Too many sisters

I swear, what is taking those idiots so long!? The service is about to begin, if they haven't resolved this I'm afraid I might kill them.

My step father-to-be was standing on the stage in front of the lectern, behind which, was the the Priest. The two chairs beside me were empty, obviously; their occupants had yet to arrived.

The silence was killing me. Any second they could come bursting through the door, and at any second the bride could walking through the opposite door. As if answering my troubles, the bride appeared down the hall in the open doorway.

You've got to be kidding me?!

The organ began to play the classic 'Here comes the bride' song as I panicked. What a woeful world this was.

My mother was beyond beautiful; her hair was tied up into a bun with a side parting on her forehead; her lips were painted in a scarlet colour, complimenting her hair and her dress only inflated her elegancy as she walked down the aisle. Her fraigance filled the air in each passing footstep. I almost forgot that I was in the middle of a crisis.

It seemed all was lost as Mother was about to reach our aisle but coming in clutch, without me noticing, were my sisters who had snuck up behind me.

Well it seems they worked every thing out...

* * *

The service ended without incident and the girls were really friendly towards each other even though a while ago they were at each others throats. Well, I'm still glad for them.

"Yato~" Hanako raced up to me, grabbing waist, "I'll be in you care~"

Suddenly, I could feel cold, dangerous eyes piercing my back.

"Hey... uh... Kazu-ne-"

"Don't leave me out of the fun!"

What is this whole three sixty of her attitude towards me?

"If you hang out with other girls-I'll kill you." Kazu-nee said without emotion and eyes like daggers.

It would appear as though I have a new Yandere on my hands.

"Oi. Get your filthy cum filled hand off my brother, you slut!" Hanako burst in, her face contorted into that of a devil.

"I was his sister before if I recall correctly." Kazu-nee replied passive aggressively.

Why God? Why have you cursed me to be so popular!?!?!

[End of volume 5]