creepypastas adopting a human?

(Reaper) asked

Slenderbrothers. What would you do if you understood one of the pastas are going to adopt a human?.


Slenderman: i would see if the human is eligible to become a proxy themselves first i wont allow the adoption unless they are useful to me....if they ended up being a rude and/or aggressive human however i would probably eat them

splendorman: i would allow it but like slender i probably would end up ending them by accident or otherwise if they were rude and aggressive.

offenderman:.....what? i supposed to say something here?

lyn: yes

offenderman:...fine.....i wouldnt care

trenderman: i probably wouldnt care but i would hope that the human has a decent fashion sense

lyn: i know im not a "brother" but ill answer anyways!....long story short i agree with both splendor/slender and offender as i wouldnt care but i would also end them accidentally or otherwise if they were rude and/or agressive