3... 2... 1... Fight! (TATAKOI)

"Fufufu... Get ready to die! And become my slave!" Asahi shouted smugly.

Die, huh? And then somehow become her slave after dying, huh? This chick is full of it.

"Get ready for my ultimate move! Detroit Smash!"

(author: see what I did there?)

Oh crap! I got to focus! Breathe in then out... But what if she's like some sort of evil fighting machine! No, no, no. I'm just overreacting.

Her face was fully of fighting energy, brow furrowed in concentration. The stance was that of a pro.

Am I really going to die here?

Asahi came forward with her fist with full power behind it.




What? I'm still alive!? More than that, nothing hurts!

Have I just unleashed a secret power? Or is...

Below me, with her fist in my gut, shaking, tears brimming her eyes, was Asahi, who was in a lot more pain than I was.

...she incredibly weak?


"Ah! I didn't think your defense would be so great!" Asahi played it off.

No it's not that.

"I didn't expect such a worthy opponent!"

I held my finger to her head, and flicked.

"Yeeeowww! Such raw power! I'm amazed you can even land a blow on me!"

Don't tell me this girl is a chunnibyo! Now that I look again, her outfit is decked out in all sorts of weird accessories. She did have an eyepatch earlier too.

Talking about weird, what was that power she was talking about? Domination... the ability to control someone else? That would explain why my harem is acting strange.

No way. Magic is just ridiculous! There's no way it exists!

(author: so he believes in fish girls but not magic, aye?)


All of the girls jumped to Asahi's side, who wobbled on her shaking feet.

Did I seriously do that!?

"Stay away you dangerous monster!" Rio growled, ready to kill at any moment.

"Don't you dare lay a finger on Milady!" Nami shouted while brandishing a blade.

"It's not like I care about Milady or anything! S-so keep your distance trash!" Irami stabbed me with metaphorical daggers.

"If you hurt our Mistress, then prepare for your life to be forefit!" Sakura said like a soldier facing a mighty foe.

"Awwwww you guys... You're so fricking cuuuuuute! I wanna marry you all!!!" Asahi spouted nonsense.

I swear that every woman I meet turns out to be scary.

My harem surrounded Asahi like a meat shield, holding weapons that had materialised in their hands...


Nevermind that... I've got bigger, scarier problems at hand.

Nami charged at me with incredible speed, slashing down with her katana. Then followed by Rio, who took me by the leg and threw me over to where Irami was.

"W-why are you coming to me, you big DUMMY!?!?!?" I was punched back in mid air.

Then Sakura finished the job by smacking my cheek into the ground. My whole body was burning. Blood dripped from my broken nose, and bruises began to form where Sakura and Irami hit me.

I was barely conscious, only moving to try and get away.

"Well then, it seems I have finally succeeded in your capture!"

You didn't do anything!

Asahi continued: "Now let's try again, shall we? DOMINATION!!!!"

At that moment, a gust of wind blew, exposing Asahi's underwear.

A flash of white was the last thing I saw before succumbing to blood loss...