"What the.." I screamed but a hand clamped my mouth shut.

"Its me" I recognized Jeremy's voice and sat still and he removed his hand of my mouth.

"What is wrong?" I asked looking at their worried faces.

"We don't know" He replied as we stopped in front of the house. I as pulled outside by Jeremy.

"What is happening?" I asked him again.

"We don't know yet but it seems like everything is going berserk" He replied as we made our way towards the basement. I placed my hands at the wall, opening it. I walked inside, gripping the sword strapped inside my sweat shirt. I entered the room, walking towards Lapis Patera. I dipped the sword in the fluid and suddenly the room started shaking as if an earthquake had hit. I grabbed the edge of the bowl to keep myself steady. I looked around to see Jeremy, Ivy, Dad and the person in black trying to keep themselves steady. After at least 5 minutes, the shuddering had stopped. I looked around to see that we were in a complete different room.

We were standing in a stone room with a round table with Lapis Patera in the middle of the table. The table was surrounded by eight chairs. I looked around in amazement. The two tall doors on the far end of the room opened and the senex walked through them.

"Welcome the other realm of Magna" He stretched his arms in a welcoming manner.

"You must be wondering that what has happened." He asked us and I nodded hesitantly.

"Magic has awakened the sleeping myths and the world has transformed. In order to keep the Banal people safe, we are transported to the realm where all is done from." He spoke in a small but strong voice.

"What myths and how is this realm different from the other?" I asked him, now alarmed.

"Nothing has changed, child, nothing. Everything is as it was in the Banal Realm. Except the mythical creatures and the folklore ones, for they have awakened and are preparing to take over the other realm which is only given to The James by the spirits. Therefore, you must stop this rebellion and resurrect this court for everyones utmost safety." He had sat down on one of the chairs of the round table.

"You must know the six families of the Kingdom of Magna that are present in this world?" He asked me.

"Yes" I nodded my head. Dad and the others were just trying to keep up with the conversation.

"Well, there were eight families that once lived in the Kingdom in Magna but the two of them were banished from this court. Can you tell me why?" He turned around, questioning me.

"Illicit affairs" I threw a guess.

"That too. They used their powers to try and rule the world. But the spirits were against it. So in order to calm their power hungry hearts, they defied the spirits. The spirits stripped their powers away and turned them into goblins and brownies. The goblins took shelter in the Seelie domaine and brownies in the UnSeelie Agri." He looked at me from behind his gold rimmed glasses.

"What are the spirits? and if you defy them, they will strip your powers off" I looked at him, confused.

"No one has seen or has ever known what the spirits look like. The last person to see them in person was your ancestor, Betty Inez James. She was the definition of her name. Beautiful and pure. And that is only why, she saw them. history tells that only people like Betty Inez James can see the spirits in person" He was watching me clearly.

"But if she saw them, didn't she tell the people?" I utterly confused, asked him.

"Every action has its price, child. Seeing them had one too." He smiled at me, sadly.

"Her beautiful voice was taken away from her and she couldn't speak, ever. She had turned mute and that is how she died." He completed his sentence.

"Did she know the consequences?" I asked him.

"Yes, she knew" He replied, smiling and I shuddered inwardly.

"You don't agree with it?" He asked me.

"I don't know what to say" I was speechless.

"Forget it. For now your job is to unite the eight families" He stood up.

"But you said that the two other families were banished. Then, how can I unite them?" I spoke up in pure horror.

"They can be resurrected" He turned around at me.

"You will save them and then they will owe you. And if you are smart enough you will know what to do next. After all, you are the queen of Magna" He bowed at me before leaving. I followed him out of the double doors with Dad and the others following me. We walked outside to enter the basement of The James house. We walked upstairs to see that everything was the same.

"What is different?" I wondered out loud.

"Oh yeah, I know, I have officially fucked up. And may I add, badly" I spoke loudly.

"Language" Dad warned.

"Seriously, Dad. People are dependent on me and you are telling me to mind my language" I whined out the last part.

"If anybody says that being a queen is easy, I will make sure to rip their heads off" I shouted, walking towards my chamber.

"She was this distracted that she didn't even notice you" Jeremy turned to the person in black. He tipped his hat at them, turning around and skipping away from the house.

I entered my chamber, heading straight towards the bed. Flopping down, I closed my eyes, going into a deep slumber that instance.


I sat up, waking up with a start. I rubbed my eyes and looked at the chair in the dark. Turning around, I opened my bedside lamp. Looking back I could see no one. I had woken up with a strange feeling, that someone was watching me. The room was dark so it took me a while to adjust my self but there was no one.

'Why am I having these stupid feeling that someone is watching me' I thought before shaking my head.

"I am going nuts" I spoke out loud flopping back on the pillow, but sat up alarmed as I heard a laugh. I sat up, looking here and there but it was no avail. No one was there.

"I am really going nuts" I sat back in the bed, now scared , eventually falling back into an uneasy sleep.


Instead of going away, I had sneaked back into the house, into her chamber.

"I am going nuts" She called out, making me laugh. I tried my best controlling it, but I couldn't. She looked so adorable. Upon hearing my laugh, she sat up, looking around scared. I stiffened my laughter.

"I am really going nuts" She called out loudly again but this time I managed to keep myself quiet. I smiled, stealing one last glance of her, I opened the balcony door and jumped outside. Poms, who was waiting for me to open the door, slid quietly in the room. I walked outside enjoying the cold wind of London.
