Something Good

We arrived at the car rental place a few minutes later. In the car, Leila felt much more relaxed with Conner than she had been. It was clear that she was beginning to trust him. 

"I'll be right back," I said when Conner pulled up into the parking lot. 

"That's okay," he replied, turning off the engine. "I'll go in with you. You never know when you may need a big strong man to protect you."

I nodded, but my face fell. Even though she knew Conner was only teasing, Leila was suddenly reminded of the rape and what had happened to her. "That's okay. I'll be right back."

"Leila," Conner said, noticing my change of mood. "I'm so sorry if I said anything to offend you—"

"That's okay," I said, cutting him off, getting ready to get out of the car. But Conner grabbed my arm, stopping me. I looked down at his hand holding me. "Let go of me... now."