It was noon when I had decided to go out for a walk. I made my way towards Hayden's office. I entered the building, making my way up, ignoring everyone. I entered his room. Everything was there just the way it was. I took a deep breath and sat down on the chair, leaning back, I closed my eyes. After a while, I opened my eyes which were red from me trying to control my tears. I started the computer and opened the browser. I opened the history to open my email but was left confused due to the last scene. It was of 8 o clock. I called Hayden's P.A.

"Yes, Miss" He entered the room, bowing to me.

"Did someone open the computer when I wasn't here or even Hayden?" I asked him. "No, Miss" He shook his head. I waved him away, opening a program to find out who opened the computer. The last time I had opened the computer, I had installed a program that captured a picture of anyone who logged into the computer. The latest picture was of me and the picture of the person who logged before was something that left me confused. His face was covered and he was wearing tinted glasses, so I couldn't run a facial recognition on him. I let out a breath, opening CCTV camera's that were around the building. No one was found in the footage of ground floor and I opened the CCTV of the roof. Nothing was in there too. I was about to shut them off when I saw a black blur. I stopped the recording and zoomed towards the water tank, from where the was person captured in CCTV. He knew that where the CCTV were placed, knowing how he avoided them. I opened the CCTV outside Hayden's office but no one was in the footage.

'So, he knew a way to enter the office without getting recorded'

I leaned back in the chair, searching around the office, trying to find something that could help prove my theory. After looking around for ten minutes. I installed another program in the computer and left the building, walking towards a cafe, to grab some lunch. I entered an alley in order to cut my way short. I was in the middle of the alley when I stopped, sensing something bad. I turned around to see a group of men entering the alley, I turned back to see the other side of the alley was also blocked from men. I was in their middle and outnumbered by them in a bad way. They were thirty people, fifteen from one side and fifteen on the other side and they were all advancing towards me.

"Who will save you now, even your husband is dead" The person on the entrance of the alley spoke up, sneering at me. 'So this is the leader' I thought.

I had taken out my dagger and was trying my best not to get angry at them. They circled me, leaving no space for me to dodge them and run. A person advanced towards me and I planted my dagger in his heart, taking it back out in a swift motion, as he fell on the ground and took his last breath without a single whimper. I looked around to see the men alerted even more. I looked at their leader who sniggered before giving a look to his men. They took out ropes that had a lasso tied. I gave out a laugh. 'So, they were hired to capture me' I smiled at my thought, knowing if they were to kill me they would've killed me, but they were hired to capture me.

"Who are you working for?" I asked them. The leader, gave out a laugh.

"Just give in already" He called out to me before motioning his men to throw the lasso and capture me. One of them caught me, but due to my swiftness, I was able to jump out of the lasso. I attacked them with all my fury, killing almost twenty of his men that tried to capture me. I tried running away but the ones left, attacked me with all their might and in the and they had caught me. I sat on the ground spitting blood form my mouth as they punched me hard. The leader laughed at me as he kicked me, but his leg was left in mid air as someone grabbed him by his throat and slammed him to the ground.

I looked around to see the same person, that was captured on the computer, hitting them but I couldn't see his face as it was well covered. I tried to get rid of the ropes but they were too tight. After making those guys unconscious, he turned towards me, and freed me from the ropes, covering my eyes, with the beanie I was wearing, in the process. After loosening my ropes, he had stopped as I threw them away, taking the beanie of my eyes in the process.

I looked around to see him, vanishing from the alley. I stood up and ran after him. I looked around to see that he wasn't there.

"Thank you for saving me" I called out loud. I took out my phone, thanking god that it was okay, to see my face. Well, I did look like I was beaten harshly. I glanced down at my blood stained t shirt and gave a sigh.


"Thank you for saving me" She called out loud. I smiled shaking my head. I took out my phone, messaging that she was safe and from where you should pick her up. After sending the message, I walked towards the other side, to see her coming out of the alley, and walking towards the road. Seeing her safe, I jumped up, towards the roof of the building, running away.


I was about to walk away when I felt something behind me. I turned around slowly, my hand clamped over my dagger, to see a dosorlla, drinking the blood of the people, who lay dead on the ground. I gagged at the sight, making it gain my attention. It turned towards me, advancing. I held my dagger tightly as I ran toward it. Sliding beneath it, I hurtled my dagger, inside it, turning it into a puddle on the concrete floor. I stood up from the floor and jogged outside the alley, covering myself with my hoodie. I was crossing a road when a car, stopped in front of me. The door opened and I was pulled inside.