
They all gather around trying to figure out exactly the direction the bells came from with Glenn saying maybe their calling for other people, while Andrea thinks maybe they're Signaling they found Sophia. They all start heading towards the direction they think it's coming from, when they arrive they find themselves in a gravesite which makes Zane uneasy.

Shane : "That can't be it. Got no steeple, No bells. Rick." He says confused. His friend doesn't listen to him as he run down towards the the structure, with the rest of the group following closely behind him. Rick made his way up the steps of the church with Daryl coming beside him and Shane at the rear, Rick and Daryl pushed the doors open Seeing three people sitting down in seats.

The people turn around in their seats revealing themselves as walkers, The walkers they look at the group before standing up, Rick seeing this grabs his blade and walks towards the biggest walker. And stabs it straight in the face making it fall and he continues stabbing it, while Shane goes up to one of the walkers grabbing it's shoulder and driving his blade into its brain.

While Daryl sneaks behind one of the other walkers, making kissing noises before slashing its face open, while Rick and Shane continue stabbing the walkers they dealt with. Afterwards Rick screams out Sophia's name while opening a door to the outside and searching around. Daryl walks up to the alter looking at Jesus on the cross.

Daryl : "Yo, J.C., You taking request?" He says as he walks away from it.

Shane : "I'm telling you, It's the wrong church. It's got no steeple, Rick. There's no steeple." He says looking his friend in his eyes trying to convince him. As he finished his sentence the bell went off again causing Rick to run off in the direction he heard it from. They get to the origin of the the bell, finding it was an automated sound from a speaker that went off automatically. Glenn went over to the power box that was playing the sound turning it off so it wouldn't draw walkers.

Daryl : "A timer. It's on a timer. " he says walking off after clearly frustrated.

Carol : "I'm gonna go back for a bit." she says walking back into the church sadly. With the rest of the group excluding Andrea and Daryl following after her.

Zane after entering the church looks at the walkers with both pity and disgust, he realizes they were once people with lives just like himself. Now they were just empty shells, monsters who fed on anything that moved and he hated them for it. As he was thinking to himself he heard Carol speaking.

Carol : "Father, Forgive me. I don't deserve your mercy. I prayed for safe passage from Atlanta and you provided. I prayed for Ed to be punished for laying his hands on me and for looking at his own daughter with whatever sickness was growing inside his soul. I prayed you'd put a stop to it, give me a chance to raise her right, help her not make my mistakes. She's so fearful. She's so young in her way. She hasn't had a chance. Praying for Ed's death was a sin. Please, don't let this be my punishment. Let her be safe, Alive and safe. Please, lord. Punish me however you want, But show mercy on her." She says while crying silently letting her words flow. she stares silently for a second before making her way to sit next to Lori. Who grabbed her consoling her quietly.

Zane listened to Carol talk for a little bit before he left he didn't want his guilt to overwhelm him, He walked outside of the church sitting on the steps putting his hands on his face thinking of everything he could've done to get Carol to see her daughter one last time. When something invade his mind "If she was weak enough, to get caught. She deserved to die." he angrily shouts in his head "No, that's not right." As he was thinking to himself his brother walks out of the church sitting beside him on the steps.

Carl : "You know, You really piss me off. At certain times." he says still annoyed that his brother gave him the cold shoulder earlier.

Zane : "Bro, I'm not in the mood. Get, away from me." he says glancing over his shoulder at his brother annoyed. It's like his brother always wanted to pick a fight with him.

Carl : "Well that too bad isn't it. Now get in the mood because were gonna talk right here right now loser." he says trying to goad his brother into a fight.

Zane : "CARL LEAVE ME, THE FUCK ALONE." he says snapping at his brother. While Carl sits there surprised at is brothers outburst, And Rick walked out of the church as soon as he said it earning Zane a look from his father.

Rick : "Watch you mouth." he says reprimanding his son. Zane looks at his father annoyed and he gets up walking away while shaking his head.

Later on Zane was sitting around with the rest of the group when Shane and Rick came over saying that the rest of the group besides he and Rick should head back to the camp and that they would continue searching for Sophia. Carl and Zane wanted to stay behind with them and eventually they agreed to it. When the other group left Zane was next to Shane with no one else around.

Zane : "Shane can I tell you something. And if I do please don't tell anyone"