

I watch as Amy carefully examines the bodies and I can not describe the feeling that I am feeling at this moment. I feel extremely disappointed because of my fellow soldiers that died but at the same time, I feel worse because I do not know of what they died.

But for some reason having Amy around me bring some sort of comfort to me as if she will make things better somehow. I know that I need to be serious now but I can not help as she moves around the bodies to see every curvature working in harmony.

I struggle to concentrate on what I am supposed to do when she is around but at the same time I want her to be around me. But then I see a look on her face that is unfamiliar to me. It almost looks like she is in shock.


As I look at the rash in front of me an extreme fear starts to fill my entire being. If this is what I think it is we do not have a lot of time. I jump up and start to do an examination of the other two bodies. I run to the second body and start to pull up his pants as well and the same red rash is on it.


I jump up again and go to the third body. As I get closer I start to pray that I do not see the same rash but as I start to pull up his pants I see the same one. I turn around with extreme shock in my eyes and then shout.

"Get away from these bodies! Everyone get away! At least five feet away, now!!"

I watch as the Captain wants to step closer but I lift up my hand and then shout again.

"Get away now! Captain, please! Get away!"

I start to pull out the plastic that I have in my bag and start to cover the bodies in the plastic. I work as fast as I humanly possibly can. I need to contain this virus as quickly as possible. I know how a contagious virus looks like and this is definitely one of them.

It is clear to me that this virus could possibly wipe out the entire ship if I do not contain it immediately. I need to make some sort of containment room around these bodies and I need to stay inside.

"Captain, I need you to get someone from medical here with more plastic. Please as quickly as possible"


I watch as this beautiful woman's eyes turn into panic and I listen as she commands us to move away from the bodies. But it is not in me to move away from danger but to face danger head on and my feet automatically start to move towards her to save her from whatever she is panicking about.

But then there's a beautiful and brave woman who demands that I move away from her and I can not help but to obey her. I watch as she frantically starts to wrap the bodies in plastic and I wonder what she is doing.

Why doesn't she want us to help her and why does she want us to stay away? But in my time with the Navy, I have learned to listen to someone that knows something that I know nothing about. I could also see the seriousness in her face and hear it in her voice. This must be something very dangerous.

But then it hits me that she could be in danger and she does not want my help. I feel like a fool just standing there and watching her. I need to be next to her and help her in whatever she's doing. Then she turns around and looks into my eyes and I can see the urgency in it while she asks me to get someone here from medical.

I do not want to disappoint her in any way and I quickly send my men to get someone from medical. After she finished putting all the bodies in plastic she stands up and then she just stares at the door as if she is waiting for medical to come.

"Dr. Michaels?"


I have contained as much as I can from the virus and now I should figure out how to make some sort of containment around the bodies. I pulled the bodies to the corner of the deck and I figure out how to put up my walls to contain it somehow.

Then after getting everything ready I stand up and just stare at the door. I do not want to think about anything else right now because I know that I will start to panic. Panicking is not one of the things that I need right now. I need to stay calm and in control.

Then I hear the Captain call out my name and I struggle to get my eyes connected with his because I know that I might just fall apart if he shows me any kind of concern.


"Can you tell me what is going on?"

I know that the Captain needs some sort of answer but I can not give him the exact answer.

"I can not say a lot right now but I need you to keep your man away from me and these bodies. Please just promise me that you will keep them away?"


I listen as her voice is close to cracking. It is clear to me that whatever is going on is very severe. It is almost as if she is begging me to stay away but at the same time, it is as if she wants me to be with her.

I understand how she feels as that is exactly how I feel. Everything within me wants to be by her side protecting her but the logical thing is not to do it. So then, I can but only talk to her and make sure that she is okay.

"I will do that for you, Dr. Michaels. But I need you to answer just one more question for me"

"Yes, sir?"

"How are you doing?"