"What the.." I screamed but a hand clamped my mouth shut.

"Its me" I recognized Jeremy's voice and sat still and he removed his hand of my mouth. I took deep breaths, trying calm my heart that was at the verge of coming out. "How did you guys find me?" I asked them, remembering that I hadn't told anyone where I was going.

"We called the office and they said you had left. So, we searched the area and we found you." Ivy replied. I merely nodded my head, leaning my head back on the headrest.

"What happened to you?" She asked.

"Nothing, just ran into some people and a dosorlla" I shrugged my shoulders. The car ride was silent until we reached the house. I stepped outside the car, making my way towards the chamber. I changed my clothes and sat down on the bed, opening my laptop. I opened the CCTV near the alley but they were all out of order. I sat back and opened the pictures of Hayden's computer and clicked on the picture of that man. Realizing something, I opened the CCTV of Hayden's room, selecting the footage of 8 o clock.

"AHA" I exclaimed as I finally got him. But, he had his mask and glasses on the whole time. I took a screenshot the picture and sent it to my phone, shutting the laptop. I laid back on my bed and snuggled inside the comforter. I opened my phone gallery and looked at his picture. His posture, his style, it all resembled Hayden's. I shut my phone off, got up and made my way towards my study. I opened my computer and printed the picture out, pinning it on my board. I looked at the board, seeing that my researches were scattered everywhere and not connecting. I blowed a sigh, my bangs flying out of my eyes.

'I am literally ending up nowhere' I thought before placing my feet on the desk. I kept looking at my board, thinking random thoughts until I sensed someone looking at me. I turned around and glanced at the window. I saw a shadow jumping up from the balcony. I ran outside the study, making my way up to the roof. I came up, just in time to see the person, sliding down the wall with the help of the water pipe and sprinting away. I stood there for a while, before coming back down. I ordered the maid to bring me some food in bed. After having my food, I went into a deep slumber.


"You are too careless" He scolded me.

"I am not careless, she is just too fast" I chuckled.

"Yeah, but if she finds out you are the one who is going down" He spoke up, frustrated.

"Don't worry, even if I talk to her, I'll be careful" I re assured him, dropping the call. I gave out a laugh, shaking my head, I opened my phone's gallery and took a look at her picture.

"He is so going to kill me" I murmured, making my way back to the James house.

"Hayden?" I called as I sat on the ground, shaking him.

"HAYDEN!" I screamed, shaking him vigorously. His face was green and so were his hands. I hugged him, tears spilling down my face, as my mind was filled with worst scenarios that could happen.

"HELP" I screamed weakly as my vision started to blur. I couldn't feel anything as darkness enveloped me.

I woke up to see I was in my bed, drenched in sweat. The recollections had stopped for a while but now I was seeing them again. I clenched the bedsheets, trying to control my tears that led towards my headache.

It was the break of dawn when I couldn't take no more and had broken into tears. 'Why does it have to be me that loses everyone? Why does it have to be me who suffers the most? Why is it always me that has to stay patience?' I sobbed silently, scratching Poms ears. The cat purred, leaning against me, showing me affection. I gave a wet kiss on top of her head, clutching her tightly as if I loose my grip on her, I will loose her.

'Knock, knock' Someone knocked on my door. "Leave" I ordered the person. Half an hour later someone knocked again.

"LEAVE" I screamed at them, now teary eyed again as I sat up in bed. Removing the blanket over me, I stood up and rushed towards the bathroom. I looked myself in the mirror and a harassed looking girl stared back to me from the mirror. My eyes were swollen and my hair were disheveled. I looked like I was beaten and harassed.

'Well, I was beaten as a matter of fact' I added in my mind, washing my face. I changed my clothes and wore my coat and boots. Grabbing my phone, air pods and charger, I made my way outside. It was nearly 12 o clock.

"Clare" I heard Dad calling me but I ignored him, making my way outside of the house.

"Clare" I heard him again, but I ignored him again, fastening my pace. I ran outside of the house and made my towards the bus stop. Catching the bus that was about to leave, I heaved a sigh of relief. After an hour of driving, the bus stopped and walked out of it as my stop had came.

I walked towards a cafe and grabbed some breakfast. I was eating my breakfast when I felt someone staring at me. Reminding myself that I am in public and anyone can watch me, I decided to pay no heed to it. After having my breakfast, I walked outside. I was walking down the streets looking around at the people. I was walking freely, until I spotted a dosorlla near the opening of an alley.

I moved towards the alley, tightening my grip on the dagger. As soon as I reached near it, I threw my dagger, which pierced inside of it and it transformed into a puddle. I picked up my dagger, looking around. A man and a woman, who I assumed were a couple, were staring at me as if I had landed from my mars. I smiled at them, rolling my eyes.

"Banal" I commented, my eyes shining. I turned around and walked out of the alley and made my way towards Hayden's office. I entered the building and walked towards the elevator, waiting for it to arrive downstairs.

"Miss?" An employee called me.

"Yes?" I turned around and asked.

"Can I take the elevator, the public one is out of order and I cant walk thirty floors in heels?" She asked, timidly.

"Yes, you may" I stepped back, letting her in. I walked towrads the guard that were stationed there.

"Tell everyone that they can use the private elevator until the public one is repaired. Oh, and check everyone with scanner before letting them enter. And try to fix this elevator as fast as you could" I told him and he bowed, walking towards the elevator entrance.

I turned around and instead of taking the elevator, I took the stairs, not knowing what had came over me so suddenly. After walking up for nearly fifteen minutes I reached his office floor. I sighed happily but what I saw next left me in shock.