Enstone Castle

Holding his eyes over the swirling stair casing. An annoyed grimace touched his thin lips. "Screw this." he spat, after hours of walking. Seizing hold of Aurelia around the waist, Zariel leaped over the balcony of spiraling stairs.

Plunging in the darkness of the unknown, Aurelia screamed in panic, gripping Lord Zariel so tightly his face turned from ashen to green. Groaning under the shadow of Aurelia's cries, they pierced down with the azure candle, being the only source of light.

"Levitation," Said Lord Zariel strenuously. Slowly coming to a halt, he turned towards the still screaming Aurelia buried in his chest. "I will drop your ass! Shut the hell up!" He barked, flaring his nostrils angrily. Her grip around his chest slowly lightened up, allowing him to breathe.

Blinking away a little confused, Aurelia peered down, then up, and smiled mischievously, "Tee-hee!"

Gritting his teeth, unsure if she did this intentionally or not, Lord Zariel growled and continued to fall downwards. He would remember this once they returned to Alos.

Racing through the darkness of the Tower of Sorrow at a breathtaking pace, Zariel's feet slowly halted over solid ground. He released Aurelia and walked towards the large door that seemed to be made to fit Giants or behemoths based upon the size.

"I don't think I am strong enough to open this." Said Aurelia stepping near her Master. She frowned and peered and turned to him. "So, what do we do—"

Her words had not even ended when a silver flash caught her eyes. Startling her where she stood, Zariel sneered, placed his Katana over his shoulder, then knocked on the door.

Tumbling down like a loose domino, a deafening shockwave filled with debris raced through the air. Covered in a small spherical barrier, Zariel nodded, noticing not even a speck of dirt fell on his clothing. He then glanced at Aurelia, covered in the unspeakable. He smiled, taking a step away, "Seems karma came quick."

Tears instantly filled her golden eyes, snorting dirt, webs, and various other unknown particles from her nose. Her arms trembled lightly, and her breathing grew erratic. "C-C-Cleanse," she recited, wiping away the filth she dared not think about. Still shell shock, she robotically turned to Lord Zariel, carrying a victorious smile.

Recalling his elder brother's action, the day he completed the Imperial Trial, Zariel flicked his hair and arched his head like an arrogant Young Master.

"I'll kill you!" Wailed the Young Fallen, lunging at Lord Zariel for the first time in a while. Young Master Zariel cried in laughter, easily weaving through Aurelia's sword racing to draw blood.

Skipping out over the now open door that had its hinges cut off. He could not help but be surprised at the barren wasteland around him, filled with nothing but darkness. Ducking down, as Aurelia's sword came for his head, the young Master slithered his body behind her, striking four of her pressure points; her body fell limp in his arms.

"Son of a Bitch!" She cried, glaring profusely at her archenemy. "I will definitely get you back! In my name, I will get you back! Dumb-Dumb!"

"Oh really?" Lord Zariel remarked, dropping her body over the stone ground. He cracked a smile and ignored her painful moan, and peered up only to be shellshock.

Resting upside-down laid a once majestic castle, now tattered and broken, which appeared to be stuck in stone. Leaving only four towers piercing downwards. However, the terrifying warding around two towers caught the Young Lords' eye. Frowning knowing it was unlikely Aurelia would come down this passageway on her own, he glanced up at the tower he came out. His lips twitched, noticing the same tower connected with various other stone towers.

"Guess I should have been more patient." He shamelessly remarked, pursing his lips. He glanced down at Aurelia, glaring up at him covered in a Golden Arcana. Zariel kneeled over her body and flicked her head with a tiny sliver of Silver Acana over his finger. Returning control to her body, she immediately rose and crossed her arms, puffing her cheeks.

"I hate you!"

"You tried to kill me!"

"And you could have protected me! Or at least tell me what you were going to do! The undead walk these lands! And I got all that in my mouth and nose!" She argued, stomping her feet angrily.

"You could have used force blast to push off the debris. Not my fault you didn't react in time!" Said Lord Zariel crossing his arms, not willing to take the blame. "Truce? At least till we get out of here?"

Aurelia frowned, knowing she'd definitely stab Zariel in the back one day.

"Fine," She then said, lowering her head to hide her expression.

"Too easy," Said Lord Zariel narrowing his sterling eyes.

Lifting her head defiantly, she snorted and glared up at the castle. "What is it we are to do? Fly up or head back into the tower?" Lady Aurelia suggested, crossing her arms to mask her heaving chest burning with anger.

"You pick, I already screwed up. Head back in the tower we came out of, or I fly us up to that tower in the distance." Zariel softly muttered, a tad bit lazy.

"Let's head back in. I'm guessing whoever took me here never intended for you to enter, much less have the ability to fly. That old woman also didn't seem to wish to kill me when she obviously could have. I say we just follow the main path and see what happens." Aurelia insisted, turning back to the massive door Lord Zariel had cut down.

Trailing back the lone stone tower, Lady Aurelia carried the only light source. And Zariel had not tried flying, seeing he had missed the entrance leading to another door. In the following days that passed, he could not help but notice the young fallen's indifference towards food. He had even tested to see how long she would wait before she grew hungry. But even after three days, she said nothing.

Knowing how savage she was when she ate, a bit of wonder filled his heart, but he did not ask, not yet.

"Do you think Sionn and Ella are fine?" She asked a bit grimly.

"Did I forget to tell you? Only three hours have passed outside these towers. And like a few seconds on Alos. Time works differently in Higher Worlds. They will be fine unless they approach this tower and are somehow allowed in like you." He answered when a sigh of relief left his lips.

Peering up at the large now glowing red door, he could not help but smile, "I think whoever is here, watching us, is annoyed. This door definitely wasn't glowing when we came down."