
While Zane was feeling guilty about leaving Sophia to die, he decided to still not tell anyone what he knew he couldn't risk them chastising him. All the while his father was trying to calm Carol down and it wasn't working one bit. She was still worried about leaving her daughter out in the woods alone at night.

Carol : "How could you just leave her there to begin with? How could you just leave her?" She said sitting on the Guard Rail leading to the wooded area.

Rick : "Those walkers were on us. I had to draw them off. It was their best chance." He says sympathetically.

Shane : "Sounds like he didn't have a choice, Carol."

Carol : "How where they supposed to find their way back on Their own? She's just a child. she's just a child." she says nearly crying.

Rick : "It was my only option. The only choice I could make." He says on his knees. Carol suddenly looks at Zane.

Carol : "You were with her last. What happened where is my baby girl?" She says practically sobbing at this point making Zane feel awful for what he did but he'd do it again he did the right thing he thought to himself.

Zane : "I-I. . . Don't know we got separated by the w-walkers." After he said that Carol keeps questioning him and his mother finally intervenes saying that he was scared enough and she should give him space for now and Carol listened.

After Zane decided to walk away from the adults and let the ongoing conversation ensue without him present, With Carl following right behind him annoying Zane enough for him to finally turn around and look at his brother who looked like he was gonna cry, which surprised him.

Zane : "What's wrong bro?" He asked curiously, While his brother did cry at times he wasn't someone who did it in front of him or anyone else for that matter so he was thoroughly confused.

Carl : "I thought you were gonna die." He says feeling very grateful that his little brother survived being chased down by the walkers..

Zane : "Wow bro you counted me out that fast." He says trying to cheer his brother up, he acted like it hurt him putting his hand over his chest were his heart was, Before smiling.

Carl : "Hahah Very funny. Glad to see you didn't change." He says being sarcastic while his mood was also lifted by his brothers joke.

Zane : "We need weapons to protect ourselves." He says more seriously.

Carl : "I agree I found some earlier. Shane made me give them to Dale though, We could take two of them for ourselves though as I found at least six of em." He says agreeing with his brothers assessment.

Zane : "Let's go, Get them before it's to late and we get caught." Carl nods his head and they head over to Dale's R.V.

They sneak into the R.V. and look for the weapons. And after about a two minutes of searching Carl pulled out a little Gerber gear bag thing, They looked through the weapons and they saw that there was machetes, hatchets and pocket knives. Zane not wanting to get caught figured they should only take smaller blades.

Zane : "Take one of the smaller blades only." Carl nods his head and takes one of the pocket knives and hides it in his pocket with Zane doing the same.

After they had both grabbed a pocket knife Carl grabbed the Gerber gear putting it back were it was before. And they both headed out of the R.V. and Dale was at the door looking at them surprised.

Dale : "What were you doing?"

Zane : "I-I got scared being in in the o-open and carl hid me in the R.V. to calm me d-down." He says with his voice trembling. Dale nods his head and Zane and carl walk away with them fist bumping each other while smiling, After they headed back over to their parents.

The next day the group was gathered near the R.V. when Dale laid out the blades carl had found and they all saw that two of them were missing and this made Zane and Carl both extremely nervous.

Dale : "Two of them are missing."

Shane : "Carl, where are they." he says annoyed that Carl didn't listen to his instruction from before.

Carl : "It wasn't me." He says but it was a poor attempt at lying.

Rick : "Carl, if you took the supplies tell us now." He says trying to goad his son in to telling them. Zane watched them feeling guilty that all the blame was being placed on Carl, so he decided to fess up for his brother.

Zane : "It was me. I talked him into it. And we took them from the R.V. yesterday." He says with his head down pretending to be ashamed.

Rick : "But why?" He says confused why Zane would try to steal the blades.

Zane : "We need to be able to protect ourselves. We cant always do that if we're unarmed can we? Dad we don't need to be babied. We need to be armed I realized that when I almost died because I couldn't stab that walker through the head." He says trying to get his point across. But it ended with he and carl sitting in the car his father and mother had driven before.

Zane : "This is dumb. I'm right and they know it, that's why I'm in trouble." He said angrily he hated the fact that they hadn't even listened to him and just punished him.

Carl : "Next time let's come up with a better plan of attack." Zane nods his head. And they sit in the car waiting for their punishment to be over.