
"Sionn!" Aurelia and Ella screamed, rushing to his aid. However, it was to no avail as they peered into the chest of the young boy convulsing upon the ground with a large indent into his chest. Deep breaths echoed out as blood began overflowing from his eyes, nose, and mouth. He opened his mouth to speak, yet only the sounds of heavy breathing resounded.

"no!" Ella whispered to scared to even touch his still body.

"Do you know any healing spells?" Aurelia hopefully charged with a tremor in her voice, "Please tell me you know a healing spell?"

"I don't have a wand!" Ella shouted, watching Sionns heavy wheezing for air.

Entranced by the whisper of death escaping Sioons lips, Ella covered her ears as the wheezing continued haunting her soul.

"Good riddance! One less human upon the Land of Alos. So is the Way! You are next half breed." Said Liam scuffing in disgust at the stain upon the land. Lifting his staff, he pointed towards Ella, "Earth Spiker!"

Instantly casting Featherfoot, Aurelia took Ella and Sionn into her hands, leaping into the air as she shouted, "Force BLast,"

Everything happened so quickly as an invisible barrier exploded outright when the land became consumed in spikes spearing towards the young girl. Destroying all of the spikes that could potentially reach her, Aurelia landed a few meters away. Her dark Gold Arcana slowly began to turn darker.

"Shine my queen," The Elderish staff whispered, fueling the negative emotions of the young girl. "and cast my spell."

Hoisting her staff high, Aurelia clenched her teeth, consumed in a fury she had never seen before. Growing Pale Aurelia did not even notice the Elderrish staff beginning to drain her blood as a massive black Sigil crept above her head. Consumed in Infernal Runes, a dark whisper that did not belong to a little girl, but an aged voice chanted.

"Demonic Lance"

Growing paler by the second, wrinkles began to appear as a silver flash appeared behind Aurelia in an instant. Ripping the staff from her hands, he severed the Dark Sigil within the air with his sword glimmering with a powerful Arcana.

"You are not ready to cast a Tier One Spell." Said Zireael watching blood begin to trickle down her nose from the ruthless backlash. Tossing Ether water upon her body ZIreael signed in a drunken stupor.

Taking a glimpse of the battlefield, he turned to Sionn and the two girls whimpering. Connecting everything, he rolled his eyes, "here, take it and help, that idiot." he carelessly told, handing Aurelia the same veil that healed her injuries. "Also, this will be the last time I heal you or anyone else from here on out. Any injuries you receive will be taken care of by you."

Not bothering to reply, Aurelia rushed to Sionns side while Zireael sent an irrelevant glance towards Liam, glaring. "A child? your kind truly breeds like no other, but this is where it—"

Not wanting to hear any more, Zireael shot his swords towards the man's head a few meters away. Tilting to dodge, Liam scoffed, allowing the blade to pass his cheek, "Your even more pathetic than that girl. At least—"

Vanishing from his sight, Liams suddenly fell to his knees without any type of strength as the image of the boy in front of him disappeared without warning. Placing his sword back into his sheath Zireael appeared from behind Liam, "A druid capable of tier two magic bullying a little girl about four years old." He said, walking away as a single line appeared upon Liam's neck.

Gradually the line began to grow deeper in color when his head suddenly fell upon the ground—his expression reflecting great confusion.

"cooo!" a squeaking noise echoed out.

Taking no head, Zireael sleeplessly approached the girls, standing over the body of Sionn. Noticing his chest rising up and down, he grew confused, "Why the sad faces? He looks alive?"

"He is not waking up," Aurelia whispered in tears. "Aurelia slapped him, but he just won't wake up!"

Swiping her staff from her hand, the young lord ruthlessly stabbed the boy within the abdomen, watching with indifference as he shot awake, squealing like a pig. "There! Now I shall be on my way. Do not disturb me again with all this none sense." He said, dropping the staff when another coo echoed out.

Slowly, two large beady eyes began to peek out from Zireaels silver hair, startling the young children tending to Sionn.

"What is that?" Aurelia quested, standing to her feet after caring for the teary eye Sionn.

"It's nothing," Zireael hastily muttered, turning his head.

"It kinda looks like an owl," said Ella, with a hint of infatuation within her teary eyes.

Pursing his lips, Zireael frowned, lifting the small snow-white baby owl with sky blue feather tips into his palms. A little embarrassed, he smiled, poking its adorable head, "He appeared upon my head, and well, I just left him there. I like owls."

Captivated, Aurelia reached for the little owl, "What is its name?"

"Mine!" The Young Lord claimed, pulling away.

"No fair!" Aurelia shouted, charging as Zireael suddenly took to the skies with a levitation spell. Smirking, he placed the little owl upon his head.


Glaring, Aurelia puffed her cheeks, "At least tell us her name?"

"I haven't decided, "Zireael muttered, "But we have far more troubling problems."

"Father!" The Horrified voice of Kelvan roared, rushing towards the headless corpse of Liem spewing a river of blood. "No! No! No! Father!"

Taking in Liam's head into his arms, Kelvan shivered, breaking down into tears. "What happened!" He roared with fire in his tone, hoping someone saw what happened.

"Was the boy fly there." Siad, a vigilant Elf pointing towards Zireael playing with a baby owl within the air. Hearing the coos of laughter, he landed, ready to take his leave. "Severed Liam's head in one stroke."

"ZIREAEL!" Vala exploded out like a beast. She had only just arrived, but hearing the words of one of her fellow brethren, she knew it to be true.

"Need something?" Lord Blackwater asked. His tone was far different from anything Aurelia had ever heard before. It wasn't cold or dark but filled with something that sent shivers down her spine.

"Zireael?" She whispered. Having a foreboding feeling upon her heart.

"Aunty Vala, it's not what it seems. Liam attacked me, and—"

"Shut your mouth, human!" Kelvan roared, rising his clothing stained with the blood of his father. "Your kind always chooses violence. Vala should have never brought you here!"

Clenching her teeth, the warning of the great spirit echoed into her mind. However, looking around at the vengeful expression of those around her, Vala knew she had no choice.

"Blood for Blood." She whispered.

"Oh? Is it now?" Zireael whispered with a joyful expression that was betrayed by the sinister smile he held, "But I entirely agree. Blood for blood is always the correct path. So I shall paint this forest crimson. Your Men, Women, the Elderly, and children, all of them will be used upon my canvas. While your screams will be the theme, what do you think? "

Humans, elves, and various other creatures did not have a good sense of instinct, but it was at this moment everyone felt a chill like no other upon their souls. The chilling air had all but plummeted, bringing the air of death to their encampment. Lord Blackwater once more drew his sword from his back, stepping towards Kelvan.

"Coo!" Said the baby owl.

"Agreed, let's make a wonderful painting."

"NO!" Aurelia shouted, gripping Zireaels sleave from behind, "Let's just leave!"

"Please, let's just go. There is no need to kill anyone!" Ella fearfully whispered, fearing not for her life but everyone else's. She had not known Zireael long, but this darkness gripping her soul scared her.