Her Kingdom

I wake up the next morning and have not really been sleeping so much as I was thinking about the Captain the entire night. The thing that I thought about the most is when he cried something out after I left. I laid the entire night on my bed just thinking about what that could have meant. I wish I had the guts to turn around and ask him but I guess I will not ever know.

I am not even a day on this ship and I am already thinking of breaking the rules. How can I be a respectable doctor if I can not stop thinking about the Captain? I need to get my mind sorted out today but it will be difficult seeing that I did not get any sleep. I start to get dressed and ready for the day but then I remember what an awful person will be waiting for me at the medical bay.

"Oh, the joy! I can not wait!"

There I go again and talk to myself. I remember how I used to give myself pep talks while I was studying to be a doctor. Then after I got my degree, I abundant that way of life, until now. I guess being on a ship does that to you.

Then I make my way to the medical bay and I hope that I do not run into the Captain because I do not know how I am going to react when I see him.


The night was not exactly the way that I planned it to be. Usually, I would go out to the deck and look over the ocean while thinking about my dad. But last night was pleasantly interrupted by this creature that has invaded my mind. She has consumed my every sense and has filled my body with pure ecstasy.

I feel like a lost, blind, in love teenager when I am around her. I have to tell myself that I am the Captain ever so often while I am in her presence. I need to get my dignity back and I am going to do my very best to avoid greeting the medical bay today.

Just then there is a knock on the door. I walked to open the door and before me stand Peter.

"Did you have a good night's rest, Captain?"

No, I did not have a good night's rest but I am not going to let him in on my little rendezvous of last night.

"Yes, thank you and yourself?"

"Very well, thank you, sir. I am presuming that you will finish your greetings of each department today?"

I do not know if I will be able to finish the medical bay but I am sure that I will do all the rest of the departments. I tried to look as normal as possible when I answer him.

"Yes, as always. What can I help you with?"

"I was just here to see if you are finished with the personnel files?"

"Ah, yes it is on my desk over there. Please help yourself"

I finish putting on my uniform and then walk with Peter to the wheelhouse. Then I go around the room, checking if everyone is still on course and listen to their reports of the night. After I've checked on everyone, they are relieved by the day staff. I give them their orders for the day and then I make my way to the departments that I did not get hold of the day before.

I must say that I enjoy this part of my job a lot and I love to see how the soldiers have settled in. Everyone has something to say to me and I gladly listen to every word they say. It only makes you a better Captain if you see each person as an individual.

After I finished with the rest of the departments, one is left and my desire is so strong to go to the medical bay but my mind is telling me to stay away.

Then an ongoing battle starts to rage in my mind. The one part says that I better stay away and the other part says that if I do not greet the medical bay, they might think that I have something against them. After taking a deep breath I make my way down to the medical bay.


If I thought that Lucy was in a bad mood yesterday then you should see her today. It is like we are her children and she must give us a hiding. We are busy with stock take in my department and of course, she would come to check up on us.

"Are you sure that you counted all the different kinds of needles?"

It's like I do not know what a needle is or how to run a department. But I decided to swallow my pride and just give her the respect, I was trained to give.

"Yes ma'am"

"Good, don't let me catch you slacking"

As she turns around to do her other rounds, I can not help but roll my eyes at her. Then I see Emily laughing at me. All of a sudden something strange happens, as everyone runs to stand in formation. I, also, stand in my line, even though I have no idea why. I watch as everyone looks at the door but I do not know what the commotion is about.

Then, I see what it is all about. He looks so damn good in his uniform. I can see his sculpted muscles bulging through his shirt.

Of course, it is Lucy that greets him at the door. But something odd happens to Lucy. She is suddenly acting like a different person. She becomes all foolish and giddy.

"Captain, sir, welcome to the medical bay. We almost thought that we will not be greeted by you on this tour. We do so enjoy you welcoming us on every tour, sir"

She bats her eyelashes at him and I can see that he is feeling severely uncomfortable. Then everything becomes much more clearer to me. She is marking her territory. I am the new recruit in her kingdom and she has to make sure that I stay at the bottom of the food chain, not taking her place as queen bee with the Captain.

I watch him as he tries to avoid her attention and then he starts to look over all the personnel. It is as if he is looking for something or someone.