dialed a number and soon after the door opened revealing Selena. She smiled at us.

"So, what did you find?" I asked her as she sat down after meeting us.

"Something really disturbing" She said, looking around.

"We need to go to my house for I can't do my magic here. It is too risky" I looked at Hayden who nodded as we got up.

"I found this diary of yours in Dad's room. I bought it" I handed her the diary. She opened the diary and page that had the inscriptions slid out.

"This does not belong to me but I can understand it" She slide it back in the diary. I shrugged as we made our way outside. It was nearly 7 in the evening when we reached her house. She drew all the curtains.

"You are not going to kill us, are you?" I laughed. She just smiled as she sat down on the floor, signaling us to sit down too. I sat down unsurely but Hayden squeezed my hand. I nodded at him lisping that I am fine. The candles gave an eerie glow to the room. Selena started to whisper some kind of language I couldn't understand. The smoke coming from the candles formed patterns in the air. We were super naturals creatures but this was a whole other level, Magic. I was never fond of these type of things but look where life had led me. I looked in the whirling smoke and felt myself gong dizzy. Colors filled the smoke as they formed a picture. A woman that I couldn't recognize. I saw Hayden, his eyes were widened. A man was added to the picture. I recognized him immediately. It was Blaine Tobias. So the woman must be Aubrey Blaine. A child came up in the picture. I squinted at him. It was Dominic. So, my investigation were legit. The picture changed to a woman who was lying on the floor and above her was Aubrey. I recognized the woman as Amy, Hayden's mother. I looked at him. His face turned calk white as I desperately looked at Selena. Feeling the distress she opened her eyes to see us. She murmured some words and the pictures disappeared. She stood up, opening the lights as I soothed Hayden. I felt bad for him as he had just seen his mother's death.

"So, that woman is not my mother" He managed out looking at Selena, who just shook her head. His breathing pace fastened and I held onto him, tightly. Knowing that he could storm of right to NYC and kill her this instance but we had to find out both sides of the story. Selena sat down gazing at the paper that she said she could understand. A moment later she gasped. We turned to her, her face drained of color.

"Selena?" I called out slowly but she didn't reply nor looked up to me as her hand shook. She looked up at me, shaking her head in No.