The Black Hand

Burrowing through the scarlet door, a gust of wind came racing through, foul as the sewers. Turning both Zariels and Aurelia's faces green. Disgust was written in horror over their faces as what lay behind the door stood, hundreds of dismembered limbs, past their prime.

Having witnessed many things during her time with Lord Zariel, Aurelia felt her stomach turn.

"Do not look away," Said Eldritch, reminiscing over his first time seeing such a scene. He was but a young child at the time. No more than six, maybe seven. He could not remember exactly, but he was forced to bend his knee towards his master and lover. Made to bow before her smile so cold, the wet bodies of dead dismembered in the most deplorable ways seemed insignificant.

"Hold your stare long and hard. Such death will be a warning and a blessing of what is to come."

Walking through the threshold Lord Zariel's expression turned dark. Skimming his gaze over the bodies, he frowned and kneeled over a severed arm. Cloaking his palm in Arcana, he lifted the hand and paled, at the crest of a knife, with a faded dark hand resting behind it.

"The Black Hand?"

"Who?" Said Aurelia, walking towards Lord Zariel. She peered at the crest. Unable to understand the significance.

"On Iluthath, there existed an Order so feared, only those of the Most Ancient and Noble Houses would dare contact. A few times, I came into battle with these bastards. If it were not for my mother, I would have died. All of the men from the Black Hand are from the Plane of Noctem. The Shadow Walkers are what they are sometimes called because once they strike, all you will see is the flash of their blade through the shadows. "

Lord Zariel took a stand and dropped the arm. However, Aurelia had not seen such a dark expression on his face before. She had always seen him calm. Sometimes he would get angry, maybe even a little solemn, but never had she seen such a grave face.

"As a sign of fear to those they kill and those who contracted them, they would usually imprint their mark over the dismembered bodies."Clitting his tongue, he continued. "These were probably the maids. Tower of Sorrow indeed. The Black Hand leaves no survivors."

"You survive," Aurelia said stupidly. Covering her mouth as the words left her mouth involuntarily.

"Only because my mother was recovering. She was growing stronger. Strong enough, she would have severed that bastard Titus' head. Was it not for that misinformation? The assassins would have killed both of us." Lord Zariel softly told and turned towards Aurelia, frozen by his cold gaze. "Come, let's go."

Holding the candle slightly higher, Aurelia peeked at the Young Lords' lonely back. Chasing after his shadow, the number of bodies began to rise. The Black Hand had left nothing, only the children's bones and the rotting bodies off everyone else.

Walking in silence, the sounds of moans reached their ears. However, no sight of the undead was caught in their eye—trekking further down the corridor through another doorway leading into the main castle, they stopped.

Noticing the scent of death gone, but now a heavy scent to blood in the air, a chill ran down Aurelia's spine inside the heavily lit room, "You think anyone is still alive?"

"No," Lord Zariel answered sharply, standing in what appeared to be the upper floor to the main room. "The people killed out there were weak, so their bodies had begun to deteriorate first. The scent of blood is due to the bodies here being past the second Powers. They were probably Gods and not immortals. Their bodies take cycles to break down."

"How interesting. Such a Young Cur is so smart. While the other one appears to be an idiot." Said a mysterious voice. Walking through a dark hallway, another ghast appeared, gnawing upon a small arm belonging to a juvenile.

Noticing the white snow fur over the flesh, Lord Zariel spoke, "I had heard Ghast could talk, but never have I seen one. Then again, I was never one to give my enemy a chance to speak before plunging my blade through their throat."

"I didn't even know undead could speak," Said Aurelia staring curiously.

"Of course, you didn't. Just proof you would rather be doing anything else but studying. What the hell do you do when I give you books?" Zariel annoyingly questioned, having witnessed Aurelia's heavy focus on research on many occasions.

"I skim the important stuff. You have over a million books. And you just keep piling on books! What did you expect!" Aurelia defended, snorting cutely. She arched her head away.

"Then you can fight this Ghast on your own. It has the strength and agility of a Peak Tier Three Beast. Good luck. " Said Zariel lazily with a dark smirk.

"Aurelia will run! And put Pee-Pee in your food if you do so. You dick!" The Fallen shamelessly declared. "She will also sneak in every time you manage to sleep and bully you!"

Paling at the revenge she released, he glanced at the Ghast, drawing close with a fiendish smile. He sighed, hanging his head low, "Fine. But you must at least attempt to fight this thing on your own."

"But if it has such power and speed, how am I supposed to fight against such a beast?" She curiously asked. And Zariel tapped his head.

"Use your brain. You got spells. It's been three days since we have been here. Are you telling me you haven't learned even one of them? While you are not a knight, your battle prowess is close enough. Beat this thing, and I'll give you unlimited access to any tier two spell."

"You're not lying?" Said Aurelia eagerly.

"Nope, the gauntlet has been thrown. Kill that thing on your own, and I will grant you rights to my library." He said, taking a step back and leaned against an empty wall. He pulled out some Revane, lighting it without hesitation.

Dropping the candle to her feet, Aurelia bore a grin. Flicking her sword to her side, the gold in her eyes glowed. Shimmering with such radiance, Zariel narrowed his eyes, gazing at the sword hidden behind the radiance.

"Maybe, this will push her. Such a blade is waisted hidden away." He muttered beneath his breath, covered in smoke.