Hanako crash!

"I hope they don't kill each other I thought out loud, while still running away. At least I think it won't come to that.

I hope.

* * *

"So, you're approaching me?" I said. "Then come as close as you want!"

"Shut up and sit down," Hanako hissed, then sighed.

It seems my attempt at light hearted banter has failed.

I sat down regaining, my ugly sour face and crossed my legs, waiting for her to speak. Half a minute had passed by and still no word. I was begining to become impatient but if it was almost a silent rule between us, I kept my mouth closed, waiting for Hanako to speak. Her face was completely red, her eyes were darting in all directions apart from my eyes; she too was keeping from talking.

Well as me being the older sister it felt sort of right to start talking first.

""Umm-"" We both started but quickly faltered as we heard the other stutter.

"You go first."

"No it's fine, after you."

Our words and gestures weren't matching our behaviour displayed earlier.

"What did you want to talk about?" I said, finally giving up.

"Um... Please... ...on't... ...ry... to st... ...the we...dding..." Hanako was a completely different person to her stroppy burst of rage before, like now that we were sat down talking one to one she couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the tense atmosphere. It was a surprisingly cute side of her.

"Onee-chan!!!" Hanako suddenly shouted. "I will not let you stop the wedding that my father wants so badly!!"

I could see she was trembling as she looked at me with determined eyes, worried of what I would respond with. That was the first time that someone called me 'Onee-chan' unlike how Yato addresses me, and honestly I was ever so slightly happy. My rage had called down. Mabye I was only worried about the change it would bring if mother remarried or that I wouldn't have my little brother to myself anymore.

An involuntary tear rolled down my cheek.

"Eh!?" Hanako noticed it a her expression changed to surprise.

"Huh!?!" I was surprised at myself too; I never thought that I would be crying about this. "Hahahahahaha!!" I couldn't help myself but laugh.

Hanako started fretting but she too, joined in.

We sat there for a few minutes laughing and crying as we held each other, the moment was fun and sad all at the same time.

I glanced at my watch, which maliciously stated that we had only 3 minutes untill the beginning of the service.

"Hey... um... Hanako?... We might be late..."