
The morning goes by quickly and it is time to have lunch. I really do not want to have lunch with the notorious Lucy and sit with her listening to all the words of wisdom she wants to share so eagerly with me. At this very moment, after finding my feet in my department, I just want to take a moment or two for myself.

But I know that I need to show her the proper respect. If there was anything that I remember about my training, it would be the continuous drilling of having respect for the higher ranks. So, I slowly make my way to what she likes to call the medical officer's table.

As I walk closer to the table I get a smile on my face as I see that Emily is also sitting at that table. But then I see Lucy showing me to sit next to her, which I really do not want to do. I sit down and make sure that there is a big space between us.

"So, young recruit, how did you find the morning so far?"

Really? Did she just call me "young" recruit? I am just as old as she is. If I did not think that she wanted to show off her authority this was a clear indicator. I swallow my pride and answer her with the proper respect.

"Very well thank you, ma'am"

I watch as Emily can hardly contain her laughter. I look at her and just smile at her. I know what she is thinking and I know that we will become good friends.


I steer the ship into clear waters and then give the wheel to Peter. I walk around the room and do my rounds as I do with every tour. I know everyone's names and their wives and their children. I make it my business to know who I am working with on the ship. Because I know if I show interest in their lives then they will show interest in mine and this way we work better together as friends then just colleagues.

Of course in the Navy, we are automatically closer together because of all the things we have to go through. But I have learned a lot from my parents and they always taught me to be kind and have courage.

I spend the next few hours walking from cabin to cabin and department to department to make sure that the people on the ship know that I care about them. I spend a little bit of time with each of them and I have come to know quite a few people on the ship.

Some of these soldiers have been on my ship for as long as I have been Captain and some of them have been on the ship when I was not the Captain but only a fellow soldier. I respect each and everyone on this ship and in return, I get my respect back.

I have not been in the medical bay yet and a few of the other departments but I am sure I will get to them by tomorrow. My heart is, of course, immediately filled with sadness because I could not get to the medical bay. Because of the woman that has consumed my heart, soul, and mind. I am afraid to know what will happen if I actually get to meet her…if this is how I feel already before I even said a word to her.

But, right now I have to prepare myself for dinner with the Admirals. I finish up and then make my way to the mess hall. We always have our first dinner with our fellow soldiers to show them that we are a team. I see the Admirals are already there and I am late. A Captain should never be late for dinner with the Admirals as this is a sign of disrespect.

"I am so very sorry for being late, sirs. I apologize profusely"

Then Admiral Jack speaks up.

"No need to apologize, Captain, we know that you do your rounds on the first day. This is of course one of the reasons that we do not agree that you should retire as Captain"

Jack and I have become close friends during our tours together. He knows me very well and I have become close with him and his family. So I know exactly what he is doing and how he is trying to convince me to go for another tour.

"Thank you for accepting my apology, sir but you know as well as I do that I have already resigned"

He throws his hands up in the air, dismissing my claim.

"That, my dear friend, is only a technicality. I think I speak for everyone when I say that it is easily reversible"

Everyone then agrees with him and I just sit back and laugh at them. They know me very well to know that I mean it when I say something.


After a very tiring lunch with Lucy and the other medical officers showering me with questions and advice I make my way back to my department. Luckily, there isn't a lot of sick soldiers just here and there a cold or two. As the night grows near my shift ends and I make my way back to my cabin.

Just when I lay on my bed and take a deep breath there is a knock on my door. I stand up and walk to my door.

"Are you coming?"

Ashley is standing in front of me looking like she did not lift a finger today. She looks cheery and happy and ready to go to a party.

"Going where?"

"To the mess hall, of course, to eat?"

I am really not in the mood to be with other people at this moment but just as I decide that I do not want to be with other people, my stomach rumbles.

"You are right we need to eat"

I grab my coat and then we walk towards the mess hall.


We are still busy talking when something grabs my attention at the door. It is that insatiable woman that does not want to stay out of my head. I cannot help as I turn to look at her.

Every step that she takes is perfect. She's walking next to nurse Ashley and laughing at something she must have told her. I watch as her hand comes up to throw her long locks of brown hair behind her shoulder. The smile on her face creates dimples on her cheeks and this drives me wild with desire. I move around with my hands in my pockets, trying to hide my obvious arousal for her. This woman will be the death of me…