Moment of Truth

"I had a feeling that her mother may have killed Liv," I said in my mind to Stellan, shaking my head. "Liv's mother could never deal with the fact that she's getting older and losing her looks."

"Stellan scoffed. "But she's a beautiful woman!"

I raised an eyebrow, smiling knowingly.

He shrugged. "Hey! I'm a guy! I look!"

I laughed, shaking my head. "Anyway, since Liv started growing up, her mother couldn't handle it."

"Couldn't handle it?" Stellan looked at me as if I had four heads.

I nodded, letting out a deep breath. "I hate to say it, but her mother's been jealous of Liv's beauty."

Stellan's eyes nearly bugged out of his head. "Seriously? She's jealous of her own daughter?"

"It happens more than you think." I sighed. "When young women come of age, sometimes their aging mothers can't handle it."

Just then, Evelyn came through the doors and walked over to Fred and me. "Okay, we're ready to take your statements."