
"Hey! Watch where you're walking! " Andy shouted. He caused her to wince. She bypassed him as he sat sprawled out on the couch to reach the stairs all the while feeling his leering gaze on her. She wanted to smack his face hard enough for his teeth to rattle. Yet she kept cool. She couldn't get into trouble, not today.

"Aren't you coming to college? " She asked her stepbrother.

Andy looked at her, "I'll do what I want. What's it to you?"

She nodded as she zipped up her bag. He was in some of the same classes as her. This made her hate Wednesdays and Fridays as their classes coincided the most on those days.

"By the way. Did you see that new professor guy? " Andy said as he got up and snatched his bag from the table, "Loki, was it? "

She nodded, "Yes. He teaches history."

"All the girls are going crazy for the guy." Andy scoffed while barely getting a response.

"Who? " A gruff voice spoke up causing the girl to shudder.

"I asked you a question," he said looking at her.

"Uh… uh… The… Andy. Andy was talking about the new teacher who teaches. All the girls like him" she stuttered.

"Really? All the girls? " The stepfather asked dangerously.

"Well… Not all. Just Many" she corrected.

"Good," he said and held her cheek roughly, " wouldn't want you in trouble now, would we? "

She shook her head after he gave a cruel smile and let go of her face rather harshly. She took her bag and ran out, hearing Andy laugh as she did so.