After walking up for nearly fifteen minutes I reached his office floor. I sighed happily but what I saw next left me in shock. Someone was hurrying up the stairs and that someone was the person in black. I rushed after him, towards the roof.

"STOP" I shouted at him, making him stop in his tracks.

"Who are you?" I asked him and felt completely stupid, knowing he didn't want to tell me who was he, because he covered his face.

"I know that you don't want to show your face to me but why are you helping me?" I asked him.

"And how are you so similar to Hayden?" I asked hopefully.

"I'll be back to you again" He turned around, tipping his hat, he jumped down. I stood there rooted on the spot. Coming back to my senses, I ran towards the wall, but he was already on the ground, walking away. I smiled, impressed by his skills and knowing that he will come back. I walked downstairs into Hayden's office.

'You are smart that I know of. I have removed the programs that you installed'

A notepad was stuck on the computer screen. I took it off and kept it in my wallet. After turning on the computer, I just stared at it empty headed. I turned it off and put my playlist on shuffle. Let me Move you by Sabrina Carpenter started playing.

I danced to the beat of the song, my mood completely refreshed. I remembered when me and Hayden used to danced at some stupid songs. I gave out a laugh. My thoughts were interrupted by my phone ringing. It was from Dad. I declined the call, sending him a message that I was in the office. I looked at the time that showed nearly two. I jumped down from the desk and ordered some lunch for myself. Having second thoughts, I cancelled the order, making my way outside.

I entered a cafe and placed my order. The bell of the cafe dinged, indicating that a customer arrived. I looked through the mirror in front of me, it was the person in black. I smiled and placed an order for him. I didn't know what he liked so I ordered Hayden's favorite. Picking up my order, I sat with my back towards his back. He had also picked up his order that I had placed. He finished his lunch before me and walked outside the cafe, not before dropping a note on my table. I smiled, picking up the note.

'Thanks for the lunch and by the way don't go looking for my fingerprints because I wear gloves'

I looked around to see no one except me in the cafe. I leaned back in my chair, smirking at his smartness. I got up and walked back towards the house. I entered the house to see that Dad was waiting for me.

"Dad" I gave a sigh.

"Where were you?" He asked me, worry ached on my face.

"I messaged you, Dad. You shouldn't worry about me" I sat down at his feet.

"But you didn't listen to me when I called you," He complained. I bowed my head.

"Dad, I am stressed these days. I just lost mom and Hayden and all of a sudden I have to save the world from some knuckle heads. It is just too much for me. I have got a lot on my plate. I am sorry" I apologized, realizing I was being a jerk and he had also lost two people that were near to him.

"It is okay. I was just scared" He patted my head, hugging me. I hugged him back, pushing the tears back in my eyes.

"Do you want something to eat?" Ivy, who was eating a bag of Cheetos, asked me.

"Nope" I said walking towards my chamber and as I passed her I snatched the bag of chips.

"Hey" She called out and I just waved back at him.

"Go and get a new one" I replied.

I was sitting down in my bed and the lights were turned off, when I heard the balcony door opening. I kept my eyes shut tightly. Hayden's perfume smell had taken over the room fresheners smell. I snuggled in my blanket, but stilled when I heard the person advancing towards me. I normalized my breath, hiding my face in the pillow. I felt the bed dip as he sat down. I could feel him staring at me. I gulped, controlling myself from yelping when his cold hand moved my hair away that was falling on the other pillow.

"I know you are awake, and I am here to tell you that I will come back to you again. For the meantime, stay safe, 'Larie'' He whispered to me, pecking on my forehead, he slid away and walked out of the balcony.

Just as I heard the balcony door shut, I sat up straight, my mind in a mess.


"Mom, Dad, look at Katie, I dressed her up" A five year old me giggled, showing everyone the masterpiece.

"Clare, she looks..., well, like a five year old dressed her up" Mom completed her sentence hesitantly and I looked back at her, crestfallen as Dad, tried to hide his laughter.

"I think she looks great, 'Larie" He spoke up.

"She does?" I exclaimed, hugging him.

"Thank you" I thanked him.

"See, you look great" I beamed at Katie


My breath hitched as I tried to make out the people, clearly.

'I know him, I do know him, but I can't remember him. He called me 'Larie and that is how Dad also started calling me 'Larie. BUt the question still remains the same, who is he?'

After tons of brain wrecking, I fell asleep, my brain muddled and my eyes heavy.


I was walking down the streets of London trying to figure out why I told her that. I ran a hand through my hair, giving out a frustrated sigh.

'Sooner or later she will find out' I consoled myself, jogging towards the building.

It was the break of dawn when my phone rang.

"What?" I snapped at the person, without looking at the caller id.

"Are you nuts? What were you thinking?!" Jeremy's voice blasted through the phone, hurting my eardrums as I dropped the phone in astonishment.

"What happened?" I asked him, now sitting up straight.

"What do you mean by what happened? Are you going to tell me when are we supposed to stop lying to her because you are so giving up who you are!" He shouted, his voice evident that he was clearly frustrated.

"Why, does she know?" I asked him.

"No, but she soon will. Try to keep your hands to yourself will you" He scolded me, making me smirk.

"Aye, captain" I shut the phone off.


I walked inside the court to find the senex standing near a window. He turned around on the sound of my footsteps.

"I wanted to ask you something?" I stood beside the table.

"Ask away, child, ask away" He spoke in his small but strong voice.

"Is Hayden Daunter alive?" I sucked my tears in my eyes as they threatened to spill out.

"Being in the other realm of Magna doesn't mean that fate changes. No, it doesn't. Your mother and Hayden Daunter are dead, even here." Listening to his reply, I walked out, but stopped in my way.

"Then who is the person that has been following me, since his death?" I asked him, my voice trembling.