Bashful Beauty in a Bikini

It was late morning, and still, Irami was missing. We had checked all around the house and inside so we decided to leave without her. I was sure she'd turn up eventually but I was still worried.

The blue sky was vibrant, almost glowing; the cold wind gently brushed our senses, while the sun burned the golden sand. Nobody but us were occupying the beach, despite the beautiful weather. I checked our surroundings; we were in the middle of a long beach sandwiched between two cliffs which had exposed caves, carved into the rock. I doubt the caves went that far in.

"Hey Darling!" I turned around to find Rio bouncing toward me. She was positively gorgeous. Her red hair flowed gently in the wind, her eyes sparkled, her body pressed against her bikini.


"Hey Darling!" Nami came running behind Rio, her giant breasts bouncing more than Rio's.

"Get away from him!" Rio pushed Nami over and they wrestled in the sand. Thank god for this.

"Heyyyyyy! Yato!" Fuji was running full speed towards me, his arms wide. I gave him two fists to the stomach before grinding his face into the sand with my foot. And of course, he was enjoying it.

"Discusting!" I remarked with a repulsive look on my face then laughed it off.

"Wow! You sure are popular!" Meiwaku teased as I dug my foot deeper into Fuji's face.

"What can I say?"

While I, Meiwaku and Fuji set up blankets and the food, Rio and Nami were already splashing in the water. Their skin was glowing and sparkling. I stared in awe and Meiwaku had to smack me on the head with an umbrella pole to stop me from staring.

The three of us headed to the water once we had finished unpacking. My toe touched the water and a shiver was sent to my body, which made me fall back.

"Come on Darling!" Rio dragged me into the freezing water with a warm smile plastered to her face.

I flailed about flicking water in every direction. Rio chuckled as she was splashed with water and Fuji took a bucket then dumped it onto my head. Everyone laughed at my drenched scowl.

Rio and Nami's boobs bounced around while they argued over me, making my depressed face even more disgusting. Although the baggage display that I was a front row seater at, calmed me down. That was until Fuji tried to repeat the bucket joke. Meiwaku was lying down in a sun chair in the shade.

I left the trio in the water and put on some flip flops to explore the beach. The sand flicked onto the soles with every step, making it painful to walk. My senses were dulled by the strong wind pushing against my face, blocking the sounds of the waves crashing.

Near the end of the beach was a cave, shadowed by the giant cliff that surrounded it. The gentle sound of dripping water echoed through the dark walls. There was sunlight shining down through a hole in the middle of the cave. A person sat all alone on a rock, under the ray, water on all sides...