Lucy, Lucy, Lucy


I knew this is going to happen the moment that I walk into the medical bay. Lucy, just can not seem to leave me alone. Do not get me wrong I love to walk around and greet every department and see each one as an individual but I think that Lucy is taking it one step too far.

I have completely forgotten about her when I walked to the medical bay as I was only thinking about the woman that has not left my thoughts for a second. Lucy likes to treat me as her equal and this is me saying that I am not above anyone. But I think her definition of equal is more like lovers. This is actually a known fact around the ship and my peers love to tease me about Lucy. This, of course, will cause some problems for me with the woman of my dreams and she might think that Lucy and I have some kind of a relationship.

"Ah, Dr. Braxton it is nice to see you again. I see that you are running a tight department?"

I watch as she starts to squeal at every word that I say as if I just declare my love to her.

"Oh, Captain, you are so nice in saying that and seeing my hard work. I always try to do my very best to aboard your ship sir"

I remember how last night, the woman of my dreams, when we were on the deck, said my title, and every fiber in my being was filled with longing to be with her. But now listening to Lucy saying my title is like someone throwing up on me. I try not to show her my true emotion and keep my mouth from showing her disgust.

"Yes, of course"

"Oh and Captain, please call me Lucy, you really do not have to be so formal"

I watch as everyone is still standing in formation and just listening to every word that we are saying. I tried to find this beautiful woman but either she is not here or she must be somewhere where I can not see her. I must be selfish and say, that I am only here to see her.

"Well, thank you for the welcoming Dr. Braxton. I will then carry on and just say hello to everyone if that is okay with you?"

"I most certainly do not have a problem that, Captain. It will be my honor to escort you through the room"

That was not exactly what I was looking for but I have no way of getting her to back off. I have learned through my previous encounters that Lucy, is someone that you can not get rid of. I take a deep breath and then I thank her. Of course, that is the last thing that I want to do. Then I give my attention to the rest of the people and I dismiss them to carry on with their work.

I start with the department closest to me and I feel as a slight tremor starts to work its way into my hands. The pure thought of getting to see her again makes me more nervous than I thought it would.


I watch as Lucy drool over the Captain and I can not help rolling my eyes in my head. I can see how uncomfortable he is and that he tries to keep things professional but Lucy, is obviously someone that does not take no for an answer. I wish I can just walk up to her and tell her "Can't you see that he does not want to talk to you?" but I can not, as I have to have respect for all the higher ranks.

Then after she made a complete fool of herself I watch as the Captain starts to give his attention to the staff. He is clearly looking for someone and I can only hope it is me. But I can not even think of that as the rules clearly state that we are not allowed to date. I put that thought completely out of my mind and get back to my department as soon as he has dismissed us.

As I get back to my department I feel much better to carry on with my work. We still have a lot of stock to count and I would like to finish that today. But I can not help as my mind starts to dwell back to the Captain and how fine he looked in his uniform. I shake my head as if I want the thought to leave my mind.

It does not help that I think about him right now as he is probably on his way back to the wheelhouse already. I do not know why he came to the medical bay in the first place and what he was looking for either. But that is not my concern as I need to focus on the task at hand.

Just as I am about to start with the needles that Lucy so desperately pointed out to count, I hear a familiar voice in the background. There is no way that I can miss that husky deep voice. I turn around and look straight into that unforgettable piercing green eyes.

There is no way to describe the feeling that shot through my being when his eyes locked with mine. It is something of a familiar but yet unknowing feeling that consumes my mind. He is standing at the department next to mine and it looks like he is greeting everyone personally. Lucy is of course not far behind him and she follows him like a lost puppy.

I am not sure if he saw me and if his eyes just skimmed over me. But dammit, those eyes are something that will melt your heart completely. Then I watch him as he makes his way over to my department. He turns away from the nurse he was talking to and then his eyes start to search my department until he meets my eyes.

He then makes his way straight to me with Lucy tripling behind him to keep up. It is as if he has tunnel vision and he only sees at me. Then a smile appears on his face and I see a softness in his eyes.

He stretches out his hand to give me a handshake but Lucy interrupts our moment.

"This is the new recruit, Dr. Amy Michaels. She is still a little green but I am sure, I will be able to bring her up to a respectable level"