Medical Officer

The Captain has just finished talking to us and everyone is walking back to their departments to report for duty. I start to walk toward the medical bay but I stop and turn around to find Ashley. When I look through the crowds for Ashley, I cannot help myself looking up at the upper deck. It has been a few minutes after the Captain's speech and he is still standing there, just staring at me.

I don't know what to do with myself, as I never had someone staring at me so bluntly. So, I curl my finger in a lock of my long brown hair and I shyly smile while I'm looking down. I can feel his piercing green eyes analyzing my every move.

Then I scrape all my courage together and look back at him but when my eyes try to find him, he is not standing there anymore. I catch myself physically shaking my head to just get back to reality.

"Sooo, are you looking at your boyfriend again?"

I am shocked at the remark that is coming from Ashley as she surprises me from the back.

"No…what? No…what are you even talking about?"

"Oh, I think you know…"

I just shake my head at her words and start walking towards the medical bay. I cannot believe that I am finally on this Navy ship and that I am going to do something good with my life. I feel a bit of excitement bubbling deep within my soul. I have never been part of something big like this before. I cannot wait for my journey to start.


I am very sure that I have made a big fool of myself in my speech today. Usually, I am someone that gives a very good speech and most of the time everyone is encouraged by it. But I feel that I have not given my very best as I was extremely distracted by someone in the crowd. I can not, for the life of me, remember what is her name. But I do remember she was very impressive on paper.

She seems to have impressed me with her intelligence and elegance. I have dated a few women in my life before and I thought I had beautiful women. But this woman has captivated my mind, body, and soul. I have not even spoken to her yet and she has managed to put me under her spell.

There are a few reasons for me not to pursue this feeling that I have towards her. One of the reasons will be that there is no dating allowed on this ship. This is a rule that has been long-standing on this Navy ship.

I am the Captain of this ship and it will be highly irresponsible of me to pursue her while I know very well that this is not allowed. But still, while I'm thinking all these thoughts, I am finding myself standing on the deck, just staring at her. If the Admiral would see me now, I would be in big trouble. If that is true, why is it that I am still standing here, just staring?


I feel an ice-cold feeling running through my veins as I know this voice very well. I turn around and salute.

"Admiral, sir"

"At ease, Captain. Are you ready for the journey ahead?"

Luckily for me, the Admiral has not noticed me staring at her. I will just act as if nothing has happened. I can not afford to have my last tour as Captain, be a disgrace to the Navy. I need to get my head out of the clouds and start being the Captain I was meant to be. I do not want to miss a minute of being the Captain for the last time.

"Yes, sir, I am excited"

"That is good news. We will have dinner tonight to celebrate the first day of our journey. I am sure the guys will love to share your last, "first dinner"

"Thank you, sir. That is kind of you to say. I will definitely be there"

We salute each other and then I watch him walk away. I can not believe what I am about to do, but I turn around just searching for her, one more time to see if I can not see her again. But to my disappointment, she is nowhere to be found. I can not believe what I did and what I am risking for this woman. Never has any woman made me do something against my own will.


We are greeted by the medical offices in the medical bay. We all stand in formation and they start by giving us a few rules and showing us the several departments within the bay. Then when they are finished they dismissed us and we can go to our various departments. Unfortunately, Ashley is in a different department than I am.

My rank is a bit higher than Ashley's and therefore she will never be able to be in my department. I have managed to do my exams and I only need to do my medical license on board to become a medical officer. I have done all my studies and I am ready to become somebody people can rely on in this medical bay.

Then one of the medical officers walks towards me. I don't know what it is but for some reason, she intimidates me. Maybe it is because I have so much respect for her for being a medical officer. You have to salute her with the proper respect.

"At ease. You are Dr. Amy Michaels right?"

"Yes, Mam"

"Well, then you have to come and sit with us, officers, during lunch, as we would like to get to know you better. I will introduce you to everyone. Follow me"

She turns around and I follow her. She walks to the different departments and introduces me to all the officers. I can not help but have a suspicion that she does not really like me. I don't know what it is? Whether it is the tone in her voice when she introduces me or the wicked smile that she gives me, ever so often. I don't know what I could have possibly done, in such a short time, that she does not seem to like me. But I have never been someone that backs down from a challenge.