Summer has arrived

"Ahhhhhhh," Meiwaku let out a sigh of relief, stood before an expensive modern japanese house. "I can't belive you own this, Yato!"

"I still can't either," I replied forcing a smile.

"Yay! let's go inside!" Rio shouted eager to go.

I unlocked the door, hoisted the luggage in and closed it behind everyone.

"Okay. Girls and boys will be in seperate rooms-"


"No exceptions! You got it? Or do you want me to beat it into your thick skulls?" Everyone nodded. I dumped their stuff at the bottom of the stairs and ventured up into the hall on the left. The first door was my room, the one opposite was for Fuji and further down the hall was Meiwaku. The girls had the bedrooms on the right hallway, and an extra room.

I entered my room, the floor was immaculate, the bed was a futon tucked into a sliding closet. A bookshelf stood isolated in the furthest corner, shrouded in loneliness. The long 6 hour drive had finally hit me hard, so I grabbed a futon and fell asleep, despite the time only being 5PM...

"What is it that you want?"

I recognise that voice. Who was she? The shallow echoes of a little girls voice resonated around my head. Agonizing guilt loomed over me, my chest squeezing.

"Pfa!" Immediately I sprung forward into a sitting position. My heart was racing, lungs were burning and I was dripping sweat. Both my hands were shaking as I struggled to grip what had just transpired. As much as I tried I couldn't comprehend anything.

The shuffling of the blanket snapped me out of my daze. I checked the time. 8:47PM. Out of the corner of my eyes I saw two bodies, one on each side of me. I pulled back the covers revealing two busty naked women at my sides. Honestly it was amazing, but my pride took the better of me and I shook them awake.

"Is it morning already?" asked nami as she rose.

"Huh?" Rio yawned.

Simultaneously they snapped awake, then pointed at each other with exasperated looks scrunching their features. I was, as usual, caught between the two.

"Both of you-" I started, raising my voice along with my body, "will you go back to your rooms. AND SHUT UP!" I could feel my veins throbbing with anger as the two girls looked at me with shaking eyes. They backed out the door without another word.

It was peaceful for the rest of the night, even though I didn't receive a wink of sleep. By morning, there were giant bags under my eyes. I rolled over, then out of bed, pushing myself towards the bookshelf. After I got changed, I headed down for breakfast. It was still 6:57PM so I didn't expect anyone to be awake, but to my surprise, I found Irami shaking on the sofa with her back facing me. My footsteps were muffled by the sound of her sniffing, until the house betrayed me and a loud creak resonated the room.

Irami's tear stained face briefly laid eyes on me then hid in her lap.

"Hey Irami? Are you ok?" I asked moving cautiously forward.

"I'm fine." But her trembling voice told a different story.

I wrapped my arms around her.

"Hey what're you doing?!"

"The only thing I know to do when someones feeling sad."

We sat there as the sun emerged from the horizon, rearing its head again to sign daybreak. A pallet of colours flooded the darkness, spilling life at its quake; they splashed against our faces, lighting up Irami's pitiful smile. In her eyes was something different: I saw determination and the will to keep fighting.

Footsteps behind us broke our trance and I immediately dived onto the second sofa, just in time for Rio to come wandering in.

"Darling!" Rio exclaimed before jumping on and kissing me.

"Hey get off! Irami is watching!"

"I don't care!"

"K-knock it off Rio! I don't think Y-Yato likes it." Irami exclaimed.

"So spending a bit of time together makes you a sudden expert on Darling now?"

"I-I'm no expert on him! I d-don't even like him!" Irami stormed off leaving me to fend for myself.

"Alright that's it!" I rolled her onto the ground and landed on top of her.

Her face went red and she replied: "I've never been dominated before." Immediately I sprang off just as Fuji and Meiwaku entered.

"What's going on in here?" Meiwaku teased. Then went to sit at the table.

"Are you forcing her into submission? Ooh what a wonderful experience that must be! Yato! Do it to me! No-"

Fuji's words were cut by a foot to the back which excited even more as his face smacked the wooden floor. "Dirty Perv," Nami scowled.

"Who here can cook?" asked Meiwaku. An eerie silence lay thick over the room as everyone stared with anticipation at each other. "No one? You guys are really useless."

"Can you cook, Meiwaku?" Nami asked.

"Of course. I am the best in our year, and I take cooking classes after school sometimes!" He boasted, knowing full well how obnoxious he sounded.

As the sun floated higher we ate our breakfast, filled with laughter. I noticed Irami was nowhere to be found but thought nothing of it...