
With the croaking of the rooster in the early morning, Aurelia shot up, shivering with enthusiasm within her soft bed. Turning to Talia within the lotus position meditating, her lips curled up in a mischievous smile. Grabbing the Eldritch Staff beside her, Aurelia silently left without a sound. Looking around at the second floor of the old tavern, She scrunched her brow, taking a deep sniff capturing the scent of sausages, eggs, and bread. Walking down the squeaking stairs, a large woman with long red hair approached with a motherly grin.

"Did you have a good sleep, sweety?" She questioned, pointing towards the silver-headed boy silently staring down at his food with scrutiny. Giving a few pokes to his dish, hesitation was all but evident as he lifted his head towards Aurelia. "Your big brother is waiting for you. Hurry on now, Dear!"

"Thank you, Merry! And I had a wonderful nap," exclaimed Aurelia with a vibrant smile; taking a seat in front of the young devil, she placed the Eldritch Staff beside her. Noticing his untouched meal, Aurelia snickered, "Can I have it?"

Pushing his plate toward her, Zireael sighed, "Up all night, and now I must starve. How bothersome, are you ready?" He asked, watching on with envy.

With a mouthful of food, Aurelia nodded in glee, "Yes, but I thought you said learning magic was impossible unless I became an Arcane Warrior."

Pulling his arm off the table, watching her speak with her mouth full, Zireael replied, "Using tier magic is out of the question, but Zero magic is different. Zero magic is where you pull Acana out of the air using your staff as a catalyst to cast spells. It's not truly powerful, but it's one of the best types of spells Wizards and Mages use. "

"So... I.. this is good!" she shouted, stuffing her mouth while Zireael glared, clenching his empty stomach. While the food looked appetizing, the young lord refused to eat here once he saw the kitchen.

"So are staffs and other tools necessary to cast all types of spells?"

"Yes, but for you, it's a multiplier. Right now, you casting a Zero spell from the Eldritch Staff will boost its power by two factors." Explained Ziraeal rising from his chair. "When you finish, meet me outside the tavern.

Cramming the sausage and bread down her throat in a hurry, Aurelia swiftly chased after Zireael with excitement. Exiting the tavern, the duo stepped outside the tavern to the dark skies of Yrinas. With dawn a few hours away, Zireael peered towards the clean streets of Yrinas. Unlike Valmor, Yrinas held a completely different architecture to the Getto Zireael lived in. Its streets were wide, allowing for heavily populated movements. In contrast, the buildings did not appear old or broken but rathered maintained by the community.

Taking a breath of the fresh air Zireael pursed his lips, "I wished I landed here. This little village is quite nice and from the looks of it. Yrinas may turn into a city soon; I may name this place my territory. It seems no lord has claimed it."

"Dumb Dumb?" Aurelia called out, growing a little impatient at the mindless state of her companion.

"Oh, sorry, let's go!"

Touring the streets of Yrinas, Zireael entered a rural area pressing on like he knew where he was going, slowly passing a large open crimson gate surrounded by nature and endless series of stairs leading up a mountain. Noticing the odd fluctuation of Arcana within the air, The Young Lord continued on. Patiently heading up the stairs, sweat began to consume Aurelia as dawn began to break.

"It's been two hours!" she exclaimed in perspiration, using the eldritch staff to support her weary body.

Not saying anything, Zireael simply pointed towards the top, only a few hundred meters away. Charging at max speed, Aurelia bolted to the top, dropping to the ground in exhaustion. Smiling at her eccentric behavior, he slowly made his way by her side.

Noticing the empty courtyard and the midsize home surrounding the courtyard, he creased his brow, "I am Duke Blackwater of the Kingdom of Ferrum. I will be using this courtyard for a few days. If you have a problem, please feel free to state it."

"Eh? who are you talking to?" Aurelia questioned when a blur suddenly appeared in front of Lord Zireael, startling her. Drawing the sword at her side, she glared at the elderly man in exquisite carmine robes.

Scrunching his sword-like brow towards the Young Duke, Earl Kest Welche traced the child's small body before him. A hint of disbelief and intrigue, both visible upon his age expression.

"Devil of the North, huh? I did not think you would be a child. I am Earl Kest Welche; it is quite the honor of meeting your excellency."

"I am sure it is." Voiced Zireael shooting a few others hidden within the empty a cold glance. " But it's as I said, Kest, I wish to use this courtyard. I am here to train that girl behind me."

"How can I refuse the request of a duke, but does this lord mind sharing?" Earl Kest boldly asked, pondering the reply he would garner from the young duke. There were, after all, many wicked rumors surrounding the boy.

"It's fine. This is your courtyard, after all. I am teaching Zero Spells, so if those within your home wish to join, please feel free to come to my lecture. " Zireael informed with indifference.

Stroking his elegantly groomed grey goatee, Earl Kest chuckled, "Then I shall inform the children. Not many know of Zero Spells, so it will be an honor to see it in action. "

Vanishing from Aurelia's perception, she turned to Zireael, "if he is an Earl, where are his guards? Something feels wrong." She uttered, peering into the distance with suspicion.

"Oh, I thought you would have missed that, but do not worry. The General Kest doesn't need guards; I am sure no one aside from his core family knows he has a house here." Zireael explained, pointing towards the large staff within the girl's arms. "That Staff is too big; command it to stink to the size of your body."

"I can do that?" Aurelia shouted; when the Eldritch Staff began to tremble on its own losing half its size in an instant, sending the young mage in awe, feeling the staff perfectly within her palm.

"Good seems it retained some consciousness from my seal. Now shall we begin?" Zireael stated as heavy footsteps began to echo.

Noticing three more heads, Zireael didn't even acknowledge them as he continued on, "In order to cast Zero Spells, one needs to draw Qi or Acana from the heaven pushing it into their staff or wand. However, since you are only at the first tier of Arcane refinement, doing so will be harder than doing those at a higher stage. Any questions?"

Turning his gaze towards the three newcomers, Zireael coldly stared at two large handsome men around eighteen, watching him like a hawk. Their hair was jet black with sharp eyebrows similar to Earl Kest, only thicker. While in between stood a girl around five glaring at Zireael with confusion. Her features were a little similar to the two boys by her side, only within her brow held a totem of the wolf baring its fangs.

"How does one then draw Acana in if they are only within the realm of Arcane Refinement?" Ella Welche, the small child, asked in a high-pitched tone. "I heard you cannot since we don't have a real connection yet."

"You don't, but the wand by your side does." Lord Blackwater stated, returning his attention back to Aurelia, "All of you have felt the power of Acana now you must push it into your weapons. Will that is all it takes. See the Arcana and will it into your weapons. Your staff or wand will take care of the rest."