Chapter 3: Art exhibition


When I left her to think about what happened...She was lost deep in her thoughts. As our classroom was just beside the locker. Before entering the class, I turned back to call her, just then I stopped myself when a random guy came running towards Arohi.

That guy shook Arohi from her frozen state, making her return to reality. They both hugged each other as if they were long lost a couple. By seeing them, unknowingly, I clenched my jaw.

Many questions were running through my mind.

Who is that person?

Do Arohi like him?

From how long they know each other?

And millions of other questions bombarded my thoughts.

I turned and fastened my steps towards my seat in the last row. After I settled in my seat I saw them entering the class, they were talking and laughing now.

When she is with me, she just dozes out, but when she is with him, she is so lively. I felt a pang of jealousy in my heart.

I decided to withdraw from the thoughts running in my mind.

Our Psychology teacher Mr.Richard entered the class and announced a surprise test.

I don't understand what the fuck is going on in my life!

All I'm getting is surprises...!

Mr.Richard tells us that, after finishing our tests those who are interested can attend the International Art Exhibition, which is held in our school once in two years.

The test went well than I expected it to be. From the time sir entered the class, I was the first one to submit the paper and leave the class.

I decided to attend the art exhibition.

When I was a kid, my dad used to take me to museums and exhibitions, though it mostly was a trip to me; I always used to wait for Sundays, so that I would get to spend some time with my dad.

I smiled remembering how such simple things were enough to bring happiness.

When I entered the exhibition hall, it was not as crowded as it used to be in other places.

While my eyes scanned through the paintings with bright colors, most of them were either of nature or portrait of various people whom I don't even know, sketches drawn with all kinds of technique to empathize the emotions which they feel while drawing it, even after being a lover of paintings and drawings I can't recognize many unique ways in which these painters or sketchers are able expresses there visions and emotions; in addition to the paintings from our school students there were many paintings from various parts of the world which were on sale to encourage students to appreciate arts, suddenly my eyes fell on the painting which startled me has no other paintings did.

I was mesmerized by the way how other painting paled in comparison to this particular painting. As I looked into the Portrait of a Woman with sharp features, her face showed innocence without hiding her strength and willpower, both were carefully balanced by the artist; she emitted power and grace in her poster. She was beautiful in a way as the fire was beautiful.

I was so awestruck by the way all the features were slightly highlighted by the artist.

When I looked at the label of the painting, it read that, it was painted in the 19th Century which is two centuries ago.

I was not able to take my eyes off the painting. I felt some connection towards it.

Finally, when I lost the battle in suppressing the thought of not looking at that painting, I decided to buy it.

When I showed the painting to my friend Brandon, he made fun of me, that I bought such an old painting for 15,000.

Am I going crazy?

What is happening to me?

I felt there was something more about this Painting that was worth it.

As I went to the parking area, I saw Arohi standing near my new Porsche car, she was animatedly talking to Emily.

I just drove off without a single word with my painting which was yelling thousands of words to me.

I am not an artist, I never painted in my whole life. It's just that I love to appreciate beautiful paintings, but this one made me go out of my way to buy a portrait of ancient times without a second thought.

Who the hell in the world will spend huge money on a Painting?

Maybe a few people like me.

At night, I badly wanted to hear Arohi's voice. Somehow I managed to get her phone number but I was in a dilemma whether to call her or not.

I refrain from calling her late at night. I was not able to sleep the whole night so I looked at the painting I brought today which I had hanging on my wall in front of my bed.

I don't even remember the time, I dozed off to sleep.


The next morning, I went to school a bit early than my usual timings.

I went straight into the school canteen, which offers coffee in this early morning.

I ordered Cappuccino Classic and waited for it.

There was a sound of the door creak open. Arohi emerged from that door, she wore a skirt and t-shirt with a denim jacket. She was surprised to see me there this early in the morning. She awkwardly smiled at me.





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