The Mess Hall

As I walk into the mess hall Ashley tells me a joke that just cheered up my entire day. It was a joke about something that involved the notorious Lucy. So, I couldn't help but laugh out loud. We look for a table to sit at and suddenly my eyes are caught on a table that does not quite fit in the mess hall.

There are about five highly decorative officers that are sitting in the middle of the room. This must be the Admirals and oh god, the Captain. I thought the Captain and VIP's usually eats dinner in a different cabin.

For some reason, I quickly straighten my clothes as if to make myself more presentable for the Captain. The only time that I have seen him was from very far away and I remember how he could not keep his eyes off of me.

I wonder if now will be the same story and if this morning was only my imagination. I can not see the Captain's face very well with all the people in between but when my eyes find him, I look him straight in the face.

I quickly look away to make sure that he knows I'm not looking at him, just looking over the room. But when my eyes caught up with his piercing green eyes, I couldn't help myself as feelings of desire fills my heart.

I always heard about the butterflies you get when you are in love or when you see someone that you like. I personally never experienced anything like that. But if this feeling that I just felt was something resembling butterflies in my stomach, I would say I just felt it.

Then as we sit down at the table, I look at him once more. He is not even shy in how he intently stares at me with his entire body turned to only look at me. I can not believe that is staring at me so openly.

Then I shake my head as I do not want anyone to notice me looking at him and I unwillingly turn my head back to Ashley.


I am so completely hypnotized by this woman that just walked into the mess hall that my body, my eyes, and everything that I am, are turning towards where she is walking. I wish with everything in me that she would look back at me.

Then she sees me staring at her and I can not get myself to look away and preserve whatever dignity I have left. Because when she looks at me with her chocolate brown eyes, it is as if she is putting me under her spell and every authority then I might have had over my body leaves me. I watched as she looks away and a sudden misery fills my heart as I want to see more of her.

"Captain Zac..."

Then it is as if I am pulled back into reality by the voice of Admiral Jack. But not only am I back on earth, but I also realized that I might have made a very big fool of myself at this very moment. I don't know how much they saw of how I reacted when she walked in but I know I have to do some damage control.

"Captain Zac, is everything okay?

"Yes everything is fine I was just admiring the new paint job they did on the inside of the hall. It is very well done indeed"

I feel like a complete idiot when I said those stupid words about the painting of the mess hall on the inside. Everyone knows that every Navy ship is well-looked after and only employs the best people to do the maintenance. Why would a Captain admire the paint job?

But I hope with my entire heart that they do not see anything else and actually believe that I was admiring the paint job. I watch them as they don't say anything and just nod their heads in agreement. That was a close call and I should not do that again.

But then I can feel the pull of her presence and how it wants me to look at her again. I can not afford to fall in love with anyone on this ship. I would violate every rule that has ever been made if the Captain of the ship decides to break the rules. Then it is as good as saying that everyone can do just what they like to do on the ship.

I need to get my head on straight. I can not let this woman control me so. No woman has ever had this kind of control over me, why would this woman be different? I concentrate very hard on the food in front of me and do my very best to look like I am interested in the company of the Admirals.


I'm getting my food and doing my best not to look at the Captain but I cannot help looking at him ever so often. I know that there is a lot of eyes on me as I am the new doctor on board but I seem to not escape the stares from Lucy.

"So why does she has it in for you?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Lucy? I saw how she paraded you around the departments and she didn't do that with anybody else. I mean I am also a new nurse but she did not spend so much time with me. She did however lay down the rules later that day but that was it. So why is she so focused on you?"

"I really don't know but I must say that I enjoy the stares that I get"

We then laugh again and enjoy a very well-cooked dinner. Then suddenly everyone stands up and salutes. I watch as the Admirals and the Captain stands up from their table and makes their way out of the mess hall. Then everyone sits down again and go on with their dinner.

But I keep on watching them as they leave the room. The Captain is the last one to leave and when he reaches the door he turns around. His eyes lock immediately on mine and then I see him smile.

I can not believe that he will risk so much just to give me that one last smile. Then when I look up again he is gone.