Encampment of Druids

"Wow, I have never seen someone talk back to Aunty Vala," Sionn shouted, giving thumbs up. "I am Sionn; it's a pleasure to meet you!" He introduced, sticking his arm out with hopeful innocence.

Staring at his dirty palms covered in a foul scent and her own that was even more filthy, She shook his palm without hesitation, "Aurelia Morningstar, and the sleepyhead is Ella."

"Are you a wizard?" Sionn questioned, eyeing the golden light fading from the staff. A hint of wonder and envy was visible as he drew closer to touch upon it. Sionn was always fascinated with the art of magic, even if he lacked the talent to use it. Even with the constant instruction from Vala, he still failed.

Giving it no thought, Aurelia released her staff, allowing Sionn to play with it while she gave a gentle slap to Ella's face. "Wake up! Wake up!" She called out, growing to enjoy the art of waking people.

Groaning in response, Ella turned her head only to snap awake. Alert and ready for combat, she looked around, sighing when she saw Aurelia smiling back.

"We need a bath!" Ella lightly said, blushing as she gazed down at their filthy clothing.

"It's not so bad. I was only allowed to clean myself every six months. We were only given a damp rag, and that was it." Sionn carelessly said, arching the staff high in the air as if to cast a spell.

"Who is he?" Ella asked.

"That's Sionn; it seems like he was the one who brought us here. How did we get away anyway?" Aurelia asked, scrunching her brow.

Paling Ella remembered the headless corpse still convulsing after losing its head, "Died." She said," He was injured from before and bled out."

Compelled to lie at the clueless expression of Aurelia, Ella turned away, a hint of shame gripping the back of her mind. Earl Kest had always told her there were many who could not come to terms with death, many who could not face it head-on.

Not thinking much of it, Aurelia began to sparkle, "Guess what I saw, Ella! An Elf! but her ears were just like your. but just a bit longer."

"Really!" Ella shouted in shock!

"There are a lot of elves here, but only Vala is a Wood Elf." Said Sionn, "You can have your staff back."

Taking her staff back, Aurelia suddenly began to frown, "Where is Zireael?"

"Don't know. He left and seems to be drinking." Sionn said, a little irritated remembering the arrogant attitude of the Young Lord. "Is he really a Duke? I thought they were all super old and ugly."

"Grandpapa said Master Zireael is a Duke, but no one really talks about him since he stayed within Valmor. However, he has developed an infamous name for himself. Many commoners and low-grade nobles fear him." Ella muttered, "Grandpa even said other dukes hate him."

"Let's go look around; we may even be able to find Dumb-Dumb!" Aurelia yelled, rushing out of the little hut. Noticing the secluded area, she turned to Sionn.

"I will lead," He said, rushing ahead as two girls gave chase.

Marveling at the various magic of the elven people, Aurelia's eyes began to glimmer as she saw plants began to grow on their own. While water would begin to rain from the air without the work of clouds.

"How do they do that?" Aurelia asked, mind-boggled by the different magic.

"magic is broken up into many schools. I believe this is the School of Transmutation? But I could be wrong." Ella hesitantly muttered, captivated by the sight. "Not even my teacher could do what they are doing."

"I heard Elves have a natural affinity to Acana and Nature. So it's easier for them to learn it." Sionn added in, "Aunty Vala said they start learning to cast Zero spells at three compared to others."

"Aurelia is three... wait, no, I made four a months ago."

Widening her eyes, Ella glared, "why did you not say anything?"

"I was in the Hollow Marshes, and what's the big deal?" Aurelia questioned, her gaze never leaving the never-ending magic.

"it's a very big deal! Everyone celebrates their birthday!"

"Papa never did." Aurelia carelessly stated, "In fact, I don't think he ever celebrated his."

"What's the big deal?" Sionn added in, puzzled by Ella's inquiry. "it's just your birth. Mother and Father never celebrated mine, either. In fact, they just got sad each year." He said, crossing his arm,

Sadden by the news, Ella had no words. She could recall all the joyful birthdays she had. However, It suddenly hit her that she was a noble, and they were not. While she did not know Sionns status, she could tell by his clothing he was a commoners.

"Human, you do not belong!" An elderly elf taking note of the small children scoffed, "Sionn, why did you bring more here? A slave like yourself should know their place!"

Widening his eyes, the young boy lowered his head in shame, pulling upon his robes to hide the scars. Tears began to swell. When the booming elder resounded, "Why hide it? Your slave, no matter if you try to hide it! Yet, you still insist on helping the enemy. Disgusting!" He scoffed, rising from his rocking chair."Why Vala allows you to stay is a mystery! Maybe she has grown weak after all these years."

"SHUT UP!" Sionn barked so loud he felt the strain upon his throat, raising his head, "Aunty Vala is nothing like a smelly goat like you! Your just mad Kelvan got beat up so bad he had to beg for help. Kelvan is a loser and a disgrace!"

Outraged, Liam arose his long elderly mane rising like fire, as he glared fiendishly at Sionn, "Ungrateful pest," he shouted, slamming down his foot, he roared"Earth Spike!"

Widening her eyes, Aurelia didn't even have time to think as a vicious spike grew from Alos, heading towards Sionn faster than she could think of moving.

She chanted with all she had, trying to gather as much Arcana from the air she could the spike could pierce the young boy, "Force Blast."

Damaging the head of spike, Sionns small body was still struck by the blunt spell, his petite body shooting away like a beam of light before he could even understand what happened. Twisting her head in horror, Aurelia's jaw dropped, watching a small pool of blood begin into spread out from his still body.