The Deck

We finish our dinner but the Captain never leaves my mind. I listen to all the jokes and all the talks but the thought of him never leaves me. We make our way back to our cabins and I can feel how exhaustion fills my body. We say goodnight and then I close the door behind me as I make my way to bed.

Today has really taken it out of me. I know working as a trauma surgeon has ridiculous hours but today with all the different emotions going around it is almost worse than working those hours.

I get into my pajamas and then lay my head down on the pillow. I close my eyes and I am ready to make my way to dreamland. But then my eyes involuntarily opens again. There is only one thing on my mind and that is our dear Captain.

I am completely captivated by this man. The way that he stared at me before he left the mess hall has made me feel all kinds of feelings and these feelings are the reason why I can not sleep. I want to find out more about this man but I know that there is no way that, can ever happen.

I lay on my bed, just moving from one side to the other side not getting any rest. I start to get frustrated with myself and decide to take a walk.


I walk with the Admirals to their different cabins and greet them at the door as this is part of a tradition that we do on the first day. It is as if we say we are here for each other and that we are in this together. Then after I have seen every Admiral to their cabin I make my way up to the deck.

I love to watch the sea at night. It brings me some form of comfort as my dad always used to take me out on his ship. We would spend the night out on the sea, looking at the stars and listening to the waves crashing against the ship.

So, me coming out at night on the deck alone and just listening to the waves crashing reminds me of the great times that I had with my father. I didn't have a lot of time with him so, I guess me, becoming a Captain was a sort of a way to feel closer to my dad.


I'm not too familiar with the ship but I have been drilled in my training to know where all the exits are. So, I know how to make my way to the deck. I've never really seen the ocean at night this far out. But they say it is something you will never forget.

I open the door to the deck and I will closer to the edge of the ship. Then I see the enormous ocean stretched out before me. I hold onto the railing as I see this fairy tale unfolding before my eyes. It is as if somebody has pulled a painting over my eyes of how the moonlight shining on the ocean and the stars playing in the sky.

I stand in awe as I look at the beauty that nature has to give. I feel the wind blowing against my skin. If this is the picture I'm going to see every night I will be spending more time on deck. It brings me some kind of peace just staring out in front of me.


I like to be alone at night when everyone has already gone to bed. This is the time that I spend to clear my head. Then in the corner of my eye, not too far away I see someone standing at the railing.

I walk a little bit closer to get a better look at who it could be as I am sure it is too late for anyone to be awake. As I get closer my breath is taken away by the beauty that I discover.

It is almost as if I see her for the first time again. Her long brown hair is blowing in the wind just teasing me with glimpses of her neck. Her scent attacks my senses. I am dazzled by lily and a hint of honey that draws me even closer to her.

The moonlight is showing off every curvature of her body in the perfection that it is. I cannot control my actions as I move even closer to her. I feel how she draws me into her presence. There is nothing that can do to stop me now from speaking to this exquisite creature.


Suddenly a high pitch sound escapes her mouth as she jumps around. She put her hand on her heart and I can see she is breathing rapidly.

"Oh god, you gave me a fright!"

Her voice sounds like soft rain on a hot summer's night.

"I am sorry I did not mean to frighten you. I thought I was the only one on deck"


As I turn around and see the man standing next to me, my heart started racing not because I did not expect anyone to be here right now but because it is the man with the piercing green eyes, living in my thoughts.

When I saw him across the room in the mess hall I knew he was a handsome man. But now that is standing next to me and I can see his chiseled jaw and from here on out, I know that I will not have a peaceful night's rest again. His voice ignites a raging fire within the core of my desire.

"No, I should not get startled so easily. I am sorry, Captain"


Oh, god! I struggle to contain myself as I hear her sweet voice saying my title. I do not know how I will be able to go through this to tour and restrict myself from being in her presence all the time.

I want to get to know this woman with my entire heart and soul. I want to spend the rest of the night right here on the deck just talking to her and listening to her voice. I want to know every detail about her.

"No, I think it was me sneaking up on you. I should have given you a warning and for that I am sorry"