Sigil of Magic

Drawing the sword from upon his back, Zireael's blade began to shimmer with a powerful force. Slowly the glow began to stretch from his blade, covering his entire body with its silver radiance.

"This will be your session. Once you gather the Arcana within your weapon, push it not within your body but outside like a cloak. Those that are in the realm of Warrior may push it in their bodies, but everyone else below this realm must push Arcana around their body, or your arms may explode in a gory mist. Take note that gathering Arcana from the outside world requires stamina as well as intent. It will use your life force if you are out of stamina, so stop when you feel you are pushing it.

Raising her staff, Aurelia closed her eyes, trying to capture any semblance of Arcana within the air. Slowly a warm sensation began to trace her small body, similar to wind. Following Zireael's word, she willed it into her staff. However, after waiting a few minutes, nothing happened. Frowning, she started once more.

"Arcana has no intent or will, so it cannot resist, but you must believe that you can force it into your weapon. Acana is not your friend; it is a tool, so erase any respect or love and will it into your weapon. You are its master, not its friend or equal. Bend it to your will. Like you wound a slave, " Zireael coldly commanded, eying the golden light beginning to glimmer around the eldritch staff. "This is not a one-time interaction. It requires constant concentration. If you let it go, you will fail."

Noticing the small amount of Azure Acana upon Ella's body Zireael did not bother with the two boys who did not participate, merely watching their sister cover her body in Arcana. With a victorious expression, she opened her eyes towards the silver-headed boy hoping for some recognition. Only to be disappointed in the indifference.

Watching the two girls glowing, Gold and Azure Zireael approved, "Good, these cloaks are how those in Warrior and higher battle. While it seems simple, the Arcana around you will boost your reaction speed, power, and agility. For you all, it will not be by a lot, but it will be enough to compete with monsters that most humans cannot see or react."

However, just as Zireael's words landed, a dark light began to leak into Aurelia Golden light. Feeling the familiar chill, a hollow intent gripped his soul. Not letting anything show upon his face, a smile perceived by many as joy arrived, yet benight it held a vengeful evil began burning within his heart, slowly eating away at his sanity.

Noticing a slight change, Aurelia opened her gaze towards the devil staring deeply into her. Feeling a chill upon her soul, her concentration shattered. Causing a massive force to explode within her chest. Falling to her knees, aurelia covered her mouth in a hurry, with dread entering her mind as drops of blood began to leak from her lips and over her small hands staining her tunic.

"This is what happens when your concentration breaks, and the stronger the Acana you use, the bigger the backlash," Zireael indifferently stated, railing in his chaotic emotion. "Cast it again," He voiced, not in the least concern of the girls well being.

Taking a few seconds to recover her breath, Aurelia arose once more, her body slowly beginning to be covered in a blackish Gold Aura.

"There are two ways of casting spells; one is by knowing the incantation, the other is by drawing a Sigil. In higher realms, verbal spells slowly begin to lose their power and are only used at the end of the Sigil to reinforce the spell.

"Higher realms?" Ella and the other suddenly questioned, drawing the attention of Kest hiding in the shadows watching over his grandchildren.

"It means realms past Arcane King, but we will be learning both methods today," Zireael explained, raising his arm as a large circle began to take place. Slowly complex runes began to fill out the circle before the sigil of raven-like wings appeared. "This is the Levitation Spell I used yesterday. A peak tier-three spell is used to hover in the air, and in some cases, fly. I do not know how it is taught in this kingdom, but I had to write out every formation millions of times before I was able to use the incantation."

Releasing the spell within his palm, a new sigil began to form, this time without any runes and slowly but held a sigil of a small flame with traces of lightning orbiting it, "This is called Firebolt, a Zero fire spell that works similarly to a fireball but on a far smaller level. " Zireael patiently explained.

"Can you cast it?" Ella hopefully asked.

" I cannot use the elements of nature," Zireael explained, pointing his fingers towards the young girl. Suddenly the very air began to tremble as all the Arcana within the area began to fade. "Firebolt," he chanted with the intent to kill.

Watching nothing happen, Ella fell to her knees, her concentration also shattering, causing blood to leak from her nose. Shocked, Ella suddenly glared towards the Duke.

"You b..."

"Enough, show the Duke the proper respect. Had he wished to harm Ella, she would be dead," Earl Kest shouted in a commanding tone appearing beside the two boys overflowing with Arcana.

Not bothering towards the two teens, Zireael smirked, "Did you memorize the Sigil?"

"I did,' Aurelia and Ella shouted,

"Good, now draw it. It's as simple as that. Since it is just a Zero Spell, even those with Water Affinity can use it without any issue." Lord Blackwater stated, peering towards Ella, "After you draw it..."

"How is this more powerful? if it's so much slower?" Ella begrudgingly interrupted, glaring angrily towards Zireael for humiliating her.

Smiling in disdain, over a hundred firebolt sigils appeared within the heavens simultaneously, "You can cast one spell, but I can cast these hundreds of times in an instant as fast as I want without the need to redraw the formation or speak. Once your control of Acana grows, you will be able to battle against most people easily. This is how true mages battle and kill. This is why they are feared."

Sheathing his blade, the hundreds of sigils within the skies vanished. Releasing a lazy yawn, Zireael turned to Aurelia, "Draw the sigil with your Arcana, erase it, then use the incantation to cast firebolt. I do not expect you to use sigils this early since you have zero understanding of them. I just hope you understand the core concept of how spells work. You have a limited time, so you had best start now. I will teach you for three days after which their lives are in your hands."

Paling at his words, a heavyweight fell upon her petite shoulders. "I understand, and I will succeed for Aunty Talia and Master Innis's sake!"Aurelia declared, clenching her small fist.

Noticing her aura growing stronger and deep in color each passing moment, Zireael did not speak, simply watching as Aurelia began using the Eldritch Staff to draw. Consumed in her own focus Zireael did not even bother to correct the young girl as she began fixing her own mistakes with each sigil.

Hours began to slip by as Aurelia, and the other girl Ella became engrossed in their own world of drawing and casting. Consumed in full repetition, neither noticed the moon high within the skies.

Taking a deep breath, Aurelia's golden gaze turned to Zireael with a heavy determination. Pointing the Eldritch staff towards him, a golden aura instant showered her body.

"Firebolt," she chanted.

All of a sudden, a blood-red flash flickered from the Eldritch staff, shattering the sound barrier. Arrive within Lord Blackwaters zone in a matter of seconds. His lips arched upwards, feeling the scarlet heat upon his skin, his pupils suddenly contracted, extinguishing the zero spell in an instant.

"Good, but it could be better. You are using too much Arcana. Remember, Arcana doesn't lose power. It stays at the peak, unlike stamina and physical straighten that degrades over time. More does not mean better when it comes to Arcana. At least that's how it is at the beginning. That goes for you two, Ella! Get it together! Now cast it again!!"