The place was like a mini version of the library, although different.
The shelves were decorated with gold, the books were all new and well maintained.
The rays of sunlight coming from the open window made the room feel refreshing, soothing, and much to the boy's dismay, brilliant.
A tall, well-dressed man in the colors of the flag, was sitting in an armchair by the window while his whole being seemed lost among the pages of the book he read. Her brown hair with a few white strands seemed to shine in the sunlight.
The boy was not exactly in the mood to be ignored, he looked at one of the maps on the table and cleared his throat as he waited patiently for the man with the water-green eyes to notice him.
The man fumbles over the sudden noise, casting a startled look in all directions before finally finding his little tenant in one of the shaded corners of the room.
He gets up and then quickly bows in respect before declaring himself.
- Oh! But to what do I owe the honor of finally receiving your Highness into my chambers? "Exclaimed Romulus as he smiled a large commercial smile.
- I'm sorry for the rude tone, your magnitude, but unfortunately I didn't come because I need your teachings, but in search of a good counselor.-Replied the boy.
- And what advice can this simple man give? - replied the guy trying to please the boy.
- Unfortunately, it is not even in the books, what a prince must do, as well as a baker or even a king, they learn from their previous ones, hereditarily and orally how to exercise their profession. I came to seek the knowledge of someone more experienced, more specifically I seek more about prophecy. - said the bartender with an arrogant tone.
- And what makes you believe that I am able to answer this? Replied Rômulo, already tired of the prince's mess.
- The name Rômulo Wohtinger is engraved on the door of his quarters, which coincidentally is very similar to that of the family of the first king of Castile after the death of the hero, Arthur Wohger.
- Your Highness urges me to be a Spy? Or even part of royalty? And why such speculation? Allow me to say that I grew up and learned everything I know in your lands and I never abandoned them. If you owe me the right to be rude, would Your Highness, by any chance be making a fool of me, or do you have ulterior motives against your homeland? - inquired the man like a theater actor reacting to a murder charge.
- Yes, it is very rude of you to speculate on your own. I think you are worthy for the fact that you seem to have a good view of both sides of the story and a long experience in terms of political issues. Furthermore, I am always attentive to the news that goes on in court and I heard from a servant that you have the strange habit of releasing pigeons at night that by some coincidence fly towards the border. What excuses do you have against my arguments?
- Well, I see that the rumors about your intelligence, were real, your highness has a good point, even if somewhat mistaken, if I may say. Do your highness need information about the current situation in Castile, in order to take advantage of it? - Romulus was surprised, but not scared.
He had already heard absurd rumors, such as that the boy knew everything that happened in the past and that he could accurately say what would happen in the future.
Of course, at first he didn't believe, in fact, in his first, and only class with the boy, he just seemed like a fool disinterested in the powers of knowledge.
That image he had was slowly changing.
The boy did not have a vast knowledge, but he knew how to use it in his favor.
- Quite the contrary, my dear teacher, why would I try to take advantage of distant lands, when I have something much more valuable at the touch of my hands? - Interrogated the boy with a sarcastic smile.
"So what does your highness intend to do, become a traitor?" Asked Romulus.
The sarcastic smile faded from his face, giving him an expression of a tantrum.
- No more pretending, I already said I know who you are. And I will cooperate with any proposal as long as it is to my advantage.
- And who am I?
- Stop denying, this is already getting boring. Are we going to reach an agreement or not? - Said the prince already losing patience.
The scene of a 5 year old boy pouting and speaking in an extremely selfish tone, definitely made his first action be to repress the boy and show him the meaning of the word respect.
To his unhappiness, the person he spoke to was the prince of his supposed nation and who had the greatest advantage over the current situation.
- Your Highness, I understand your position, but if this is an agreement, then I believe that there must be understanding and understanding on both sides, and for this reason, there is no reason for your exaltation. - Having to act cautious to satisfy the ego of a spoiled child, he was really getting on his nerves, but he He had no composure.
"What would be the terms of such an agreement?" Asked the young prince, interested in the matter.
Romulus had filled the boy's well of arrogance and much earlier than expected, he soon had an idea that could change the fate of his homeland.
"If I may, I would like to do you a small favor in exchange for your answers about the prophecy and any other."
"What favor would that be?" Snapped the boy as if he suspected something.
- I would like your Highness to answer honestly one of my questions, only that neither more nor less, anything ahead will be the subject of another matter. - Rômulo explained calmly as if he wants nothing.
- It seems like a good deal, what would be the question? - The prince replied with a curious accent.
- If your majesty had the means to change some things about our current political situation and the power to convince a large number of people to follow your ideals, what would you do?
Alamex soon realized the intentions of Rômulo's words.
- But of course,