How did this girl enter my harem!?

This isn't even funny anymore.

The morning had been going great so far; usual wake up call from Rio; Sakura and Irami linking arms with me while blushing, and Nami watching us from behind, followed by Fuji. Meiwaku was sick today so I was lonely in class.

But now I was feeling lonely for an entire different reason. The class had separated from me because of one annoying pest, glued to the window.

Asahi still hadn't realized that I had noticed her, or anyone else for that matter. She just stayed glued to the window, staring intently at me.


I pushed my chair away as I stood up and faced Asahi as she jumped with surprise, falling to the ground out of view.

A few seconds later, the door flew open. A small green child stood in the doorway.

"Hahahaha! Of course my rival would be able to spot me hiding so easily!"

You were in plain sight! Is what I would have said but I stayed were I was, looking nonchalantly.

"This time I will be sure to dominate you!" Asahi declared, making everyone stare qt me like I was the bad guy.

"Hold up. Just stop. I don't care, go away."

"S-such cold words... Never less, I shall make you bend to my will!" And with that, Asahi swiftly exited, leaving all of us in awkward silence.

* * *

Looking back on the past few months I've come to realize that I don't know half the people in this school.

The weird competition and this confrontation were made by people who didn't even know existed.

Now I've got a Yandere girlfriend and the rest of my harem is full of over strange character archetypes.

I've got Rio and Nami, the yanderes, Irami, the tsundere, Sakura the animal girl/the lewd one, and Ichika, the sadist. Now there's a loli-goth with a bust bigger than a football chasing after my harem!

Actually I wonder if there's a chance to make all of them my girlfriends?

No! I am NOT a dirty...

2, 3, 4...

6 timer!

Even considering that possibility is outrageous!

Or maybe...


My thoughts were cut off as a big set of oppai were slammed into my face, and two arms wrapped my head deeper into the rack.


"Hee hee hee, that tickles, Darling!"

"I can't breathe!" Rio let go, as I stumbled back.

Rio looked at me with an innocent, cute face. Her red hair was tied in a ponytail, leaving two strips of her bangs over the side of her face.

"H-hey! W-what indecent act w-were you two up to?" Irami shouted, blushing.

"Let me join in! Yaaaaaay!" Sakura, appeared from behind Irami, then pushed my head into her bosom. "How is it? Hon-ney~"


"You shouldn't move around too much! Aaaangh!"

I managed to escape but not before almost getting a knife thrown into my chest. My face, drained of colour, turned to Nami who was holding more knives in her skirt. A huge smile, stretched across her cheeks.

I ran.

Everyone followed behind me, spouting weird nonsense about me and the stuff they were going to do to me.

Turning a corner, I bumped into someone.

"Hey are you-"

Fuji was on the ground, his face flushing, and joyful.

I kept running until I lost them.

Around me, the hallways were unkown and the classrooms unamed.

Shit! I probably should've checked this school's layout!

A classroom on my right was leaking light under the doorway. Thinking someone was inside, I entered a room that was completely dark apart from a candle that flickered in the middle of the classroom.

A girl, sat cross-legged on the floor, behind the candle, reading from a book. When she saw me, she suddenly disappeared.

Was that... a ghost!?

I flicked on the lights to get a better view of the room. Large sheets of black curtains were draped along all the walls, and the floor was completely covered in manga and light novels.

What the hell is this!?

I picked up a book and stared blankly at the cover.

My brow furrowed as I inspected it further, trying to make sure that I was definitely looking at 'that' sort of book.

"So what if I married my sister! I love her!"

A incest romance novel.

What. The. Fuck.