The Yandere's experiment


Aw great, science. Possibly the worse subject of all time, but at least we'll be doing a practical. As I gathered my things for next lesson I noticed Rio was shaking while gripping her skirt. Weird. It doesn't concern me though so I started to leave when she grabbed my shirt sleeve.

Blushing furiously, she muttered: "I need a piss."

How is that my problem!?

"Look, you can go yourself I'm not your babysitter," I said as I made my way out the door. I had no idea why she was so flustered over a simple task that took almost no effort to do. Still, she failed to loosen her grip on me. Instead of arguing I agreed to take her and immediately Rio's attitude changed. Hopping to her feet, Rio rushed out the classroom with me trailing behind. This was a complete waste of time.

15 minutes had passed since Rio left the bathroom, which meant science had already started, but she couldn't of had to pee for that long? Maybe I should check on her? No, way too risky, what would happen if I got caught, I'd be a dead man. Inside my head another battle of conflicted thoughts raged between my pervertedness and pride as an ordinary human being, man it's hard being a teenager. I guess there isn't any harm in sneaking a peek? As I opened the door to the female toilets a group of girls happened to be walking down the hallway so I rushed in and found a stall that was unoccupied. Well I thought it was. Rio was sat in complete shock as I stood by the stall door, cheeks scarlet like her hair.

"What are you doing here!" She whispered furiously, pulling up her skirt and panties.

"Well I came to check on you but a group of girls happened to be walking the hallway, so naturally to avoid having to explain myself I hid in here. Also why didn't you lock the stall door?" I replied in an urgent whisper.

"U-uh... Well you can go now, I've finished my business so you can go," she repeated.

"What if those girls come back? There's no way I can explain this!"

"Let's just get out of here-"

At that moment the door to the bathroom swung open and we heard footsteps slowly make their way to the stall next to us, the lock clicked shut. Both of us were frozen in fear, not making a single sound. Quickly, I opened the stall and ran out the bathroom, red as a lobster.

Outside, I waited for Rio, who when she came out instantly wrapped herself around my arm.

When we made it to the science room the teacher scolded us on being 20 minutes late but was glad that we were able to make it for the experiment. We were paired up with another couple in our class who were always all over each other, gawking. Their names were Akira Fukuda, who was practically a genius when it came to nerdy stuff and his girlfriend Shiori Ueno, who is incredibly lazy but extremely smart. I'm kind of glad we got paired up with them but since me and Rio are a couple they're probably going to be a nuisance. I really hope they don't ask any questions that could lead to misunderstandings.

The table had a tub of Sodium and a plastic shield set behind a basin full of water. Tweezer looking things were kept off to the side next to the Sodium and on the right was Potassium in a tub and some Lithium, the first three elements from group 1. Akira told me about these elements beforehand, they were the most reactive elements in the Periodic table that were safe to use for experiments in our environment.

I sent Akira to get us some goggles but of course, Shiori had to follow. That left me and Rio with prepping for the first experiment by measuring the amount of Lithium we put in the bowl. If weren't careful, it would hurt us. As soon as the love birds got back I held the piece of Lithium over the basin, dropped it then stood at a safe distance. The Lithium sparked then burst on fire but it was barely a kindle. Once the excitement was over, I took the next element, Sodium, into the water and like the Lithium it only sparked.

"Hey guys, take over for the last element I need the bathroom." I said when reaching for the classroom exit.

"Let me come with you, Darling!"

"I can go myself! Just finish the experiment and record the results."

"Okay," Rio pouted.

While I did my business, I hoped to god that Rio hadn't done anything stupid. Although she can be pretty terrifying, she can also act like a little kid...

One side of the classroom was covered in black, pieces of burning metal scattered the wall. What the hell happened here? My classmates were gathered on the opposite side of the room and the teacher was shouting at a group of students, one of which had scarlet hair. Oh no. Rio was in tears as our teacher shouted relentlessly at her, Akira and Shiori were behind her with guilty expressions clouding their faces. As I drew nearer, their eyes grew darker.

"Sir, what happened here?"

"Good, you're here. Yato, I need you to bring your classmates here to the faculty room."

Before I had any chance to decline, the man pushed me and the other three out the classroom.

"What the hell happened!?" I shouted.

"I-I put a bit too much Potassium into the bowl and it blew up." Rio said while looking at her shoes.

"And what were you two doing!?"

"We weren't paying attention at what Rio was doing." Akira said, panic rising in his voice.

To them I must've looked like a monster, fury was the only thing controlling me now in their eyes. But I was more disappointed then angry. I patted on Rio on the head and sighed: "You guys could've been badly injured. You are lucky that you're still alive. But I can't be mad. Let's just go."

Rio looked as though she might cry again while Akira and Shiori breathed a sigh of relief...