Unavoidable Attraction

I stare at this beautiful man standing in front of me who's features are being accentuated by the moonlight. I have come to realize when he stands so close to me that he is more than just a handsome man, he is also a humble man. He knows that he is one of the more important people on this ship but he acts like he is the least of everyone.

He keeps on insisting that it was his fault that I got frightened even though I let him know it was my fault. This says a lot about a man and this only makes it more difficult to stay away from him. Then I hear his deep voice again.

"I thought everyone was already asleep?"

I look down trying to avoid his eye contact as I am a little bit ashamed that I can not fall asleep. I can not give him the real reason for me not sleeping as it is because of him. So, I hope that my answer will be enough for him.

"Uhm, well, I could not fall asleep"

He walks even closer to me and then put his hands on the railing while he overlooks the ocean. You watch him gazing over the ocean and you suddenly feel his sadness in his heart. His eyes are not as it was before. His eyes seem to be filled with sorrow.

"I know the feeling…"

"I am sorry but is everything okay, Captain?"


I did not realize that I was suddenly opening up my heart to this woman, who seems to have stolen my heart. I have only met her now for the first time and it feels as if I have known her all my life. I feel comfortable to open myself to her and tell her everything that's on my heart.

But then I realize that I can not do this because I do not know her all my life. What would she think of me if I start to tell her about my dad and my history? She will run for the hills. I clear my throat and answer her.

"Nothing, I am fine. I just mean it is almost always the same with me the first night on the ship"

"Oh, I am sorry I did not mean to overstep, Captain"

The last thing that I wanted to do is make her feel bad for asking me anything. I want her to talk to me and I want to talk to her. I do not want to scare her away before I even got the opportunity to get to know her.

I know very well that I am stepping into dangerous waters right now and I should not be doing this. But I can not help the way I am feeling and the undeniable attraction I have towards her.

"No, please, you did not overstep at all. It is nice to know that there is someone that cares how I feel. Please, do not hesitate in asking me anything"


I nod my head in response while we stand in silence and just watch the ocean stretched out in front of us. We do not say one word to each other. You would think that it would be an uncomfortable silence but it is nothing like that at all.

It is as if we take in each other's presence. It is as if we needed each other for some unexplainable reason. As if we were craving for each other the entire day and this moment just standing here with each other is enough to make our souls happy.

Then I see in the corner of my eye at his hand moves closer to my hand on the railing. I can feel the tension growing between us as we can not fight the attraction that there are between us anymore.

But I know very well about the rule on the ship and he is the Captain. I can only imagine how much trouble I would get into if they caught me just touching the Captain. I want to stay here all night but I know if we crossed this line it will be a disgrace to the Navy.

I move away from the railing and step one step back. I swallow deeply.

"I am sorry, Captain, but I have to go if you will excuse me?"


I feel as my heart sinks into my shoes as she says those words to me. I do not want her to leave. She must have seen me moving my hand closer to her. But I just could not help myself as I can not control my actions around her. I could not control my hand moving closer to her. I just wanted to feel her skin against mine.

The attraction is so thick in the air that I could not stop myself and now I have to pay the price of her leaving because of my foolish actions. I need to control myself around her. The last thing that I want to do is let her run away from me.

"Of course, I understand. Please have a good night's sleep"

"Thank you, Captain, and you as well"

I watch as this perfect body walks away from me and it feels as if my heart is going with her. When she disappears from my sight, I turn back to the ocean and shout.


I slam the railing with my hand trying to get myself under control again.


I am just about to open the door to the ship when I hear the Captain scream. I am not sure what I have heard but he sounded very frustrated. My heart goes out to him as I want to turn around and go back. But I can not for I don't know what I will do when I get into his presence again. But do look around the corner just to make sure he is okay. All I see is a man who's head hang between his shoulders while he holds onto the railing, almost as if he is hopeless. I hope that I did not cause him to feel this way.

I open the door and walk slowly towards my cabin. If I thought I could not sleep before, then after this trip to the deck, it will be an impossibility now. I fell back on my bed and sigh. I start to remember everything, scene by scene of what happened to me on the deck tonight and I relive every moment and emotion that I have experienced tonight.