Great Spirit

"Zireael, please, let's just go!" Aurelia begged, "enough have died."

"No," Said the Lord, pushing the young girl away, "Blood needs to be spilled."

"Then let it be my blood," The voice of the Great Spirit echoed, stopping Zireael within his tracks.

"They are merely children!" Kelvan roared, ignoring the fearful dread gripping him whole, "There is no need to sacrifice yourself."

"A minor spirit?" Said Zireael, startled by its appearance. "Is this your domain?"

A giant turtle appeared in a mist of fog, with a heavyweight upon his aged heart, "You hail from Illuthath, do you not?"

"I do," confirmed Zireael, "Your kind is rare, scarce even. Who would have thought I would get to see one like yourself, although you appear to be on the precipice of death itself."

Lowering its head towards Zireael, it chuckled in a hoarse tone, "Its as you say, I am only a minor spirit, but that is of no importance now, is it?"

"It is not,"

"Take my life for there's," Said the Great Spirit in a pleading light, "They are still ignorant."

Sheathing his blade Zireael touched his chin, "You hold with you the power to slay me, yet you wish to sacrifice yourself? What game are you playing?"

"Long ago maybe, but I am but a shell of my former self. After our fall from Iluthath, my injures never fully healed, and I remained here stuck."

"What happened?" Zireael asked, ignoring the faces of everyone. Startled by this information. Not sure what is going on, they remain silent.

"I was but a minor spirit than and a minor spirit now. However, there were rumors, a dragon with five heads. Prayed and worshiped to by the dragon race, she descended upon the Isle of Alos, bringing with her the End. Many prayed myself included but Alos fell, and I was almost killed along with my brethren. Now only a handful of us still live."

"How long ago was this? Alos appears to be fully operational."

"I do not know much, but it was like this the moment Alos fell. Belmooth was within the sky burning to give this world life."

A/N: Belmooth is the sun.

"Belmooth... Do you know the meaning of that word?" Zireael asked, staring intensely into the eyes of the Great Spirit. " Iluthath means Realm of Blood, but Belmooth holds a different meaning.

"So you are familiar with the language of Iluthath, Fas'sar. You are not normal, not in the least only those within the noble houses are familiar with Fas'sar."

Confirming with a simple nod, Zireael turned towards the stares of the elvan people, "I shall leave; what you have given me is quite valuable. You may keep your life; however, it will be wise to warn these insects."


"Be silent! Kelvan," The Great spirit shouted. Fearful of what he felt within the young boy. It was hidden well, but he saw a single flame that sent his soul into a state of dread.

"Let's go; it would seem like this world has just turned into a death trap." Said Lord Blackwater withdrawing without a second thought. He had gained much regarding his conversation and needed to report the dangers.

"Go with him, "Vala darkly said without any warmth, "your kind is no longer welcomed here."

"Aunty," Sionn whispered as tears trailed from his cheeks. She was the only one who had cared for him since his parents were brutally killed. It was her that cared for him, her who comforted him during the long nights of his lonesome howls.

"Leave! or be killed for trespassing!" Vala darkly shouted, pointing her staff towards Sionn. With no hesitation, a large sigil appeared.

"Begon human! "

"Your kind is not welcomed,"



Shaking Sionn, turned to look at those he once called friends. The ones who were once loving to him now vengeful beast, and those that hated him glaring.

"LEAVE!" said a small child pitching a rock that struck Sioonn upon the head. Blood quickly welled from his brow as he stared at the young girl he once called friend.

"Sionn," Aurelia shouted, gripping his arm carrying him away.

Helping her, Ella shot a glance back towards the group of Druids. Her gaze hid something unclear for one her age.

Rushing to Zireael's side, the girls stared at the easy-going lord, taking another swig of rum.

"How can you be so cold?" Aurelia dreadfully asked, following behind the Young Lord leaving the encampment.

Getting a glimpse of the teary-eyed girl Zireael smirked, "Is that all you can do? Cry? How long can your age be an excuse, Aurelia? Anima told me you were kidnapped crying for help that would not come. You had my alarm spell but didn't have it active."

"You hold a staff capable of destroying Alos but didn't bother to investigate it. Tell me, girl, why show tears. I am not your father, nor your parents. I will teach you, but it's up to you to live. Grow up, and stop your foolish actions. It's growing tiring."

Releasing Sionn, Aurelia's tears dried, giving rise to cold malice. Pointing her staff given to her by Zireael, a large firebolt sigil appeared.


Grunting in annoyance, a silver sword ray flicked from Zireaels back, severing the sigil in half, his blade coming to a halt upon her neck in an instant.

Showing no fear, Aurelia glared venomously. The innocence she held onto began to fade, "I hate you." she said in bitter heartache.

Sheathing his blade, the coo's of an owl sadly echoed. Lightly smiling, Zireael nodded, "So do I," He agreed, taking his leave from outside the Druid Encampment.




"Anima said they are with Zireael." Princess Talia tearfully whimpered. It had been a week of silence and chaos of the missing two children, and she had not received word from Zireael during this time.

"You should have trusted me!" Cor shamelessly shouted, "I knew they would be fine."

Outraged by his brazen attitude, Talia's breath grew worn. Curling her fingers into one another, she turned to her lover. Wrapping her arms around her.

"it's fine; she is in safe hands. Even if Lord Blackwater acts the way he does," said Innis, kissing her cheeks.

"Now this is a surprise, didn't know you loved the touch of a woman? I see why you are so defensive, but I will warn you to hide this fact in the face of your mother," Cor solemnly warned.

"I know what I am doing!"

Narrowing his cold eyes, Cor disagreed, "No, you don't! I have no ill will towards you, Talia. Not like Cyrus and your mother, so I will warn you again. Should your mother find out, she will have Innis killed, and it will be done right in front of you. Marigold will not allow such a thing to stain her name. You will do well to remember that."

Scuffing, Talia gripped the silent Innis, dismissive of Cor's words, "Prince Lydon is here. I shall go welcome him."