Chapter-2 : Drama in canteen


The next day, After all the hectic classes I went to the canteen to fulfill my bride of lava cake when suddenly I caught a glimpse of a mysterious blue-eyed guy, he was having a conversation with some fellow teammate.

Before I could turn around and run away from that place, I was caught!.

"Hey, Arohi !" came the loud voice making all the head turn towards me.

Without having any options I walked towards him.

He was full of smile and shine kind of mood.

As if yesterday's incident was wiped away from his memory.

Remind me why am I even talking to him!

"You be here, I will get the food," he said gesturing towards the seats at the other side.

"But I will-"

"I am anyway going there to buy my lunch, I will get yours too. It will be no problem, trust me."

"Okk... So I will have one sandwich and choco lava cake please" I said while reaching into my bag for the money.

"No need Arohi, this lunch is on me," he said smiling broadly showing his heart-stopping dimple, and walked towards the canteen counter.

I stood there staring at him not knowing how to react.

I glanced at the entrance when I spotted Emily coming towards me ;

More like rushing towards me.

"You know Arohi, that Asher guy is here only; His teammates are practicing in the ground for the finals...

I saw his pic yesterday after you told me ...let me tell he is handsome as hell..."

I gave her a blank stare; seeing my expression her babbling stopped when I made an eye motion towards her back as if getting the hint she made an apologetic face.

Asher was enjoying all the drama.

This is what happens when you have a habit of confessing every detail of your life with your bestie.

"I think all your friends know about me already," said Asher while keeping the tray with yummy food on the table, I got hold of the lava cake before Emily even sees it; she was busy staring at Asher as he was drinking some water.

"Nothing like that," I said while digging into Choco lava cake, hmmm heaven ...

"Hey, even I need a bite" Emily was already trying to snatch my choco.

"No emails, today choco is all mine," I said keeping choco out of Emily's reach.

"Fine, I will have some sandwich then?"

" It's all yours". I was filled with choco delight.

"I see that my friend is lost, so I will introduce myself; I'm Emily, Arohi's best friend ...nice to meet you, Asher!"

Asher smiled warmly at Emily.

"So how come there is no one with you today at lunch," Emily asked while taking a bit at her sandwich.

"I am not an official captain for this sem so I am free while all my teammates are practicing for this sem's finals" Asher replied.

"So when is -" Emily's words were cut short by our first bell.

"Oh shit! I should have been 5 minutes early for the next class, see you after the classes Aro, Bye Asher" she hurried towards her class.

I start to pack my bag.

"You both can join me at lunch from tomorrow if it's no problem," he said hesitantly.

"I think we should -"

"I can get you choco lava cake"

"..... probably join," I said

He was proudly smiling at his successful bribery.

"I need to get a few books from my locker, see you soon!!" I hurried towards my locker with a backward glance, few students were roaming in the corridor which made it easy for me to reach my locker.

After closing my locker, I felt someone's presence behind me.

When I turned I was face to face with Asher, his face was inches away from mine. His sea-blue eyes had so much depth in them that made me dizzy, my heart was pounding and my whole body was somehow alive.

"So, Arohi; do you still think plastic surgery is good for me ?" Asher said smiling, I was lost for words.

He then saw my expression, satisfied, moved towards the direction of his class leaving me staring at his retreating form without a clue as to what the hell just happened??



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I Will be updating soon

Till then 👇👇👇