The new girl is crazy!

The day had ended so I decided to explore more of the school. There was a massive football pitch that I didn't even know existed! But I regret going to see what was happening...

* * *


"Boot it!"




"Look, Itsuki! We can't play football if all you do is block the ball with your body! Pass to us, come on!"

"Hah... hah... hah... It's ok... I'm a goalie... hah... so it's fine..."

This girl, Itsuki, was panting heavily although she barely moved, and every time the ball went to the goal, she catch or hit away. She just stood there and took the hit while looking flustered.

"Hey, can I take a shot?" I had to prove my theory.

"Sure, but our goalie is a bit clumsy."

I've only seen one other person wear the same expression as Itsuki, and it was not good.

I ran up to the ball, before I booted the ball with no less force than a bus. It shot through the air, straight towards Itsuki. Who, as I predicted, was waiting for the ball to hit her, all hot and sweaty.

It slammed into her face while blood spurted out of her nose like how it does in anime.


Maybe I kicked it a bit too hard.

"Sorry ladies, I'll take her to the infirmary!" I shouted, hefting Itsuki onto my back.


"It's fine! Besides I was the one who did this! Sorry..." I walked away before they could get another word in.

"Wasn't that Yato? The infamous pervert with a harem?"

"Itsuki might be in trouble!"

H-hey! I'm not a pervert!

"Oh no!"

"What do we do!?"

"She'll be fine! Plus he seemed pretty nice to me."

At least one of those girls is on my side...

* * *

"Pardon the intrusion," I said as I slid the door open.

All the beds in the room were vacant and the nurse seemed to be out. It was just us. Alone...

Better get while I can.

I placed Itsuki on the closest bed to me, and moved to make my escape but was stopped by Itsuki grabbing my shirt.

Her eyes were at the brink of tears and her other hand was held to her lips. Itsuki was sat in a W position, acting as vulnerable as a mouse cornered by a cat. Tugging at my shirt, her eyes grew larger.

"P-please don't go..." Her voice was soothing.

"Yep. See ya!"

"No! Don't go!... ...Actually do, but don't! But do! But don't! ...Angh! I can't believe you would leave a damsel, such as myself, alone in this room! How cold hearted! Angh!"

I'm definitely leaving.

Despite what she had said Itsuki looked quite 'happy' to see me leave but not at the same time. Every breath, produced hot, steamy air, and her face was red.

"I'll see you around!"

"How cruel! Is my seductive body not good enough! I swear I am the big sister type!" Itsuki implored. "Have you no respect for a woman's charm! Or... are you gay? Is that it?"

"No, I am not gay! And stop it with this bullshit about you being seductive! You... you... You boarish woman!" I shouted.

I just want to go home! Can't you see that, you masochistic pervert!

"I knew helping you was a bad idea. I just wanted to look nice after my reputation was ruined by other women..."

"Talking about other women in front of me! This must be some kind of heaven!" Itsuki shouted with joy.

"Shut it you!"

I whacked her on the head, but as I suspected that made her squeal out with excitement.

"Anyway I really have to go-"

"What are you kids doing in here?"

Behind me stood Kageya-Sensei, who had presumably come to see the nurse.

"Well basical-"

"Yato was abusing me with all his wrath, while I lay here taking in his hot, steamy anger, Angh!" Itsuki interrupted.

"Wait no that's not i-"

"Are you OK, Itsuki!?"

"Angh! No! How could I be after taking in all his meat!"


Someone save me....