Leaving Shore

I am walking with what I suspect is one of the higher rank medical officers. She does not bother to introduce herself to me but she did introduce me to the rest of the people.

"... and this is Dr. Emily Johnson she is the head of this department"

I am still busy greeting her with a handshake when she interrupts us and turns around.

"...come, come, we don't have all day"

Then she just keeps on walking. I apologize to Emily and then try to follow her fast as I can but just before I want to follow her, Emily grabs me by my arm.

"Do not take her seriously. She is always this hard on new recruits"

I smile at her and thank her for her nice words to me. Emily looks like someone that I could get along with very well. Then I thought of making use of this opportunity and ask Emily what has been bothering me.

"She didn't introduce herself to me. I do not even know who she is. What is up with that?"

Emily just laughs a little bit and then says.

"She expects you to know who she is. Let me help you with that. Her name is Dr. Lucy Braxton"

"Thank you…thank you so much"

Emily just smiles and then gesture with her hand to follow Lucy before getting into more trouble. I cannot help but feel like a girl in school that has no idea which classes she needs to go to. But it is not only that, I also feel like I have to suck up to the popular girl in school.

I run-walk to get behind her so she does not notice that I was gone. Finally, we are finished with all the introductions and then she takes me to the room where we can eat during our lunch.

"Now this is where all the medical officers sit and if you are not a medical officer you need to sit over there. This is a very strict rule as we need to keep our ranks in order"

She sounds like one of those teachers that just wanted to show their authority. I have been through the training and I know all about the ranks but I guess she wants to mark her territory. I will play nice for now but she will soon know who I am.

"Yes, ma'am"

"I expect you to come and sit with us during lunch as we need to speak to you regarding your exams. Is that clear?"

Just when I thought the torturing was over, she wants me to have lunch with them so she can tell me how to follow in her footsteps. I put on my best face and answer her.

"Yes, ma'am"

"Good, now run along to your department and make yourself useful"

Her words are music to my ears and I make sure that I get away from her as soon as possible. I find myself almost running toward my department. Luckily for me, the staff in my department is very friendly.


I make my way down the corridors to the wheelhouse as I know it is almost time to leave the shore. But as I walk through the corridors my mind can not help but go back to the exquisite beauty I saw on deck today. I wonder if I can go and make my rounds in the medical bay now before leaving the port?

I think I just need to see her one more time before I let my thoughts run wild with me. Maybe the sun was in my eyes or I saw some figment of my imagination. Because there is no way that a woman can look that magnificent.

I convinced myself that it is a good idea to go and do my rounds now. Even though I am very well aware of the procedure that I need to follow now but it seems I want to break the rules for her. An inner conflict starts to ignite within my heart.

On the one hand, I need to follow the procedures and on the other hand, I want to follow my heart. But my feet are definitely not listening to the procedures, as I find myself walking to the medical bay. Then someone stops me with one word.

"Captain, sir"

I turn around like a teenage boy being caught, sneaking off to his girlfriend. Of course, it is my first mate, Peter.

"Peter, what can I do for you?"

"I was just heading out to the wheelhouse and thought you were heading there too?"

I clear my throat as the conflict within my heart suddenly comes to a stop. What am I doing? Walking to the medical bay while I am supposed to go to the wheelhouse? It seems that this woman has taken possession of my logical thinking.

"Yes, I was just on my way there. Go ahead I will follow you"

I need to get this woman out of my head and start to focus on the duties at hand. I don't understand how this woman, that I have never even spoken to you, already has me under her spell. As I walk to the wheelhouse, I physically shake my head trying to get rid of these thoughts consuming me.

We enter the wheelhouse and everyone salutes me as far as I go. I salute them back and then welcome them aboard. I take my place behind the wheel and then say the words I always say just before we leave the shore.

"Okay people, let's keep the seas safe! Is everyone ready?"

I look out of the window and I watch as the soldiers stand against the railing, saluting as the ship starts to move. This is probably one of my favorite times of the entire journey. We say goodbye to land and know that we are greeted and respected by many people.

Then I pull the lever and we are off. I get us out of the port and I watch as the open seas welcome us. I think to myself that this journey will be very different from all the other times. I don't know exactly why but I know there is something very different about my last tour.