Inside a luxurious castle, among thousands of bookshelves filled with books, a small boy with white hair and red eyes, hidden in decorated clothes and holding in his small hands, a notebook scrawled to the edges of a book, was hidden in the shadows of a column. a neat letter.
This definitely didn't look like something a child or even a nobleman would do, but a prodigy at 3 and genius at 5. Because of his quiet personality and nothing like his age, people used to ignore him.
This was not only linked to his frightening genius and strange personality, but also to the fact that he had the highest position in society that a child his age could have, he was Zadkiel Alamex de Kreg heir to the throne and future king.
Lost in thought, the little boy reread his notes aloud that were almost too big for his little hands.
- After its foundation, the island of Kreg was dominated by the elders of an ancient empire that was almost extinct, its flag composed of two simple stripes, one black and the other dark navy blue, were mandatory in every small village. The greedy old men exploited their people in every possible way. -He uttered the words with sarcasm of someone who laughs at someone doing something stupid.
- In this era, also lived the greatest prophet of all times, his best known prophecy were also his last words. - the boy repeated the notes in a monotonous tone as if he did not consider them relevant.
"His origin is from northern Europe, of unknown origin he was created by an earl from the region as the new messiah. In addition to the gift of storytelling, he did not exhibit any gifts, until his stories will begin to materialize. "- he pauses and stares with his big eyes at the large notebook in two small pale hands thoughtfully.
- when are these people still to believe in prophets? Eighteen hundred and forty-six years brings?
- Words of an old man with credibility from the days of the great Alexander, nothing more. - complained the boy with cold words.
As he stares at the notebook he uncovers a pot of ink and takes a pen out of his pocket.
After a while he finally dips the ink pen and starts making new notes on a blank page:
- The last prophecy predicted the fall of lords by the hands of a blond boy. Since then, all the blond boys who were born on the island were expelled to the mainland. Social inequality increased more and more.
Even so, as in all famous history, coming from a poor family, a boy with blond hair like rays of the sun managed to unite merchants and craftsmen and oppose the government of the nobles by founding a new republic called Castile in the north of the island. Unfortunately, the disease that had been plaguing him for a few years, took possession of his body, causing the boy to die a few days after the foundation of the new kingdom. - he dips his pen back into the ink and continues to focus intently on writing as if he were reaching the climax of the story.
- The two kingdoms remained in temporary peace, until the coronation day of the king of Castile, Arthur, a boy said to be the hero's cousin also mentioned in his will. After his accession to the throne, Arthur first focused on increasing his territory through peaceful settlements and also on the export market monopoly, which generated a bubble of hatred that the old lords had once fed, and which could now explode the anytime. - He stops writing to consult a book in which he was previously sitting on.
After reading only a few lines, he closes the book again and returns to use it as a seat.
Dipping the pen in the ink again he writes again.
- Today we are in the second era mentioned by the prophecy in 1713 and a genius is expected to stop the war before it explodes. - with the addition of the end point he wipes the pen a cloth from his pocket and returns it to it. He closed the notebook and the ink and put them away and a bag, the style of a newspaper that lay beside him. Finally, he stood up, dusting his clothes.
- as expected from an old library, finding something useful is like looking for a needle in a haystack with nothing. He replied to himself in an irritated tone.
This was possibly the last time he visited the old, moldy place. He was not sad since he didn't do it because he wanted to, but because he needed it.
Looking for the last time at the old and dusty books when watching a gecko comment a spider in a dark corner, a disgusted face formed on his delicate boyish face.
"If I get rich, I promise that this will be the first place I'm going to fix it, well, at least it's the only peaceful spot in this sequin castle." - He justified himself in thought.
He started walking towards the exit, dodging the stacks of abandoned books when he heard the chimes of a church bell.
The boy makes a disappointed face and takes out a watch from the newspaper pocket.
"Noon, really? It couldn't get any worse, it should have left earlier."
Just as his pale skin indicated he didn't go out much in the sun, or rather, he hated the light. The disease that discolored from his skin to his eyes also contributed to his having only bad experiences with the sun.
Even so, something he hated more than seeing the sun, was finding the old frowning king angry, especially when this centenary man was entitled to the quality of the food he received.
He took a long breath before pushing the doorknob on the dark oak door, as if that postponed what was to come.
As he had expected, when he opened the creaky door, the light outside was so great that he felt as if someone was holding a lamp in front of his eyes, next to a puff of hot air against his face.
"Aaah!" He dropped the door while rubbing his eyes in agony.
When his vision cleared he could make out the shape of a maid, dressed in a dress in the colors of the flag, who silently waited for him beside the library entrance.
The maid shyly cast a concerned look at the boy, but soon lowered her face again when she noticed that the boy was fine.
"Do you have a message for me, miss?" The boy said in an irritated tone.
At that moment the maid seemed to remember why, who had been waiting by the door for over an hour.
- With your permission?
- Yes? - Said the boy already suspecting the maid's tone.
- Your Majesty asked your Highness to attend your study sessions, with your Magnificence, Professor Rômulo, at least once a week. - Articulated the maid has no more respect than she could.
"So I suppose you are here to make sure I don't dodge somewhere else, am I right?" Asked Alamex with a hint of sarcasm.
- My orders are only to deliver the message and report to Your Majesty in case your Highness strays. Replied the servant again with extreme respect, but this time also with a little fear in her voice.
Alamex knew that she would be repressed if she did not convince him to attend classes.
It was not as if he hated studying, or that Rômulo was not a good teacher, but that the contents of his classes were boring and he found it more productive to spend time with his own research.
In fact, he could.
The whole kingdom treated him as a messiah who could bring a miracle with any action.
And the only authorities who were allowed to give orders were the old king and his advisers.
Nobles only treated him like an expensive piece of porcelain, of which he would punch his arrogant face, were it not for its size.
Perhaps he had made a good face when he brooded over his thoughts, for when he looked back at the maid, it seemed that she was reviewing her concept of what a child was.
He sighed and resumed his normally cool and calm composure before proclaiming.
- Why not? Today I have some matters to discuss with your Magnificence.
The maid seemed about to leap for joy, understandable since she had finally carried out her orders correctly. Alamex waited for a while for the servant to recover, but she seemed to be in the clouds as if hoping to win a prize for heroic acts, Alamex lost his patience and ended up expressing his thoughts in a somewhat rude tone:
- So I suppose you have to find your way alone.
The maid recovered from the shock, and followed silently through the corridors to the so-called professor's room.
The sound of wooden shoes echoed through the high corridors, the servant widened her steps as if to increase the distance in front of a stalker, Alamex stared penetratingly at the embroidered back of the maid's dress, which caused chills throughout the body of the servant, the prince it also increased its speed.
The maid's steps camouflaged the boy's light strides, who were always hidden in the servant's shadow.
In the servant's eyes, it was as if she were being followed by a ghost.
She let out a sigh of relief. She spotted the oak door with Rômulo's name in gold letters and stalked away from the boy after a respectful greeting.
Alamex stared at the name engraved on the door for a few seconds before opening it and finally entering.