I hate my 'friends'

On the way to school we stop at a convenience store to satisfy our hunger for not only breakfast but lunch as well. As we ate in the park near school, other students and class mates stared as they passed by. I chewed hard and buried my flustered face in my hands. There goes my peace. Everyone in the school is bound to start bugging me about this situation. When we were done eating, Rio jumped onto me arm, once again smiling cheerfully. The school gates were swarming with students who stared at me and Rio. I nervously smiled and she just ignored them.

Hiding in a bush by the entrance was the student council president who looked on angrily.

"Why does she get to do that!? I've waited a year to try and ask Yato out!" I heard her exclaiming. Another voice could be distinguished from the fury of leaves.

"I wish I could do that too!"

No way. Am I imagining things or was that Irami's voice?

"I so jealous of Rio!" whispered Irami.

Holy hell, it was. And what is she talking about? Who knows? Right now I have other things to worry about.

Rio was still wrapped around my left arm as we walked into the shoe locker room while more people stared. It was like this the entire way to class 2-C, our class. When I entered I felt more gazes on me. The silence was intimidating and was almost too much for me.

"What's wrong?" Rio asked after she saw my distressed face.

"N-nothing." Of course a lie. Luckily Rio questioned no further and only spoke again when we reached my desk in the back left by the window (which is the best seat).

"Excuse me but can I sit there from now on?" Rio asked too politely.

"U-um o-ok miss." The poor guy obliged while I stood there with pure confusion.

"Look Darling! Now I can sit here next to you all the time!" She chuckled like a little kid.

"How wonderful!" I replied sarcastically.

Suddenly the room was filled with a loud bang as Meiwaku made his flashy entrance. He laughed like a posh rich boy then proceeded to waltz towards me with a smug grin plastered on his ever annoying face. Rio stood in his way reach to beat him up if necessary.

"Woah c-calm down there Rio," I laughed nervously.

"Fine but call me Baby next time!" She pouted.

"Yato! how great is it to see you again!" Meiwaku announced for all to hear finishing with his crappy laugh. God I wish I could punch him in the face but on my pride as an introvert I must avoid sticking out. "Is this that girl who wrote you the love letter. Well she is actually quite pretty. Nice to meet you Yato's girlfriend, I'm Meiwaku Nishimura. I hope you've been taking care of my best friend."

"You're his best friend? Wow Darling has cool friends." And with that, my least favourite pair of friends was born to torment and ruin my high school life.

Another pair of delinquents that I happened to know walked through the classroom door.

"What are you doing to my Darling? Rio you witch, you must atone for your sins!" Straight away the Prez alerted everyone in the school to her position.

I couldn't take much more of the annoyances so I took out my book to finish homework as two angry women fought over me in the background.

"I'll never let you have my Darling!" Rio declared.

"Neither will I!"

Oh god... This homework is hard. Maths had never been my strong point. Well if it's to save me from the racket then I'll gladly do maths. 2b + 4ab × -15a. God dammit!

"Yato!" Suddenly I was drawn back from the horrors of numbers and plunged into a deeper pit of despair. Both of the girls were looking determinedly at me. "We need you to tell us which of us you prefer!" They asked simultaneously.

"Uhhhhhhh, Rio?" Although it was kind of a question Rio laughed in victory as Prez turned away with tears.

"That's the second time you've rejected me but it makes me want you even more!" Prez pointed at me with a look of desire and then ran away.

"Yay! Darling likes me more, Darling likes me more," Rio sang as she hugged me.

I was saved by our home room teacher when she entered the classroom. They fell instantly silent again but Rio remained attached to me like an illness.

"All rise!" The class excluding me and Rio stood.

Crap this can't be good! I need to stand but I can't with her wrapped on me. Moving my hands to clasp her wrists, the teacher walks other to us, each step shaking the room. I pry at her clutches but it's no use, I've accepted my punishment.

"Uh h-hello Miss Tsubaru, I stammered. Rio still didn't loosen her grasp as Miss Tsubaru stood intimidating us.

She coughed then said: "fine. I guess I can accepted this behaviour for now." Then walked away.

I was in complete shock until I saw Rio's death stare but when she noticed me staring she went lovey-dovey again. And that's how most of the day played out. It was only in period 3 that I truly despised God.