Pointless search

While Zane and Carl were sitting in the car Zane after only a few minutes inside of it had enough, he opened the car door and as he was about to get out Carl grabbed him.

Carl : "Where are you going?" He ask curious about what stupid ideas his little brother might have, to get them into more trouble with their parents. Zane pulls away from Carl and walks away without answering his question, making Carl extremely angry.

Zane walks up to his father, who was talking to Dale and he made out a little bit of what his father said. He was asking Dale to keep and eye out for Carl and himself while he went to search for Sophia with Shane.

Zane : "Dad, Please take us with you." he says interrupting the two men, They both look at him with Rick shooting him and incredulous look. He couldn't understand why his son wouldn't listen all of a sudden.

Rick : "I thought I told you. To stay in the car." He says angry at his son's newfound rebellion it really wasn't the time for that so why couldn't his son see that, Carl who was next to Zane interferes.

Carl : "You need as many people, as possible to cover ground, right?" he ask trying to trick his dad into saying they could come. Rick groans annoyed at Carl's statement, looking over to Lori for the verdict.

Lori : "Your call, I can't always be the bad guy." Rick looks back at his sons shifting on his feet trying to figure out what to say, When Dale spoke out.

Dale : "Well, they have all of you to look after them. I'd say he's in good hands."

Rick : "Okay." He says shifting on his feet, sighing he grabs his sons shoulder. "But always within our sight, No exceptions." after he said that he walked away from them, with Carl and Zane both smiling. Dale looked at them and winked smiling at them.

The group headed off to search for Sophia and his father let him and Carl carry a pocket knife, Zane felt the search weighing on his conscience as he walked beside his mother and Carl with Daryl and his father leading and Shane at the rear. This was all a wild goose chase they most likely would never find Sophia, as she was probably far gone munching on some poor animal by now he thought to himself.

He was snapped out of his thoughts when he saw they had stopped and were lurking around a tent, He thought they figured she would hide there rather than anywhere else. Daryl had his crossbow to his face aiming as he checked his surroundings as he made his way to the tent. Rick and Shane followed closely after him as well.

Daryl turns around to face Rick and Shane and signals for them to stay were they were as he pulled out a pocket knife, and made his way over to the tent ready to deal with any threat that he faced. He looked at a spot where you could see inside without opening anything, once he was sure he didn't see anything dangerous they called Carol over. The rest of the group moved over quietly as well while rick told Carol to lightly call for Sophia so her voice would be the first she heard, If she was in the tent.

Carol : "Sophia, sweetie, Are you in there? Sophia, It's mommy. Sophia we're all here, Baby. It's mommy." She said trying to persuade her nonexistent daughter out. Zane hearing her walked away to a nearby tree, thinking to himself he should have stayed back this was all hitting him entirely to hard.

Meanwhile Daryl slowly unzipped the tent while rick stood in front of the tent, ready for anything that would pop out. Daryl opens the tent and coughs from the smell, quickly after he enters seeing a maggot ridden walker.

Carol : "Daryl?" She call out with a nervousness in her voice, He doesn't answer "Daryl?" She says again.

Daryl : " It ain't her." He says exiting the tent."

Lori : "What's in there?"

Daryl : "Some guy. Did what Jenner said. Opted out. Ain't that what he called it?" he says slinging his crossbow back over his shoulder. Suddenly church bells rang out and they all headed toward the noise.