chapter-4: You can't miss the party.


Today dad had an important meeting to attend. So, he dropped me off at school, an hour earlier than my classes would start.

I went to the canteen to pass some time and I saw Asher smiling at me, I returned an awkward smile of my own; he was wearing a casual button-up shirt with faded jeans which looked extremely good on him.

As I was thinking something to greet Asher, someone closed my eyes from behind.

It was none other than Ryan, only he can come up with such childish but cute tactics.

"Guess who!" He asked with a girlish voice which immediately made me laugh.

"Ryan I know it's you," I said between my laugh and turned to a disappointed Ryan.

"Now stop acting like a kid Ryan and don't make that face like I stole your chocolate," I said which was enough for his eyes to light up.

"Choco lava cake !!" We said in unison and laughed remembering it's early morning.

Ryan is my childhood bestie, we have gone through all the thick and thin phases with each other by our side. The token we are together we laugh like lunatics without caring about the existing world;

we both are like heart and blood, one cannot function without another.

Then suddenly I turn to see Asher, whom I had forgotten. All because of Ryan.

He was calmly sipping his coffee ignoring us.

"Why are you so early bestie? " I asked Ryan referring to our nice name.

"We had a football selection," he said with full of enthusiasm.

"And guess what bestie, I got selected " he was dancing up and down with happiness.

Seeing Ryan this happy, made my heart dance with joy. Ryan always wanted to join football as it was his passion. But after his father's death a few years back, his family needed financial support to which Ryan selflessly kept all his desires aside and worked part-time and full time in holidays barely balancing his studies, now that his brother has got a reliable job and his mother got promoted as a manager, he is free from all his duties. So now, No one can stop him from being a football player.

"I'm so proud of you Ryan" I hugged him showing how happy I am for him.

"I will get some coffee, my treat," I said hurrying towards the counter leaving Ryan to protest all he wants.

After getting a cappuccino, I moved towards where Ryan was and saw that he was already engaged in conversation with Asher, who was having a not so happy face and was politely listening to Ryan.

"My cappuccino is here !!" Ryan said grabbing the coffee from my hand.

"Good morn-"

" My class will start in 5 mins, see you later guys," Asher said before I could say anything and left the canteen without pause.

" See you later captain, " Ryan said to Asher retreating form and continued enjoying his cappuccino while my cappuccino was turning cold in my hands.


"Next class, we will be dealing with sonnet 15 by Shakespeare. Come prepared" said our English teacher.

When the bell rang, I packed all my books and went to the library to meet Emily, the nerd. When I entered the library I saw Emily reading some science book.

When I first met Emily three years back, the first thing she said to me was "do you know people lived on Mars even before the earth was created?".It may have sounded silly but ever since then, we both became inseparable.

You should have seen the look on Ryan's face when Emily conversationally mentioned about an alternative universe where an exact copy of earth might be present with another Ryan in it, I had laughed till my stomach was hurting and tears were clouding my eyes.

"Emis, when are we going home today," I said sitting beside Emily and opening my phone to check on feeds on FB.

"Just 10 more mins Aro, I will be done, it's 3:30 anyways," she said without looking away from what she was reading.

"Okay.." I said texting Ryan to meet us in the parking area in 30 mins predicting Emily will be asking for another 20 mins.

Ryan: perfect, my class will be over in another 20 mins, see you both at the parking area ;)

I put my phone in my bag and glanced at all the books on the table.

At the same time Brandon, one of our school's popular guys came and sat in front of us.

"Guys I am hosting a party today in my house, all are invited to celebrate our new football team for this year," he said looking at Emily who was ignoring him on purpose.

Everyone in the school including Emily knows about Brandon having this massive crush on Emily from day one, which is the reason she ignores all his attempts.

"Please Emily, just attend this party then I will not even bother you," Brandon said which caught Emily's attention.

"Ok, I can consider them, but you have to promise me you will leave me alone after this so-called party, " Emily said with an authoritative voice looking directly at Brandon leaving no space for disagreement.

" Ok I promise," he said with a defeated voice and left the library.

"That was rude, you should give him a chance at least Emis," I said while she was packing her belongings.

"Aro you know very well that I don't have time for all these things right now, my priority is to get into the best university, and not having a boyfriend," she said and walked towards the check out area.

I sighed and followed her.

When we went to the parking lot, Ryan was already there talking over the phone, when he saw us coming, he quickly cut the call and greeted us with an unnaturally bright voice.

uh uh, something is fishy...

When we got into his car, he told us about the party Brandon was hosting to congratulate all the selected football members.

"Emily is coming to the party," I said which made Ryan stop the car in the center of the road and he turned looking shocked

"Is it real, or am I imagining it?" he asked himself not believing what he just heard.

"If you guys react this way, then I'm not coming to any party," Emily said with discomfort evident in her voice.

"No, no," Ryan said retrieving his driving,

"You can't miss the party!!" He said with a worried voice, to which Emily and I exchanged a look, seeing our expression Ryan looked even worried.

"Please, pretty please, pretty pretty please with a cherry on top," he said with a pleasing voice to which we agreed.

Something was going on with Ryan which we have to figure out, this party is the best option...



Question of the chapter:

Would you choose your passion over your family or family over your passion? And why what you have chosen ( family or passion) is important than the other.

Feel free to answer


Thanks for all your love and support each and everyone out there, we are truly blessed to have such good-hearted people in our life 😍💟