The Testament of the idiot lovers

Darling's such an idiot. He doesn't know how girls feel at all. Why did I have to fall in love with such an idiot like him?

* * *

It was mid-December and Christmas was on its way. Not that I was looking forward to it that much. Ever since I met with Rio's mum and sister she had been avoiding me.

I sighed, producing fog. I was outside a large shopping center with a bag of new manga attached to my side.

My sister and mother had both left to see our grandparents, without warning, leaving me behind yet again. I wonder whether I should call the police. Nah. Too much hassle.

I watched as cars and people passed, the lights dancing off every surface. Nothing was fun anymore.

It was now endless days of silence as none of the girls who used to come to me, weren't visiting me at all. To be honest, I was lonely.

While on the way home, my phone buzzed lightly. Checking it, I saw a notification from Nami.

{When are you and Rio going to make up?}

Huh? I don't understand?

{What do you mean?} I asked.


{Figure it out yourself!}

That's what she said to me on that day. Aina.

["Because the way to a woman's heart is food!"]

That's not it, you dummy. It's...

"... 'A way to a woman's heart is a mountain of pain with an end of fulfilment.' "

A tear rolled down my cheek.

* * *

Men are so dumb and stupid.

Every single one of them only thinks with their dicks. At least that's what I thought until I met him.

I thought he was just another man with a lustful mind. And I was right. But behind all that, and all his rants about gender equality, is a kind and sincere man, who respects those around him.

Well, sometimes.

That's why...

* * *

The cold wind had become harsher, whipping my face, that I tried so hard to warm up.

It was 9pm and the world was dark. 2 hours before, the shopping center had closed, leaving me out in the freezing cold along this lonely park lane.

Up ahead was a streetlight, with a group of people huddled around a bench. A person, most likely a girl, was sat in silence, taking each person's attempt to take her home.

Me, being the hero that I am, snuck up behind these people to get a better look.

My eyes widened.



"Do you know this guy?" asked one of the men, who sneered at me.

"No." Rio said the last words I wanted to hear.

"Oh look the little guy is cryin' "

I couldn't stop the tears.

My fist curled into a ball, then without warning launched itself at one of the guys. The punch landed square on the face, leaving a bruise.

My body had reacted before my mind could.

"What are you doin' " One man said before taking a swing at me himself.

Instead I landed a hit on his stomach, dropping him to the floor.

This is great! Finally I can ta-

A shock wave of pain zapped throughout my body as a burly dude kicked me in the gut. I spewed blood on the floor before dropping to my knees...


When I woke up, the guys were gone, as well as Rio, and the street echoed silently.

"Yato, you dumbass."

"R... Ri... Rio...?" I said, barely a whisper.

"You fucking... dumb...ass..."

I was suddenly grabbed from behind as Rio put her head up to mine.

Our faces were inches apart. I could see the beginnings of tears brim at her eyes.

"I... 'm... so...rry..."

"Just stay quiet. For at least now."

Something soft and supple sink into my lips, pressing gently. A tongue found its way inside my mouth, and soon we were making out. Both of us had tears flowing down our cheeks, while hugging each other tightly.

"Let's stay like this for a while."
