Part 1 Irami's view

I had tears streaming down my already wet face.

"He really doesn't remember. That idiot. I hate him."

The bitter sweet memory of that day invited more tears to surface her eyes.

"That idiot..."

* * *

"You're going to get cold out here in the rain!" Yato shouted at me.

I looked back at him, hiding under the cover of the umbrella. Hiding my face in my hands, I let out a wail of sorrow and I could tell Yato was frozen in shock.

"Whyyyyyyyyyy! I don't get iiiiit!" I shouted in despair. "Why did he have to go..." My voice trailed away. Suddenly I was being wrapped in a hug, I could feel the sickly sweet warmth radiating from him.

"I'm not going anywhere!" Yato whispered to me, so close that his hot breath made me shiver. "I promise I won't go anywhere..."

"But you're moving away in a month..."

"I'll always be here." He pointed to my chest, still embracing me from behind.

I shrugged him off and remarked: "when did you become such a sweet talker?" while wiping away the tears. And with that, I fell for the stupid idiot.

The funeral for my mother was held a few days later but I couldn't find Yato anywhere. I later asked his mother who was attending, but she refused to tell me. Water once again threatened to spill from my eyes as I asked myself, what was he doing? What was so important that he had to skip the funeral...?

* * *

I looked up to face a man who was red in the face and squinting in the dark. It looked like he was adjusting his focus. Like was making sure I was who he was looking for.

"Is that you, Irami?"

Cold silence shivered silently through our bodies as we slowly recognized each other.



We spoke simultaneously.


"Why are you here alone, in the dark?" Yato asked, slightly nervous.

"Do you remember...?"

"Remember what?"

"Me..." I barely whispered.

Yato stood there, befuddled, thinking back to his second middle school year...