

I finish up with Dr. Emily Johnson's department and I realize that it is the woman of my dreams whose department I will be greeting next. I look over to her department and then I can not help controlling my body that starts to shake just a little bit. No other woman in my life has ever been able to do something like that to me. I am usually the one that is in control of my bodily functions. But it seems this woman has taken over everything, that is me.

As my eyes locked with hers everyone else disappears. All I can see is her. As I get closer I have to clear my throat as I am afraid that my voice might just crack in her presence. Then as I stand before this beauty I stretch out my hand to give her a handshake. But then Lucy decides to interrupt.

I can not believe the condescending tone that is coming from Lucy's mouth as if this woman standing before me is a piece of garbage. I feel an immediate need to protect her.

"Dr. Braxton, there is no need to be this rude to any employee that you might have. Since she is such a drag to you, I release you from your escorting duties"


I stand in awe as the Captain defends me against Lucy. She has been on my case since day one and it is very nice to see someone putting her in her place. I watch as Lucy jumps back in surprise at what the Captain says. She looks up at him as if he is still going to say something but he just stares her down until she nods in agreement.

Then she slowly backs away and returns to work on somebody else's nerves. It is clear that she is not happy about what the Captain said but she does not have much of a choice. Then he turns back to me and those piercing green eyes hypnotize me immediately.

"I am so sorry about Dr. Braxton. She has been running this department quite a while and I think that maybe she has forgotten how it feels to be the new recruit"

His deep voice sends tingles all over my body and I try not to show him what effect he has on me.

"Thank you, for standing up for me, Captain. It is very kind of you"

"It was only my pleasure...uhm... I am sorry but in this chaos, I never caught your name?"

"Oh, of course, it is Dr. Amy Michaels"


She tells me her name and it is as if every thought that was in my mind, still only but a fantasy, now just became a reality. I can finally put a name to this woman that captivated everything that I am. Amy, what a beautiful name.

"Please to meet you and welcome to my ship. I hope that you will enjoy the journey with us"

I feel the same way now, as I felt the first day on the ship when I made my speech. Everything that comes out of my mouth feels wrong. It just makes me feel like a fool in front of her. I am trying to be the authority of the ship but I am losing that battle while I am in her presence.

"Thank you, sir, that is so kind of you to say. I hope that you will also have smooth sailing as well and that everything works out according to your plans"

I have greeted quite a few people on this ship and I have told each and every one of them that they should have a wonderful journey. But none of them showed me this compassion that she just showed me. None of them said anything that resembles this kind of respect towards me.

I know that I am mesmerized by her beauty but when she speaks I stand in awe.

"I thank you, out of the depths of my heart for wishing me smooth sailing"


Suddenly the demeanor of this powerful man changed into a man that craves compassion. He seems to be a very good Captain but I am afraid that his fellow sailors are not being the best teammates. Something is drawing me to be closer to him. I want to pull him into me and tell him that he is a good Captain. But I have to physically restrain myself, not to do it.

There seems to be a burning question on my mind and I have been thinking about that ever since last night. I look around me and make sure that no one is nearby. Then I only talk loud enough so that he can hear me.

"Captain, I have something that I want to ask you"

"Please, go right ahead ask me anything?"

"I do not know if I am allowed to ask but-"

I watch his eyes changing right in front of me into a softness. He lowers his voice when he says these words, that interrupted me.

"Dr. Michaels, there is nothing that you can say to me that is not allowed in my presence"

Suddenly a flash of heat attacks my face and I struggle to breathe. His voice is filled with desire for me and there is an undeniable attraction between us. I clear my throat as I tried to get out my question.

"Thank you, Captain. I was just...just wondering about the other night..."


Oh my god, she wants to talk about the night on the deck. I just told her that she is allowed to say anything in my presence and now I wonder what she wants to talk about. If she felt anything that I felt that night then this question will be something that I probably won't be able to answer.

Then my heart starts to race as I patiently wait for the question.


"...when I left you standing at the deck and I was about to open the door to go back to my room. I heard you shouting something and I was just wondering if I did something wrong?"

I inhale sharply and holds my breath as I wait for him to answer me. I hope that I have not overstepped.